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Black Dawn: In Character Community

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Posts Tagged: 'owen+sokolov'

May. 4th, 2023




May. 6th, 2022



Texts to Owen

Texts sent to bossman >:( on 04/23/2022

3:32pm: I know you're asleep right now, but I may have gotten myself into some trouble... your species just keep proving they all deserve to die, you see.
3:33pm: How does one stop being a thrall? Asking for a friend. And don't you dare go talking to anyone else about it, you little shit.

May. 4th, 2022




Mar. 15th, 2022



Who: Owen, Mo, Hikaru
What: Introductions
When: Tuesday, March 15th
Where: Owen's "office"
Rating: low

Read more... )

Aug. 19th, 2021



Who: Owen and Hikaru
What: After the hack
When: Sunday, July 4th, early morning
Where: A nearly empty office building
Rating: low
Warnings: none

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Aug. 14th, 2021



Who: Owen and Malik and NPCs working for Aileen
What: Arresting the culprit under orders from Aileen Moon.
When: July 13
Where: streets of NYC
Rating/Warning: low/swearing?

You keep sticking your neck out like that and she’s going to damn well notice. )

Jul. 15th, 2021



Who: Owen and Noel
What: Visiting after the hack
When: Sunday, July 4th, shortly after sundown
Where: Noel’s place
Rating: low

Owen was feeling good... for now )

May. 22nd, 2021



Who: Milo and Owen
What: Milo gets a weird message
When: Mid May
Where: Somewhere weird
Rating: low

Some sort of purgatory )

May. 12th, 2021



Who: Everyone Team!Aesir (Malik you're not invited)
What: Rallying the Troops
When: Sunday, May 9th, shortly after sunset
Where: An abandoned theatre in Queens
Rating: low

Ring a bell so the serpent hears us
Let her know that we're tried and true
No the beasts, they wont get near us...
and we're not scared of you )



Who: Owen and TJ
What: a little breaking and entering. minus the breaking.
When: Saturday, May 8th, shortly before dawn
Where: The new councilmember's offices
Rating: low
Warnings: eh probably nothing

Read more... )

May. 4th, 2021



This one is for [info]mfingherrick

Apr. 20th, 2021



Who: Milo and Owen
What: A conversation
When: April 14th, after dark
Where: just outside the club they both frequent
Rating: low

Help )

Apr. 3rd, 2021



Who: Owen and Noel
What: talking about the state of things
When: early March, after this and this
Where: Noel’s house
Rating/Warning: low/ none

Manipulations )

Mar. 21st, 2021



Who: Milo and Owen
What: A conversation
When: March 3, evening
Where: Out and about
Rating: low
Warnings: drug use

Why do you do nothing? )

Mar. 15th, 2021



Who: Owen, Malik, Salem
What: Pi Day
When: March 14th
Where: Malik/Salem's place

Happy Pi Day )

Mar. 14th, 2021




Feb. 20th, 2021



Who: Milo and Owen
What: Milo tries to find a high again
When: January 28th
Where: Random club
Rating: Highish
Warnings: Drug use, feeding, etc

I get higher, I get higher/ The sun is shining I'm on fire )

Jan. 19th, 2021



Are you a lonely human looking for companionship? Or someone who likes the thrill of being bitten? Or just someone who likes to be pampered a little and don't mind paying with your blood?

Are you a vampire who is tired of the hunt or just looking for a fun night with no strings attached? Are you the type who likes to pamper a human and have a little fun in exchange?

No matter what you're into or what you're looking for then have I got the app for you! Spend 5 minutes or up to 60. Fill out the survey and we'll match you with the perfect date!


The best way for vampires and humans to meet!

Dec. 7th, 2020



Who: Owen and Sarah
What: a little business and a little catching up
When: November 10th
Where: Sarah’s apartment
Rating: low

Read more... )

Nov. 27th, 2020



Who: Owen and Liam
What: Owen needs to check on Liam’s new friend
When: November 19th
Where: Vivid
Rating: low

Beep beep boop )