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Black Dawn: In Character Community

June 2024



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Posts Tagged: 'mercer+rayne'

Oct. 20th, 2023



Who: Rose and Mercy
What: Treats
When: Early October
Where: Central Park
Rating/Warning: Low

Donuts? )

Oct. 11th, 2023



Happy National Coming Out day!

Love to all those who are able to be who they are with the people they love.
Love to those who are still trying to figure out who they are.
Love to those who aren't ready to come out.
Love to those who aren't feeling safe enough to come out.

To those who need to talk today, I'm always here.
To those who want to celebrate, fuck yeah! I'm here for that too!

Oct. 7th, 2023



Text to Jesse. )

Text to Mercy. )

Text to Teddy. )

Sep. 26th, 2023



Who: Mercy and Dana
What: Dana needs to talk to a friend
When: Mid September
Where: Mercy's
Rating: low

Love lives )

Aug. 3rd, 2023



Who: Mercy and Cyfrin
What: An apology
When: Late July
Where: Mercy's place
Rating/Warning: TBD

Got a curse I can not lift. Oh, we wouldn't get too far before the transformation takes and blood lust tanks and crave gets slaked. Feel me, completer, down to my core. Open my heart and let it bleed unto yours. Dream me, oh dreamer, open my hands and let them weave onto yours. )

Jul. 19th, 2023



Who: Mercy and Addie
What: Mercy sees his former owner
When: July 19, 2023
Where: Addie's new place
Rating: low

Art time! )



Who: Thorne, Cambria, Mercy; surprise Cyfrin appearance
What: Thorne follows Cam home
When: Mid-late June? (backdated)
Where: Streets then Cam's Place
Rating/Warning: Low, some cursing

Pay attention to me, dammit )

Jul. 4th, 2023



Who: Mercy and Devin
What: A human on a park bench
When: June 4
Where: Territory 5
Rating: likely low
Warnings: likely none

Sleeping )

Jun. 23rd, 2023



Who: Mercy and Cyfrin
What: A fae beast finds his precious.
When: Late June, early morning
Where: Territory 4
Ratings/Warnings: Mushy mush probably

And up there sprung like lightning, a fox from out of his hole. His fur was the color of a starless night and his eyes like burning coals. He laughed so hard that the green trees shook and he turned to the huntsman and he cried, 'Ride on, ye great huntsman! And when your need is greatest, I shall come again. And you will have the greatest game that can be found.' )

Jun. 22nd, 2023



Who: Mercy and Cam
What: Mercy goes to visit Cam
When: Mid June, shortly after Mercy arrives but after he talks to Grace
Where: Cam's
Rating: low

You walk your walk but your falling down falling down
High heels on a cat walk up or down )

Jun. 15th, 2023



What: Pride Event
When: June 16th
Where: Territory 4
Rating: TDB

Read more... )

Jun. 14th, 2023



Who: Mercy and Grace
What: Siblings united!
When: Mid June
Where: Territory 4, at the agreeing meeting spot
Rating: low




Who: Mercy and Dylan
What: In the van to Boone's territory!
When: June 10th
Where: Somewhere on the road
Rating: low

Driver picks the music/ passenger shuts his pie hole )

Jun. 8th, 2023



[Network PMs]

Hey--I got teleported in the middle of the night and I don't have my phone. I was in my pyjamas! What the actual fuck. Are you still in the same place? Can you come get me? :(

Stupid fucking magic did the stupid fucking thing again. I'm okay, don't worry. I'll make my way back; you need to rest.

Jun. 6th, 2023



Text to Gracie )

Text to Cyfrin )

Text to Rain )

Text to Dylan )

Jun. 4th, 2023



Who: Mercy & OPEN
What: Mercy is blipped
When: June 4th
Where: Territory 5
Rating: low

Gone the next )

May. 29th, 2023



Who: Gage and Mercy
What: An apology
When: Early April
Where: Visiting Mercy at home
Rating: low

Read more... )

May. 20th, 2023



Who: Mercy and Cyfrin
What: A little magic happens.
When: 05/18
Where: Black Briar
Rating: TBD, but probably low
Warnings: Potential for cuteness?

And I'll walk barefoot on a field of swords. )

May. 17th, 2023



Who: TJ and Mercy
What: Meeting a new friend?
When: Wednesday, 5/17, night
Where: An outdoor mini-concert
Rating/Warning: low/cute

Dance with me, beautiful )

Apr. 2nd, 2023



Who: Mercy and Cyfrin
What: Searching for supplies
When: Mid-March
Where: Territory 2
Ratings/Warnings: low

Groceries and stories )