Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


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Posts Tagged: 'darcy+lewis'

Jun. 10th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Severus Snape, Darcy Lewis
What: Problematic Roommates
Where: Room 105
When: Backdated to Darcy’s Arrival
Status: On-going
Warnings: tbd

You should go. )

Jun. 9th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Steve Rogers & Darcy.
Where: The lobby.
When: After this.
What: A tour.
Status: In progress.
Warnings: Likely none.

Miss Lewis? )

Feb. 3rd, 2021



[No Subject]

Okay, but like... No. Just no. Not today. Not tonight.

I'm watching Singin' In The Rain.

Jan. 31st, 2021



[No Subject]

You ever just having a bummer of a time but then go for a walk and BAM. Skycycle! ?

Because that totally just happened to me and boy I know I abandoned this thing to a storage unit forever ago and only Kate has seen the point in it recently but like, a thing that goes zoomy fast around here feels like a hot commodity.

I'm going to run into so many barrier walls.

Jan. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]

There are some times I wish a good bit of my blood wasn't six-thousand years old...
After that horrid week with the bugs, I'm quite glad for it being so powerful.

I don't know what I would have done without my powers.

Jan. 5th, 2021



[No Subject]

Does anyone other than Steve have anything in their room that needs fixing? I've got a lot of years of experience as a janitor (and I did a bit of groundskeeping as well in the past), and to be honest, I really need something to do.

Jan. 4th, 2021



[No Subject]

I will miss Christmas very much, it's a holiday I always look forward to every year. Never gets old, nor does it lose its magic, after all these centuries.

Ah, I won't sulk on it.

Happy New Year to you all! New year, same me. I'll be in the library. Again.

Jan. 3rd, 2021



[No Subject]

Does anyone have a wrench I could borrow? Maybe a screwdriver as well?

Dec. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

Animal Crossing was a mistake. I don't think I've left my room for at least 48 hours.

But my island looks awesome.

[Sam Winchester]

I wasn't expecting gifts so this is late but you should find some things in your room. And something for the kid too.

Dec. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Merry Christmas Adam to all! )

Dec. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

Okay, but seriously... WHY DID IT TAKE ME A WEEK TO FIND THE PHOTO PLACE THAT DOES COSTUME PHOTOS??? Like, I know I spent a lot of time (and money, but it's not my money so idc) in Morphe and Sephora and on a truly ridiculous amount of craft supplies and yarn and socks (because we livin' that cozy life, fam) but it is a travesty that I didn't notice it before now.

Pictures. I want dressed up pictures. With all of you. Yes, you too. Do I know you? No? Don't care, come wear silly clothes and brandish fake weapons with me tomorrow.

Dec. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

I'm going to assume this is either a nightmare induced by too many mall nachos or I have been struck by a passing semi-truck and this is that weird limbo Abuelita told me about. Either way, I am very uncomfortable and I feel like I've already broken at least ten of the core rules of horror just by sitting here using this thing.



[No Subject]

I've been spending a lot of time in the library, reading about this season. It is all very confusing. What really is Christmas?

Nov. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]

Okay, so, I feel like I gotta ask this.

Everyone who isn't all that weirded out by this place... why aren't you? 'cause I'm not sure I'm ever gonna really adjust.

Nov. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

Any possibility that any of you have experience working with droids?

Private to Finn & Rey

I'd like to have a word with you both.

Nov. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

Stark Industries really should have gone into kitchen supplies. I don't think we'll ever see a turkey fryer smoker rocket ship that beats the one I just designed.

I could have been so rich.

Nov. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]

Who's all about eating themselves into a food coma? Yeah, p much everyone. The idea of a hotel Thanksgiving was mentioned here, so consider this post the official sign-up sheet.

Like mostly Thanksgiving is trashy because it brushes aside the struggles of indigenous people and lies to kids about how it was the Pilgrims and the natives making nice, when it was really about bloodshed and dismemberment. HOWEVER - the part of it that is cool is being thankful and shit, so. We can give it a try.

If you want to make something for next Thursday, the 26th, and bring it to the Wobble & Gobble, the Nappening, and Black Friday Eve - please post here and say what you're gonna make. I'm sure you either know how to share the kitchen and/or make something in advance, so, we're not gonna police that. We'll just trust that if you sign up with something, you'll bring it. Doesn't have to be a traditional Thanksgiving piece of the puzzle, it can be anything. Enlighten our tastebuds.

ETA (it's ongoing):


• Lila - napkins for our faces
• Billiam - "a couple of different sides" (sweet potato casserole and green bean casserole)
• Harley - epic cocktails to get us wobblin' and gobblin'
• Bruce - a shit ton of turkey
• Dan - drinks to actually hydrate us
• Ava - Martha Stewart Pinecones™
• Stan - mashed taters (with 'heavy cream') and pies
• Poe - pizza
• Richie, me - cranberry sauce with 'actual fruit bits'
• Loki - asparagus.......wrapped in bacon
• Darcy - balls of meat
• Eddie Spaghetti - 'an actual vegetable that's not smothered in cream or sugar'
• Sabrina - kick-ass stuffing and a strawberry rhubarb pie
• Pepper - carbs (rolls)
• Bev - carrots glazed in maple and Brussels sprouts that are honey-harissa
• Abigail - two different kinds of mac and cheese (at least one with cronchy stuff on top)
• Miguel (and Lyla) - churros and crullers
• Tony - a turkey rocketship
• Finn - immaculate table settings (i.e., plates and shit)
• Sookie - banana pudding (Gran's recipe, bitches) and pecan pie
• Tandyface - gumbo
• Rogue - sweet potato pie, punnkin pie

Nov. 12th, 2020



[Avengers + Friends]

Everyone seem to be in one piece?

Oct. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

Everyone keeps posting about the costumes they found.

I'm not gonna. It's going to be a surprise for the day of. But I will say I can't freaking wait. It's gonna be great.

Oct. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

Alright, all you kiddos. Big show of hands, chime in here. Who knows better than to touch the stove unsupervised and needs help with anything?