Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


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September 12th, 2021



Not really the best time to be doing this...

But I promised my mother I would try to be more social. So, here it goes.

Name's George Weasley....not really too fond of the rudding place this hotel dropped us, but I suppose I made it through one war I can make it through another. Watch yourselves out there though, not really the safest of times to go for a stroll.



[No Subject]

Who: Dean Winchester & Adrienne Frost
Where: Streets of Seattle
When: 9/13/21 - after dark
What: Dean gets turned.
Status: Closed - in process.
Warnings: Moderately high.

Once bitten, twice shy. )



[No Subject]

Who: Strange & Loki.
Where: Seattle.
When: 9/12, early afternoon.
What: Idk fiancé stuff.
Status: In progress.
Warnings: TBD but it's probably gonna get fluffy.

💍 )



[No Subject]

Stiles is dead. I couldn't get to him in time...



[No Subject]

There's a part of me that's like, I have just enough money to really get fucked up on chinese take out for a few days.

There's another part of me that's like not all that into the concept of almost dying for some lo mein no matter how good. also the last time i had chinese, there was a total shit show. Fortune cookie eyeball bats and fetus birds and listen actually maybe I just don't want anything.



[No Subject]

Who: Derek Hale + Kitty Norville
When: Forward-dated to mid-weekish
Where: Bridal shop
What: Shopping, then likely violence and possibly death
Rating: Fluff, then TBD

A thousand years go by but love don't die )



[No Subject]

Whoever told me things would end up fine needs to tell me why I just found my best friend dead in his bedroom.

Because that doesn't seem like it worked out fine. I know the hotel--

Also, I suppose it's probably relevant for you all to know there's definitely a vampire that's willing to kill people in the hotel, if my Encyclopedia Brown detective skills are right.



[No Subject]

[Dad + Friends]
I have a problem. I was attacked by a werewolf. I fought it off, but not before it scratched and bit me.

And they've already healed.



[No Subject]

If anyone needs help getting back to the hotel, let me know where you are and I will come and get you.