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Black Dawn: In Character Community

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Posts Tagged: 'calliope+grey'

Jul. 8th, 2019



Who: Everyone who was present during the battle with Faust plus anyone who saw one of the advertisement flyers he put up all over the city and online! (basically anyone can have an excuse to come to this!)
What: A party to celebrate the fall of a tyrant!
When: July 7, evening
Where: Stoph's hotel room suite.
Rating: Probably a discussion about violence, possible adult themes, will update as needed!

Come together right now over me~ )

Jul. 6th, 2019



Text to Calliope and Mistress Caterina

Backdated to July 5th.

You have four(4) new messages. )

Jun. 30th, 2019



Who: Calliope Grey
What: Calliope goes shopping for the newest addition
Where: a Department Store
When: June 30th
Rating: Low
Warnings: None

Read more... )

Jul. 1st, 2019



Who: Calliope and Caterina
What: Opening up
When: June 29th
Where: Caterina's estate
Rating: low

What makes you strong. )

Jun. 19th, 2019



Who: Calliope and Kai
What: a visit to the shifter leader
When: Jun 20th, early morning
Where: Kai’s home
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD

Read more... )

May. 28th, 2019



Who: Calliope and Bay
What: Shopping, Gossip, and Food!
When: May 4
Where: NYC
Rating: low
Warnings: Bay

Read more... )



Who: Calliope and Caterina (C-squared)
What: Calliope doesn't want to be a damsel in distress anymore
When: May 15, evening
Where: Their home
Rating: low
Warnings: none?

I want to be more than something pretty to look at )

May. 9th, 2019



Who: Faust and his goons vs. A Whole Lotta Folk
What: The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
When: May 5, evening
Where: The Abandoned Warehouse that serves as a Gateway to Faust's Hellish Citadel
Rating: high
Warnings: violence, blood, gore, disturbing imagery

I'm falling in the vast abyss clouded by memories of the past. At last I see. )

Apr. 28th, 2019



Who: Marley, Maris, Joseph, Alice, Calliope, Jericho and Faust
What: Faust isn't going to wait for delivery service
When: April 27th
Where: The café where they serve ketchup coffee
Rating: High - Faust is about to do some scary stuff
Warnings: Exploding bodies, iron torture

Overriding the obsession/ To take it all and be on my way/ Dragging the lead along/ Along )

Apr. 3rd, 2019



Who: Caterina and Calliope
What: A much-needed discussion after this.
When: March 25, evening
Where: Caterina's Estate
Rating: low
Warnings: none

Open the door and let me in. )

Mar. 31st, 2019



Who: Calliope Grey
What: memories long-buried rise to the surface
When: March 22nd, afternoon
Where: a forest in Michigan
Rating: low
Warnings: talk of deah

In my dreams shadows call )

Mar. 10th, 2019



Who: Anyone
What: Caterina's ascension gala
When: March 8th, evening
Where: A rented mansion, Michigan
Rating: Ranging low-high
Warnings: TBD

Live to work. Work to party. Party to live. )

Feb. 28th, 2019



Who: Calliope and Marley
What: Marley stumbles on a Calliope
When: When Calliope and go were visiting at Lake Placid
Where: Lake Placid
Rating: Low

Library )



Who: Kai and Calliope
What: A chance encounter
When: 2/14, early morning *backdated*
Where: Caterina's Estate
Rating: Low

Kai had adjusted himself to the clock kept by Caterina's home, being active through the night and dormant during the day. Still, the adjustment wasn't complete and Kai found himself wandering the mansion when Caterina needed to see to other household matters. Knowing Jean, and now his daughter, Kai knew that there must be a good library in their home. After nearly a quarter hour searching, he found the open door and saw what was beyond. He stepped in, making it only a few steps before he caught sight of her.

Calliope's hair shone in the room's dim light. Dim, but even in complete darkness he was sure this girl would stand out.

"Excuse me, miss," he said, giving a slight bow of the head.

"I didn't mean to intrude."

Feb. 4th, 2019



Who: Jericho, Maris [NPC], August, Marley, Aesir and any other combination I can think of.
What: A trip to Lake Placid!
When: February 4, 2019
Where: Lake Placid
Rating: Low
Warnings: It's been a while since we had an Aesir and orgy joke here...


Jan. 25th, 2019



Who: Aidan and Caterina (open to Caterina/Marley; Calliope/ Marley, Calliope/ Joseph? Caterina/ Aesir? All the Lake Placid threads!)
What: Welcome to Lake Placid
When: January 26, 2019; evening
Where: Aesir's Estate
Rating: Low

Welcome home )

Jan. 22nd, 2019



Who: Eoghann and Caterina, Alice and Calliope
What: A family reunion!
When: January 23, evening
Where: Eoghann's Estate
Rating: Low

Three cheers for family that doesn't lock you in the closet! )

Jan. 19th, 2019



Who: Calliope and Caterina
What: Regarding Calliope's family
When: 1/16, evening
Where: Caterina's quarters
Rating: Low j/k higher for some vampire noms

Pieces of the puzzle. )

Dec. 31st, 2018



Text to Aidan
From Calliope
Monday, December 30th


[7:00] The man on TV in your territory
[7:01] the one who is being killed. Who is he??

[7:05] it’s calliope.

Dec. 20th, 2018



Who: Open to all who received an invite or can logically be there.
What: A Yule Party!
When: December 20, 2018, dusk to dawn
Where: Noel's Estate
Rating: Low

Happy Yule! )