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Posts Tagged: 'callisto+de+rossi'

Dec. 7th, 2023



Who: Callisto & Alexander
What: Sometimes even the Devil needs a break
When: After this
Where: Callisto's home
Rating Low
Warnings: N/A

He knew there had been concerns over Rook and his potential influence, he was disappointed in Niamh though, truly )

Dec. 1st, 2023



Who: Callisto & Niamh
What: Can't have bad cop without good cop
When: Day after this
Where: Callisto's home
Rating Low
Warnings: N/A

Callisto was methodical. Well versed in particular training methods, ones that relied on mental and emotional responses rather than just the physical )

Nov. 21st, 2023



Who: Callisto & Carmine
What: Totally not a date
When: Shortly after their 1st meeting
Where: Jean-Georges
Rating Low
Warnings: N/A

I thought you might enjoy that selfie in particular )

Nov. 9th, 2023



To: Zephriel
From: Callisto
Date: 9th November

You have (5) unread text message(s) )

To: Dominic
From: Callisto
Date: 9th November

You have (7) unread text message(s) )

To: Alexander
From: Callisto
Date: 9th November

You have (1) unread text message(s) )



Who: Callisto & Niamh
What: Niamh has been pushing her boundaries too much
When: Post!Halloween
Where: Callisto's home
Rating High
Warnings: Violence, manipulation, emotional distress, abuse & general unpleasantness

She needed to be reminded, of her place, and how things operated )

Nov. 1st, 2023



Who: Callisto & Alexander
What: Reunion of old friends and business partners
When: Back when Alexander first arrived
Where: Blood, Sweat & Tears
Rating Low
Warnings: None

People saw chaos and disorganisation but Callisto saw opportunity. And when such an opportunity is knocking on your door, it’s only polite to open up to it )



Who: Callisto & Amara
What: Amara definitely needs to be taught a lesson. Luckily Callisto is very good at that
When: Over the last few weeks
Where: Various locations
Rating High
Warnings: Torture, isolation, abuse, vampire feeding, fear, emotional manipulation etc

She would not break )

Oct. 28th, 2023



Who: Callisto & Niamh
What: Attending a market and picking out a new human
When: Way back when Callisto first purchased Niamh
Where: Texas, somewhere
Rating Low
Warnings: Slave trading, that kind of thing

Owning humans was a risk calculation after all )

Oct. 20th, 2023



Who: Callisto and Zephriel
What: Beasts in the night.
When: Late August
Where: An Italian restaurant
Rating/Warning: None

When the moon hits your eye…. )

Oct. 19th, 2023



Callisto )



I read this meme that "normal" people don't walk around with a song in their head and that just doesn't seem right. I also read that there are people who don't think in words, which seems wild to me. I swore my head never shuts up so it's crazy to think of thinking in a different way.


Question - what is your earworm? I don't mean what song is stuck in your head (band, artist), I mean, what's the lyric that is echoing in your head? What is the word? The phrase? The image, even? I'm curious how loud the city is today!

Oct. 16th, 2023



Who: Callisto & Carmine
What: A first meeting that could have gone horribly wrong
When: 13th October
Where: Club Saturn
Rating Low
Warnings: N/A

That’s good, I won’t have to threaten to remove an appendage you hold precious )

Oct. 5th, 2023



Who: Callisto & Alexander
What: Two like minded people meet properly for the first time
When: Historic, centuries
Where: Blood den
Rating Low
Warnings: Mentions of vampire feeding

It would take a man far, far stupider than me to get on your bad side, Miss De Rossi )

Sep. 17th, 2023



Who: Callisto & Amara
What: Callisto meets her latest purchase
When: 14th September
Where: Callisto's home
Rating Low
Warnings: N/A

Though the Haus is no longer trading, please be assured that I very much am. Long may our partnership continue )

Sep. 14th, 2023



Who: Callisto, Alexander, Callum, & Giles
What: A meeting of like minds
When: Early September
Where: A small outdoor cafe, night time
Rating: We're gonna go with at least medium. This is a group of immoral beings meeting.

Just a little social play. )

Sep. 13th, 2023



To: Alexander
From: Callisto
Date: After this

You have (2) unread text message(s) )

Sep. 11th, 2023



You have 1 new message. )

Sep. 5th, 2023



Text Messages

To: Callisto
From: Alexander
When: After this

You have (2) Unread Messages )

Sep. 4th, 2023



Who: Callisto and Zephriel
What: When two fires meet again.
When: Mid August
Where: A small Indian restaurant
Rating/Warning: Medium'ish - some mentions of violence/aggression, just two beasts talking to one another

These monsters feed on me till I'm brain dead but I'm already numb, so it's painless )

Aug. 31st, 2023



Sent after the group thread so, early/mid August.
A message to Calli. )