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Black Dawn: In Character Community

June 2024



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Posts Tagged: 'freddie+lombard'

Jul. 7th, 2023



Who: Logan
What: Freddie
When: July 2nd
Where: the House on Riverside Drive
Rating/Warnings: None

What am I supposed to do now?
It seemed like it all depended on you
Can’t seem to work this one out
So until I do
I breathe in, breathe out
And I keep going. )

Jun. 24th, 2022



Turner family group text )

May. 27th, 2022



Who: Aedan and Freddie
What: Contemplation
When: Thursday, May 26th, a few hours before dawn
Where: The House at Riverside Drive
Rating: probably low
Warnings: none yet

Read more... )

May. 7th, 2022



Who: Open thread
What: Gulliver's 100th birthday!
When: May 6, 2022
Where: Vivid
Rating: low
Warnings: add your tags or be eaten :[

Gulliver is totally 100! He aged so well! )

Mar. 1st, 2022



Who: Aedan & Liam, employees, friends, family and anyone who wants to buy admission
What: The Batman screening
When: March 4th, 12:01am
Where: Vivid

You don’t get heaven or hell. Do you know the only reward you get for being Batman? You get to be Batman. )

Feb. 23rd, 2022



WHO: Mason and Freddie
WHAT: Mason comes to visit
WHEN: Early February
WHERE: Riverside Drive house

the chill of the breeze on his face was always good )

Feb. 19th, 2022



WHO: Freddie and CJ
WHAT: Post-auction win
WHERE: Loeb Boathouse, Central Park
WHEN: The day after the auction
WARNINGS: Likely none

Read more... )

Feb. 11th, 2022



Who:Maro and Freddie; Multiple Threadlets OK
where: Riverside House
What: Coming to town
When: Friday, 2/11 evening

Come, butterfly
It's late-
We've miles to go together. )

Nov. 22nd, 2021



Who: Herrick Turner, family, and guests
Where: Turner House, VT
When: 11/22 - 11/26
What: TFT (Turner Family Thanksgiving)

Cherish these nights, cherish these people. Life is a movie, but there'll never be a sequel. )

Oct. 8th, 2021



Happy fucking not-birthday to me.

Oct. 3rd, 2021



Who: Freddie and Theodore
What: Theodore feels off
When: October 1, close to dawn
Where: Riverside house
Rating: low

These aren't mine )

Oct. 1st, 2021



Who: Turner Clan + Charlie
What: Texts

You have MULTIPLE new messages )

Sep. 24th, 2021



What: The Relentless Concert
When: September 24, 2021; doors open at 10:00pm, openers at 11, The Relentless on at 12am
Where: [club in NYC]
Rating: low
Warnings: Add your tags, or your mod will come after you. :D

Livin' in the moonlight
Lookin' at the hills, but the hills don't shine right
Lookin' at her nose, but the shit don't blow right
Gesundheit )

Sep. 22nd, 2021



Who: Alice, Freddie and Liam
When: September 22, 2021, late evening
Where: Wherever Freddie has been secretly practicing
Rating: low?

Fall Slam! )

Sep. 4th, 2021



WHO: Remi and Freddie, cameo from NPC Paul
WHAT: Finding out about Christian
WHEN: Friday 20 August, early evening
WHERE: The house on Riverside Drive

Best not to dwell )

Aug. 28th, 2021



Who: Turners and OPEN
Where: Vivid
When: August 28th, After the Auction
What: Getting together for drinks.

I swear I'm not a violent guy. Once upon a time I brought a Super Soaker to a drive-by )



Text to Turner Clan )



Congratulations to all the winners in tonight's auction! There were definitely some nail biting moments. Before you leave for the evening, please pay your donation and collect the contact information for your win.

Thank you all to all the volunteers and I hope everyone enjoys themselves.

Sarah Atherton - Gage Drake - $200
Mikah Cohen - TJ De Luca and Gage Drake - $10,000
Isaac Davenport - Herrick Turner - $2,025
TJ De Luca - Aidan Niven - $4,500
Gage Drake - Harlowe Turner - $600
Aisaak Gvrienne - Magnus Blackthorn - $5,000
Charlie Kirkbride and Haru Itachi - Kaycee Konner - $17,000
Kaycee Konner - Charlie Kirkbride - $5,000
Aedan Lynch - [mystery bidder] - $35,000
Liam Lynch - Sunni Astor - $10,500
Gulliver Mills - Isaac Davenport - $8,000
Aileen Moon - Christian Richard - $3,100
Liora Morena - Gage Drake - $1,800
Devin Prestley- Gage Drake - $100
Montgomery Priest - Devin Prestley - $10,000
Mercer Rayne - Gage Drake - $5,000
Colin Reiner - Christian Richard - $40,000
Herrick Turner - Tahn Wentworth - $25,000
Alison Winston - Mason Kendrick - $555

Aug. 23rd, 2021



Text to Turner Clan )



Welcome to the first annual charity auction. The Council would like to thank everyone who has volunteered to be auctioned tonight. Just a reminder that this is a voluntary auction so the auctionee’s hard limits must be respected.

Bids commence at $100.00 and each subsequent bid must be at least $25.00. The auctionee and the winner may meet after the auction to discuss. The winner is winning 24 hours of the auctionee’s time and is set at a date that is convenient for all parties.

We wish everyone the best of luck and thank you for donating.

OOC Notes: )