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Black Dawn: In Character Community

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Posts Tagged: 'kai+davis'

Jan. 27th, 2020



Who: Kai and Emrys
What: Talking about Emrys' progress
When: Afternoon, Jan. 27
Where: Emrys' room, Benoit farm
Rating: Starting low, may rise

Deep in the forest a call was sounding )

Jan. 19th, 2020



Who: Sarah and Kai
What: Catching up
Where: Sarah's flat
When: Sunday, January 19
Rating: Low
Warnings: None

my friends, real friends, better than your friends )

Jan. 17th, 2020



WHO: Everyone!
WHAT: Eoghann's birthday party
WHERE: Elysium
WHEN: Friday, January 17, evening

Gonna party like it's ya birfday~! )

Dec. 23rd, 2019



Who: Kai and Sarah
What: Christmas at Kai's new place
When: December 23, late afternoon
Where: 40 East End (Kai's condo), Manhattan.
Rating: Low? Some swearing maybe

Kai had given his regular driver the holidays off and had picked Sarah up himself. He wasn't a big fan of driving in the city, but it seemed as though the shitty drivers were being a little extra friendly. That and the fact that there was no snow on the ground made it tolerable, along with Kai's excitement about showing off his new place.

"It's just so... city!" he exclaimed, wondering if Sarah was already annoyed by his babbling.

"The club in Connecticut is nice and everything, but it's still sort of the boonies, you know?"



What: Journal Post
When: Dec. 21, noon

Well, Merry Christmas to me because I finally found the right place. I was hoping for something off of Central Park, but the vibe I got off of this building was insane. It's at 40 East End in Manhattan, just off of the river and between two nice parks. Quiet but not too quiet. I paid an arm and a leg (don't ask) but they offered a partial second and third floor footprint for the club and the Penthouse is awesome. I wouldn't want to do a moon there, but it's nice an roomy. I just signed the papers and took possession this morning.

Sarah, I know I said we'd head out to my place in CT but would you mind switching to the new place? It still has basic furniture from being shown and we could celebrate our first holidays in NYC?!

Nov. 28th, 2019



Who: Anyone and Everyone!
What: Thanksgiving celebration
When: November 28th
Where: Benoit Farm
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD

Read more... )

Nov. 14th, 2019



Who: Kai and Emrys
What: Taking in a full moon
When: November 12, approx 8pm (backdated)
Where: Training Centre in CT
Rating: Moderate?
Warnings: Will update

It had been some time since Kai had eased someone through one of their first few shifts. His family had been born shifters for as long as their family history went back. Some even wondered if their Native ancestors had always been wolves, since the beginning of time. Sure, young people had their first shift at some point, but they were always surrounded by family. This was different. Emrys had been bitten and though he was young he was still much older than the first-shifters Kai knew. Not only that, but Kai couldn't deny how he felt about the boy. It was anything but familial and the full moon was making the feeling itch under his skin even more than usual.

The moon will guide you through the night with her brightness, but she will always dwell in the darkness, in order to be seen. )

Nov. 12th, 2019



Who: Sarah and Kai
What: An apology
Where: Sarah's place, NYC
When: Friday, November 15
Rating: Probably low
Warnings: Likely none

And if I ever let you down, I'm sorry )

Nov. 1st, 2019



What: Text messages
Who: Kai and Emrys
When: Nov. 1, 6pm

6:00pm - Good evening, Emrys. It has been quite awhile, but I thought I might inquire as to how you are doing? I hope the snow didn't bother you too much.

Oct. 31st, 2019



What: Playing in the park (narrative)
When: Fri, Oct. 18 (backdated)
Where: Mianus River Park, Stamford, CT
Rating: Low
Warnings: Chasing of food

From news reports, it looked as though Manhattan was getting the worst of the snow, with Connecticut not as affected, but Kai needed a good run. Things in his life had been... frustrating? At least nothing very good had happened lately. Even the idea of opening a club in NYC hadn't brought up his mood. Whatever was keeping him down, Kai couldn't exactly pinpoint, but he had a feeling he knew what might help. He'd had a full shift on the last full moon, but before that there had been a long stretch of distinct humanness. Some said it was an old wives tale, but Kai believed that a lack of shifted time could have negative effects on the mind and body.

Let it snow... )

Oct. 28th, 2019



Who: Bastian and Kai
What: Kai needs new threads
When: October 28th
Where: Manhattan
Rating: You never know
Warnings: None

Fashion! Turn to the left. Fashion! Turn to the right... )

Oct. 9th, 2019



What: Text to Sarah
When: Oct. 9

K: Hey babygirl, just wanted to check how things are going. You're out of the sling now right? How's the arm?

Sep. 24th, 2019



Who: Kai and Sarah
What: Tending to a broken swan
When: Afternoon, Sept. 17 (backdated)
Where: Sarah’s place
Rating: Med?

Be my, be my baby. )

Sep. 16th, 2019



Text to Sarah )

Sep. 9th, 2019



Who: Kai and Gage (random pairing)
What: Kai's looking for some new ink
When: Sept 9, late afternoon
Where: Saints and Sinners
Rating: ??
Warnings: none for now (will update)

There stood the wolf in the winter wind Full of fearsome might There stood the wolf in the winter wind King of the winter night. )

Aug. 31st, 2019



Who: Kai and a stranger(NPC)
What: Relieving boredom
When:Aug. 17, night (BACKDATED)
Where:Times Square Area
Rating: Medium

With these hungry eyes Now I've got you in my sights With these hungry eyes Now did I take you by surprise )

Aug. 29th, 2019



Who: Emrys and Kai
What: A first meeting
When: August 29, night
Rating: who knows?

Troubled spirits on my chest where they laid to rest )

Jun. 19th, 2019



Who: Calliope and Kai
What: a visit to the shifter leader
When: Jun 20th, early morning
Where: Kai’s home
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD

Read more... )

Jun. 2nd, 2019



Who: Kai and Sarah
What: A bit of a reunion
When: June 2, late afternoon
Where: Kai's Estate
Rating: Low, no warnings

The day starts - The day ends - Time crawls by - Night steals in - Pacing the floor )

May. 31st, 2019



What: Journal post, Private and Public
When: May 31, evening

Well, I've spent a lifetime lookin' for you; singles bars and good time lovers were never true. )