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Black Dawn: In Character Community

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Posts Tagged: 'volumnia+galli'

Oct. 24th, 2020



Who: Flavio and Nia
What: Flavio is back?!
When: October 1
Where: Near Central Park
Rating: 0
Warnings: 0

It...no...wait...Flavio?! )

Oct. 7th, 2020



Who: Volumnia and Alice
What: Hanging out
Where: Their flat
When: Monday, September 28
Rating: Low

The nights were getting longer )



Who: Volumnia and Tressa
What: Hanging out
Where: A wine bar in NYC
When: Friday September 25
Rating: Likely low

some friend time )

Sep. 3rd, 2020



Who: Tressa Cornick & Nia
What: Hanging out
When: evening
Where: The Shop
Rating: Likely none.

Sometimes being a shifter was inconvenient. )

Aug. 22nd, 2020



Who: Mercy and Nia
What: Book shopping
When: Saturday August 22, after sundown
Where: Archives
Warnings: language most likely

Life is like a book.... )

Jul. 20th, 2020



Who: Tressa & Nia
What: catching up
When: Late evening
Where: The bookshop
Rating: likely low
Warnings: likely none

honey I'm home! )

Jul. 6th, 2020



Who: Gypsy and Nia
What: Visiting and girl talk
When: June 27th (backdated)
Where: Archives
Rating: G?
Warnings: None

Just want to thank you... )



Who: Leander and Nia
What: More couple time!
Where: Nia’s house
When: Thursday June 18
Rating: TBD, likely low
Warnings: Possible Definite cute?

a couch that hugged the body in all of the best places )

Jul. 3rd, 2020



Who: Team one: Aesir, TJ, Ciaran, Evie, Bastian, Polly; Team Two: Noel, Thomas, Frey, Rye, Leander, Nia
What: Take down of Damien Luka
When: July 5, 2020, starting 1a.m.
Where: Two subthreads - Albany, New York and Stoneybrook, CT
Rating: High
Warnings: violence and death

Death to villains )

Jun. 20th, 2020



Who: Open thread
What: Celebration of New York Festival
When: June 20, 2020, starting at sundown
Where: Central Park
Rating: low - medium

To a better tomorrow )

Jun. 3rd, 2020



Who: Kaycee and Nia
What: dropping in to say hi
When: Monday, May 4th
Where: Nia’s bookstore
Rating: Low
Warnings: None

Read more... )

May. 17th, 2020



Who: Nia and Leander
What: Seeing each other
When: April 21
Where: Leander’s house
Warnings: Some mild language, conflict
Rating: Low

He hadn’t given her a key )

May. 10th, 2020



Who: Volumnia, Leander and Remi
What: A meeting again
When: May 8th
Where: Leander's
Rating: low

I know you )

May. 6th, 2020



Who: Nia and Tressa
What: Prowling
Where: Prospect Park
When: Friday, May 8
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD

I'm in the mood for some prowling, wanna come? )

Apr. 20th, 2020



Who: The Relentless Concert - open thread!
What: The Relentless has a concert at Vivid!
When: April 18, 2020
Where: Vivid!
Rating: low
Warnings: Tag your threadlets, please.

Breathing, I am fading/ I feel like I'm losing myself/ Wanting, wishing/ I could be someone I'm not )

Apr. 13th, 2020



Who: Gypsy, Leander, Maris, Marley, Nia, Joe (NPC), Nathan (NPC), Erynn (NPC), OPEN (anyone who knows Gypsy or Leander would invite)
What: Gypsy's Birthday Party
When: April 13th evening
Where: Leander's home
Rating: TBD
Warnings: Depends on the shenanigans?

Happy Birthday to me... )

Apr. 10th, 2020



Who: Nia and Polly
What: Nia tracks down a problem
When: March 31st, 2am
Where: Polly's apartment, Lower East Side
Warnings: TBA but definitely swears

Move along, move along like I know you do )



Who: Nia and Leander
What: A flashbacky thing
When: May 1953
Where: Executive offices, Morrow Shipping
Warnings: None
Rating: Low

Aren’t you my father’s friend? )

Mar. 22nd, 2020



Who: Melody and Nia
what: The librarian and the book store owner meet
When: March 23, evening
Where: Archives
Rating: Low
Warnings: TBD

Nia was bent over her notepad )



Who: Alice and Nia
what: They really need to catch up
When: March 22, evening
Where: Their place
Rating: Low
Warnings: Language?

I see a piece of jewelry on your hand )