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Black Dawn: In Character Community

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Posts Tagged: 'liora+moreno'

May. 30th, 2022



Who: Willow and Liora
What: a field trip!
When: Sunday, May 22nd
Where: Monticello, NY
Rating: low

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May. 3rd, 2022



Who: Aesir and friends and really, anyone else
- (Aesir would have explicitly invited anyone in the city who he knew was a supernatural and fought on that side during the war)
What: A Party!
When: Saturday, May 7th, 9pm to dawn
Where: The Plaza Ballroom
Rating: various

So you can throw me to the wolves
Tomorrow I will come back
Leader of the whole pack
Beat me black and blue
Every wound will shape me
Every scar will build my
throne )

Apr. 20th, 2022



Text to Liebe )

Apr. 13th, 2022



Who: Willow and Liora
What: Auction hangout
Where: The Woodshed
When: Thursday, March 10
Rating/Warning: Low/None

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Apr. 11th, 2022



Who: Open thread!
What: <3 performs!
When: April 11, doors open at 7, <3 hits the stage at 9
Where: Vivid
Rating: low

Just look me in the eyes/ and tell me your sweet lies )

Mar. 25th, 2022



Who: Liora and Liebe
What: A night at home
Where: Their house
When: Friday, March 25
Warning/Rating: None/Low

She couldn't be happier )

Feb. 26th, 2022



Who: Liora and Magnus
What: Coffee talk
Where: Sweet Delights
When: Late February
Rating/Warning: Low/None

she didn't have to wake up as early )

Feb. 19th, 2022



Who: Liebe and Liora
What: Valentine's day shenanigans
Where: Their home
When: Monday, February 14
Rating/Warning: Likely will get high/Schmoop and possible sex

the (self-professed) day of love )

Feb. 14th, 2022



text to Liora )

Text to Liam )

Jan. 23rd, 2022



Who: Liora and Gage
What: Volunteering
Where: The Bowery Mission
When: Sunday, January 16
Rating/Warning: none

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Who: Liora and Liebe
What: Construction of the new Green House
When: January 8th (Backdated)
Where: At the home of Liora and Liebe
Rating/Warnings: Mild, It's Liora and Liebe- they kiss, they touch. Soft core loving. It's mushy.

You are my Home )

Jan. 2nd, 2022



Who: Liora and Liebe
What: New Year's At Home
Where: Their house
When: Saturday, January 1
Rating/Warning: Likely high, these two are insatiable

Well hello sweet pup )

Nov. 22nd, 2021



Who: Gage, Keita, Rye, Zain and anyone friends with any of those 4
What: Friendsgiving
When: Thursday, November 25th, 1pm until dawn
Where: Gage's brownstone
Rating: PG-13 likely
Warnings: this could get rowdy

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Oct. 20th, 2021



Text to Liora

Text to Liora

[October 20th 2021, 11:45am]
» Okay. Was talking with a friend over lunch.
» Do you really think we could make my gardens work?

Aug. 28th, 2021



Gage texts his winnings!

text to Sarah )

text to Devin )

text to Liora )

text to Mercy )

text to Mikah )



Congratulations to all the winners in tonight's auction! There were definitely some nail biting moments. Before you leave for the evening, please pay your donation and collect the contact information for your win.

Thank you all to all the volunteers and I hope everyone enjoys themselves.

Sarah Atherton - Gage Drake - $200
Mikah Cohen - TJ De Luca and Gage Drake - $10,000
Isaac Davenport - Herrick Turner - $2,025
TJ De Luca - Aidan Niven - $4,500
Gage Drake - Harlowe Turner - $600
Aisaak Gvrienne - Magnus Blackthorn - $5,000
Charlie Kirkbride and Haru Itachi - Kaycee Konner - $17,000
Kaycee Konner - Charlie Kirkbride - $5,000
Aedan Lynch - [mystery bidder] - $35,000
Liam Lynch - Sunni Astor - $10,500
Gulliver Mills - Isaac Davenport - $8,000
Aileen Moon - Christian Richard - $3,100
Liora Morena - Gage Drake - $1,800
Devin Prestley- Gage Drake - $100
Montgomery Priest - Devin Prestley - $10,000
Mercer Rayne - Gage Drake - $5,000
Colin Reiner - Christian Richard - $40,000
Herrick Turner - Tahn Wentworth - $25,000
Alison Winston - Mason Kendrick - $555

Aug. 23rd, 2021



Welcome to the first annual charity auction. The Council would like to thank everyone who has volunteered to be auctioned tonight. Just a reminder that this is a voluntary auction so the auctionee’s hard limits must be respected.

Bids commence at $100.00 and each subsequent bid must be at least $25.00. The auctionee and the winner may meet after the auction to discuss. The winner is winning 24 hours of the auctionee’s time and is set at a date that is convenient for all parties.

We wish everyone the best of luck and thank you for donating.

OOC Notes: )

Aug. 20th, 2021



Who: Theodore Rose (open to all who wish to attend)
What: A quiet acoustic show
When: August 20th
Where: Sweet Delights

Let the show begin )

May. 5th, 2021



Who: Kenya and Liora
What: Hanging out
When: Afternoon
Where: Kenya's place
Rating: Low
Warnings: Likely none


Apr. 19th, 2021



Who: Kaycee, Gulliver, Liora
What: Showing Gulliver one of Kaycee's favorite places
When: Monday, April 19, after dark
Where: Sweet Delights
Rating: low
Warnings: none

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