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Black Dawn: In Character Community

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Posts Tagged: 'addison+alexander'

Feb. 21st, 2024



Text to Flint )

Feb. 3rd, 2024



Who: Coco and Addison
What: Catching up, telling stories of 'Reality'.
When: Friday, 2/2
Where: Ladies Night at a good chicken wing restaurant with a bar
Rating/Warning: low/tbd

kicked him in the nuts! )

Jan. 20th, 2024



Who: Zephriel, Addison
What: A hostile takeover? Why should I stay with you?
When: After Zeph has legally settled into his position, early January
Where: Zephriel’s new office
Rating/Warning: low-med/tbd

Talk about jarring )

Dec. 15th, 2023



Who: Alexander and Addison
What: A first meeting and an errand to check off.
When: 12/14, night
Where: Blood, Sweat & Tears - bar area
Rating/Warning: low/tbd

Hello? )

Nov. 11th, 2023



Who: Addison and Niamh
What: A first meeting.
When: Nov. 13, evening
Where: Outside of Callisto's main office
Rating/Warning: tbd/probably low

Move. Now. )

Sep. 17th, 2023



Who: Giles and Addison
What: A first meeting and a business order.
When: 9/13, late afternoon
Where: Callum's new butcher shop
Rating/Warning: med/talk of eating body parts...?

checking off the boxes )

Aug. 8th, 2023



Who: Addie and Callisto
What: An interview
When: 8/9, late evening
Where: One of Callisto's offices
Rating/Warning: tbd, shouldn't be any

Read more... )

Jul. 19th, 2023



Who: Mercy and Addie
What: Mercy sees his former owner
When: July 19, 2023
Where: Addie's new place
Rating: low

Art time! )

Jul. 16th, 2023



Who: Addie and Axel!
What: Home again, home again. There's so much to do.
When: Sat 7/15, evening
Where: A hotel room, Terr4
Rating/Warning: low/probably cuteness

room service )

Apr. 10th, 2022



Who: Addison and Mercy
What: A discussion of the future
When: Monday, April 11th
Where: Addison's apartment
Rating: low

To the future )

Mar. 8th, 2022



Who: Mercy and Addie
What: Maybe it's time these two talked...
When: March 8, 2021, afternoon
Where: Addie's apartment
Rating: low

Not the type of hair pulling I normally enjoy )

Feb. 18th, 2022



Who: Robin and Addison
What: Talking organization and bujo!
When: Friday, 2/18, night
Where: streets of NYC
Rating/Warning: low/tbd

Have you seen their newest release? )

Feb. 17th, 2022



Who: Stone, Mercy, Addison
What: Drawing lessons!
When: Feb. 19th, late afternoon
Where: Addison's apartment
Rating/Warning: Low/tbd

Organized )

Feb. 8th, 2022



Who: Dana and Addie
What: checking in on a friend
When: Sunday, February 1st (backdated)
Where: The Red Queen
Rating: low

Read more... )

Jan. 26th, 2022



Text to Zack )

Text to Addie )

Jan. 20th, 2022



Hello, my darling New Yorkers.

Could any of you refer me to some sort of sketching/art class or teacher? I don't have the time to take a regular school-structured class, but I do learn better with someone beside me rather than watching some sort of YouTube or Skillshare video. Just the basics are fine with me, but it would be nice to improve on what I've already got a grasp on.

Would any of you lovely artsy people take on a student with a hectic schedule?

Jan. 15th, 2022



Who: Addie, Mercy, Axel
What: Dinner at Addie's place.
When: January 8th, BACKDATED
Where: Addie's place
Rating/Warning: TBD

Just a little get together. )

Jan. 12th, 2022



I am not fucking dead. But holy balls did I want to be after the holidays. Christ....Why are holidays so stressful? Also, I have had this wild as fuck craving for fresh baked chocolate chip cookies (the kind with extra butter) and I have no clue why. I'm somewhere between give me a steak that's still mooing and a mountain of said cookies with a big glass of milk.

Maybe I just need to spend a day binging something on the TV. I finally decided I'd actually set up my streaming services. Sorry, Red Box. We had a good run, but you ain't no Blockbuster.

Anyone got any suggestions on shows? I'm half tempted to watch some of those cooking shows and earn myself some skills in the kitchen. I mean, I've got some but I heard there's this big fad about boiling roast in a zip loc bag and I'm kinda....curious.

PS: Any of y'all feeling like bar crawling, just play it safe. New Year, New Wolves. I'm not saying there's some irresponsible owners out there (who won't own up to giving the bite) but if Johnny McDouche goes feral on your ass in a seedy restroom after doing a line off the back of the toilet? You think of me. Remember, Old Dog told you so.
Private )

Dec. 21st, 2021



Text to a Queen )

Dec. 14th, 2021



Who: Mercy and Addie
What: Addie gets a Christmas bonus
When: December 20th
Where: Addie's
Rating: low

Home Sweet Home )