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Posts Tagged: 'zain+hawthorne'

Dec. 18th, 2022



Who: Zain and Rye
What: Rye brings his boyfriend home for Christmas for the first time.
When: 12/23, early evening
Where: Lansing, Michigan
Rating/Warning: low-medium/homophobia, family drama

which will inevitably upset someone else )

Dec. 16th, 2022



Who: Zain and Aidan (open to Rye if he's around?)
What: Aidan needs a stronger kind of magic
When: Mid December
Where: Gage's brownstone
Rating: low
Warnings: magic stealing

I need this more than you )

Nov. 21st, 2022



Who: Gage, Keita, Rye, Zain and anyone friends with any of those 4
What: Friendsgiving
When: Thursday, November 24th, 1pm until dawn
Where: Gage's brownstone
Rating: PG-13 likely
Warnings: this could get rowdy

Friendsgiving )

Jul. 12th, 2022



Group Text sent to Salem, Zain, Teddy on 07/05/2022.

07/05/2022 [10:02 PM]

I am engaged. Again. Please to the Groomsmen again?? This time so I can fucking remember my own damn wedding?? :D

Apr. 30th, 2022



Who: Zain and Rye
What: Zain’s crew is after another power player in the Starlight Order, with another Power Stone. He runs into a complication.
When: 4/13
Where: Embassy Suits Hotel, NY, Manhattan
Rating: low-medium
Warnings: swears will turn into a magic fight

”The )

Feb. 17th, 2022



Who: Atem, Rain, & Zain (guest appearances by Rye?)
What: There haven't been many instances where Atem has been confronted by a wish he wanted to grant, but couldn't.
When Late Feb
Where: The Brownstone
Rating: Low

When you lose something you can't replace )

Feb. 2nd, 2022



Who: Salem and Zain
What: Salem goes to check in on his friend
When: February 1, after work
Where: Zain's
Rating: low

A friend with weed is better )

Jan. 29th, 2022



Who: Zain & Rye
What: Rye can see again. Zain's not so fortunate
When: Early morning (like 2 am)
Where: Rye & Zain's floor, the Brownstone
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: depictions of mental illness

What are you DOING?! )

Jan. 24th, 2022



Who: Zain, Gage, & anyone else who might show up at the Drake / Ishihara / Redwood etc. household
What: Adapting
When: Late Jan
Where: Brownstone

Even when I'm down to my last breath )

Jan. 3rd, 2022



Who: Rye and Zain have invited Gage, Tahn, Liebe, and Rain to help
What: A rather Christian de-cursing! Will Rye be able to see?
When: Friday night, Jan. 7th
Where: Gage's Brownstone, 1st floor for Liebe accessbility
Rating/Warning: low to med/the curse WILL lash back

Tag in if your character is joining! )

Dec. 20th, 2021



Who: Luke, Salem, Zain
What: Luke wants to make up for his mistake.
When: Tues 12/21, evening
Where: Sweet Delights
Rating/Warning: Low - swearing, sarcasm, cuteness

Please? )

Dec. 6th, 2021



Who: Zain and Salem
What: Surprising news
When: Mid-November
Where: Salem & Malik's
Rating: TBD
Warnings: Frank talk

So that happened. )

Nov. 14th, 2021



Who: Rye, Zain and Salem
What: Salem needs to talk
When: October 29th
Where: Rye's place
Rating: low
Warnings: angst, talk of sexuality

Broken )

Oct. 26th, 2021



Who: Zain and Mikah
What: Working!
When: October 26, 2021
Where: Sweet Delights
Rating: low

Holiday spirit! )

Oct. 23rd, 2021



Who: Zain and Rye
What: A breakthrough
When: Mid-late October
Where: The Brownstone
Rating: PG
Warnings: Dorks

I've been looking at this entirely the wrong way. )

Sep. 30th, 2021



Who: Luke and friends/family!
What: Luke's birthday party is probably more like a 'get to know the new Luke' meeting.
When: Saturday 10/2, late evening
Where: McCarren Park
Rating/Warning: low-med/TBD?

Read more... )



Who: Zain and Polly
What: Talks, maybe advice from the Other Side
When: October, weekend
Where: [Coffee place]
Rating: PG
Warnings: Frank talk

Being worth it doesn't make it easy )

Aug. 16th, 2021



Who/ what/ where: TJ's birthday back at Elysium! (Invite only - you know who got an invite)
When: August 16th, party starts close to midnight
Rating: low - don't forget to tag your characters

Happy birthday Mr. TJ )



Who: Aisaak, Zain, Magnus, Death,
What: He literally just got off the boat.
When: August 16th, evening.
Where: Sweet Delights.
Rating/Warnings: Bad language/mention of prostitution and possible discussion.

By the skin of his teeth )

Aug. 15th, 2021



Who: Liam and open (to multiple!)!
What: Liam is trying out some of those pick up lines
When: August 13th
Where: Vivid
Rating: low

Polar bear )