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Black Dawn: In Character Community

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Posts Tagged: 'emerson+dewitt'

Jun. 30th, 2020



Who: Emerson
What: Not falling back down
When: June 30
Where: Emerson's estate
Rating: At least PG-13 cause language~
Warnings: Reference to some heavy drug usage

If I could only sleep )



Who: Haru and Emerson
What: A crazy random happenstance!
When: June 30
Where: A smallish bar with an open mic night
Rating: At least PG-13 cause language~
Warnings: He's not in the best place mentally. He's still Emerson! Just add a touch of angst and mix well before serving.

I hope I never get what I deserve. )

May. 20th, 2020



Who: Bran and Emerson
What: Apology cookies! Let's be real. It's probably apology weed
When: May 20
Where: Emerson's estate
Rating: At least PG-13 cause language~
Warnings: For swearing and talking of creepy cult practices

Family ties )

May. 16th, 2020



Text to Bran with video )

Apr. 30th, 2020



Who: Emerson
What: A narrative and doing something with that new life!
When: April 30
Where: On the steps outside his home
Rating: PG?
Warnings: For swearing.

He really didn't even know if this was going to amount to anything, but he felt obligated. )

Feb. 27th, 2020



When: February 29th
Where: Vivid
Rating: Low
Warnings: Please don't forget to add your character tags!

Let's party like we don't do this every 4 years )

Feb. 25th, 2020



What: Emerson's "Artwork"

I've been trying to think about what I'm doing with my life... You know, now that the murder basement has been cleansed. I thought about maybe trying to tour or something with my music...

But that? That is denying my true talent. I'm having an art show in the city next week. I want every last one of you to be there. There'll be canned cheese, chicken crackers and every flavor of Mad Dog 20/20 that existswine and cheese and shit. Click below for new examples of my talent.

Follow me to a land of MS Paint and freedom. )

Feb. 3rd, 2020



Who: Bran and Emerson
What: Restless days
Where: The de Witt Estate grounds
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD

I didn't think I'd hate the quiet so much. )

Jan. 18th, 2020



Who: Harlowe and anyone who wants to show up to support her!
What: The GRAND OPENING of Moonlighting II
When: Friday 1/17, late evening
Where: Moonlighting II, Brooklyn
Rating: low?

Welcome to Moonlighting!! )

Jan. 19th, 2020



Who: Mon and Emerson
What: A meeting
When: Sunday January 19, 3:15am
Where: Outside of a club
Rating: Likely low
Now I'm flyin' high, but I've got a feelin' I'm fallin' )

Jan. 15th, 2020



Who: Thomas, Noel, Josiah, Teddy, Herrick and anyone else who is friends with Teddy (or extended friends and family)
What: Surprise Birthday Party for Teddy
When: Wednesday, January 15th
Where: Noel's house
Rating: probably low?
Warnings: .... I hope not

they say it's your birthday ... )

Dec. 27th, 2019



Who: Alice, Aisling, Rowen, Brannon, Emerson, Stoph, Jericho, August, June and Maris
What: Christmas family dinner!
When: December 25
Where: DeWitt home
Rating: low

Merry Christmas )

Dec. 13th, 2019



Who: Emerson, Stoph, Alice and OPEN~
What: Emerson called in a favor to have friends join him on stage for one of his shows.
When: December 14, evening
Where: A less dive-y bar in New York City
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD

There's a war outside still raging. You say it ain't ours anymore to win. )

Dec. 7th, 2019



Who: Bran and Emerson
What: Reporting in after an attempting parlay with the enemy!
When: December 3, evening
Where: Ye Olde DeWitt weed shoppe Estate
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD

Eoghann's basically trying to hide the fact that he was the one who did it in the library with the lead pipe. )

Dec. 2nd, 2019



Who: Eoghann and Ciarán and Emerson OH MY! in whatever order!
What: Checking to see how this split is really working out...
When: December 2, evening
Where: Eoghann's Pad
Warning: Emerson's mouth
Rating: TBD

So we're all like. KIND OF friends in this. )



Text to Eoghann )

Nov. 19th, 2019



Who: Alice, Emerson, some unnamed NPCs who play with Emerson sometimes and ALL OF YOU!
What: Alice has been practicing a new sort music and wants to debut!
When: November 19, evening
Where: A decent-sized theater not far from Broadway
Rating: It depends on who comes...
Warnings: ...and what they do at the part after or during intermission

Shatter Me )

Nov. 18th, 2019



Who: Bran and Emerson
When: November 18, afternoon
Where: The De Witt estate
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD

I coulda cheated, and I coulda passed... )

Nov. 13th, 2019



Who: Devin and Emerson
What: A chance meeting
Where: Outside a theater
When: After dark, November 16
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD

Nothing in this life is free )

Nov. 2nd, 2019



Who: Alice with a dash of Emerson and OPEN TO ALL
What: Impromptu Concert in the park!
When: November 2, evening
Where: By her favorite fountain in Central Park
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD

I'm off the deep end. Watch as I dive in. )