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Posts Tagged: 'jinhae+jeong'

Dec. 18th, 2023



Who: Arden & Jinhae
What: Jinhae is a sad panda right now
When: 18th December
Where: The Looking Glass
Rating Low
Warnings: N/A

But I get the feeling there's more to your mood than simply what's happening around you so what is it? )

Dec. 12th, 2023



Who: Teddy and Jinhae
What: Teddy goes to the studio and sees a dancer
When: Early December
Where: A studio in 1
Rating: Low

Friends! )

Dec. 7th, 2023



Who: Etienne & Jinhae
What: Reuniting after the Halloween party
When: End of November
Where: Arden's home
Rating Low
Warnings: Fade to black

He is what happens when you surround yourself with sycophants )



To: Jinhae
From: Koa
Date: 7th December

You have (4) unread text message(s) )

Dec. 5th, 2023



Who: Kage & Jinhae
What: A Check In
When: After the Halloween party
Where: Arden/Jinhae's home
Rating: low

Safe )

Nov. 17th, 2023




Read more... )

Nov. 15th, 2023



Who: Koa & Jinhae
What: Koa believing he was a Jedi separated from Kage and found himself in trouble. Luckily, Jinhae and his security detail are around
When: During the Halloween Party
Where: Territory 2
Rating Low
Warnings: N/A

This whole evening had turned into a shit show )

Oct. 31st, 2023



Who: Dante & Jinhae
What: Appreciating the performance
When: 21st October
Where: Club Saturn
Rating TBC
Warnings: TBC

A small slice of sanity goes a long way )

Oct. 10th, 2023



Who: Jinhae & Keita
What: A late night collision
When: Evening, 10th october
Where: Upper Manhattan, not too far from The Looking Glass
Rating/Warning: Low / TBD

It was cooler now; the summer heat having finally given way to Fall's chill. )

Sep. 23rd, 2023



Who: Ravana & Jinhae
What: A Hellhound and a Vampire walk into a club, stop me if you've heard this one before
When: 22nd September
Where: Territory 1
Rating Low
Warnings: N/A

Vampire if he guessed correctly. Turned young so he never got old and wrinkly which was a blessing in a lot of ways )

Sep. 10th, 2023



Who: Etienne & Jinhae
What: A chance encounter leads to an explanation and reconciliation
When: Day before this
Where: Territory 1
Rating Low
Warnings: N/A

The Fae would admit that he was a very good liar, possibly one of the best liars, but in this instance he was not lying )

Aug. 2nd, 2023



Who: Kage and Jinhae [open to Arden is he wants to join his two favourite childer ;) ]
What: Kage checks in on family
When: A few days after the shifter attack
Where: Arden and Jinhae's place
Rating: low

Lying low )

Aug. 1st, 2023



Who: Etienne & Jinhae
What: Two strangers meet and things happen
When: Before the attack on Boone
Where: Territory 1
Rating: Low'ish
Warnings: Some spicy stuff happens

Etienne pushed his ill gotten shades to rest atop his hair as he approached, boldly reaching out to catch and still one of the earrings )

May. 25th, 2023



Who: Arden Liu & Jinhae Jeong
What: The vampires are heading home
When: 25th May
Where: Across territories
Rating: Low
Warnings: N/A

Rest? Okay, yes, Arden could do that. Or try. That was good enough, right? )

Apr. 25th, 2023



Who: Arden Liu, Jinhae Jeong & Ren Saito
What: Childe and Sire are finally reunited
When: 21st April
Where: Yeetsville
Rating: Low
Warnings: N/A

Ren rolled his eyes and muttered something about children having no respect for their elders. )

Apr. 1st, 2023



Who: Rook, Zephriel & Jinhae
What: Rook is introducing two vampires
When: March 27, 2023, evening
Where: Not far from the safe house, near a recently re-opened cafe
Rating: low

Smell of coffee )

Mar. 27th, 2023



To: Jacob
From: Arden
Date: 27th March

You have (3) unread text message(s) )

To: Jinhae
From: Arden
Date: 27th March

You have (2) unread text message(s) )

To: Aidan & TJ
From: Arden
Date: 27th March

You have (2) unread text message(s) )

Mar. 15th, 2023



To: Rook
From: Jinhae

You have (2) new messages )

Mar. 7th, 2023



Who: Ren Saito & Jinhae Jeong
What: Unexpected reunions in trying times
When: 7th March
Where: Territory 4
Rating: Low
Warnings: Brief mention of vampire feeding

A sound to his right drew his attention and his brow furrowed as he thought he saw a glimpse of a familiar face though that couldn’t be as he hadn’t seen that face in several years )

Mar. 1st, 2023


