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Black Dawn: In Character Community

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Posts Tagged: 'aisaak+gavrienne'

Jan. 27th, 2022



Who: Herrick, Parker, Nox, and anyone who makes their way in.
When: Night Jan 24 --> 25
Where: 179 Irving Hill, Woodstock VT
What: Rescuing Parker!

You can put your whole army against my team and
I guarantee you it’ll be your very last time breathing
Your simple words just don’t move me, you’re minor, we’re major
You’re all up in the game and don’t deserve to be a player. )

Jan. 26th, 2022



Text to Zack )

Text to Addie )

Jan. 11th, 2022



The problem with New York City is that it's too large.

Do you think I bought property in Woodstock fucking Vermont because I have a predilection for maple syrup? No! It's because there are 2900 people who live there! Because everyone is always in everyone else's business and no one has any privacy. It's full of people who peaked in high school and can't stand the fact that deep down inside they've realized that.

At home, they have to deal with me because I've been there forever and I'll always be there because I'm never going to die. Here, in the city, y'all just walk away!

If you're not a rebel, what are you doing with your lives? Going to work? Getting coffee? Taking walks? Getting together and having drinks? Going clubbing? Is that what you're going to do until you turn gray, shrivel up and die? I mean, come on is that really what you're about?

I'm genuinely curious, doing a deep dive into trying to figure out why what's supposed to be the greatest city in the United States is filled with so many basic, boring, glassy-eyed dregs. I feel like I'm visiting a zoo most of the time except instead of wild, exotic animals it's just one sad, pathetic creature with so much wasted potential after another, not a one of them cognizant of the fact that at one time they ruled the land they walked on.

There aren't even any good souvenirs here.

...But seriously, though --

where u at?



Who: Milo and Zack
What: Definitely not a kidnapping.
When: January 16, afternoon
Where: Outside the Metal Shop
Rating: low?

Hmm )

Jan. 5th, 2022



How is it January 5th and no one is talking about resolutions?

My brother is big on resolutions: he very much believed that goals made things possible. So each January 1st, he would wrote out his dreams of what he wanted to accomplish. Then he would make them smaller and smaller until he had a plan. He has books of 10, 5 and 1 year plans.

When I was younger, I tried it. Apparently, "cut material" is not a valid plan in fashion design. Who knew?

So what are your plans? Big, small and everything in between?

Dec. 28th, 2021



It is really hard to not get my hopes up over maybe getting permanent sight for the first time in my life. This is the closest I've ever been to untangling the problem and it's pretty exciting... as you can imagine. All thanks to Zain, of course. He's the only reason it's gotten this far.

Thanks, Zed.

So tell me: what's your favorite sight-based activity to do? What would you recommend to someone just getting sight for the first time? Keep in mind, it will probably be quite a while before I can read anything quite right other than braille, and some activities may even hurt my eyes until I get used to sight... damn, I hope not.

Also: what's your favorite color? What does it look like??

Dec. 6th, 2021



Who: Mercy, Parker and Zack
What: Coming out
When: December 6, 2021, late afternoon
Where: A cocktail bar (the one they had been to before)
Rating: low

Here's the thing )

Dec. 2nd, 2021



I'm not saying everyone should go crazy decorating...but like, if you're not putting something out in the spirit of things? Even if it's a twig? Is it really the holiday season?

Also, I may have decorated a certain place because I know the certain someone living there would sooner die than actually 'waste time' decorating...Don't worry, babe, I didn't burn all my energy putting up lights!

What's your favorite holiday go-to? Mine is gingerbread cookies. I always made them with my Ma. Course I think I mostly just made a mess of the kitchen and ate everything she made.

Dec. 1st, 2021



I saw this Tiktok video and this woman had these most amazing boots: laces, thigh high and heels that take serious practice. She's just about to strut her stuff when she completely wipes out. Yet all I can think of is those shoes. I totally bet I could pull them off. Shall I consider this an early Christmas present to myself?

Text to Gulliver )

Nov. 21st, 2021



Anyone think this might shock the Council into action? Do they see this shit and still don't care? I dunno. I'm new here, but fuck. They gotta do something. I seen a lot of supes treat their fucking cats and dogs better.

That's a thought. If this was a bunch of puppies that got abused in the same way, the whole fucking city would be rioting.

Nov. 15th, 2021



NSFW UNDER THE CUT! (Posted on the network) )

Nov. 3rd, 2021



Who: Herrick and Zack
When: Nov 4
Where: Elsewhere
What: Random Encounters
Warnings: Herrick = Herrick. Zack = Zack. You've been warned.

And we'll never be royals
It don't run in our blood
That kind of luxe just ain't for us
We crave a different kind of buzz. )

Oct. 25th, 2021



Who: Zack & Magnus.
What: Coming clean
When: Late evening, near the end of October.
Where: Magnus's apartment
Warnings: Profanity & TBA

Can you hide from saints and liars, when every word is the death of me?  )

Oct. 22nd, 2021



Who: Zack and Colin
What: Colin is watching
When: October 25, 2021
Where: Outside Magnus' shop
Rating: low- TBA

Don't tell a crazy person to do something... or not to do something )

Oct. 20th, 2021



INSTAGRAM: Kenya Rose )



Parker Greyson: A Review

Body: 0/10
Face: 0/10
Personality: 1/10
Fuckability: 0/10
Drinkability: 6/10

Average 1.4

Let's dig a little deeper into those scores. Body and Face both being a zero out of ten should then lead to no surprise that fuckability is also zero. There's just too much of him. Too tall, to much width, too much muscle. Nothing soft and squishy to cuddle with. Too blonde and like, I bet he's loud in bed and someone who looks that much like a man should at least act like it. I suggest doing something to spice that up a little bit. Like the loss of a limb, a facial scar, or living the rest of his life as a mute because the sound of his voice is really one of the worst things about him.

He gets a 1 for personality because that doesn't completely suck. He at least pretends to want to have a confrontation with you. He'll call you out and pick up the bar tab under the pretense of wanting to have a good old fashioned debate and who knows, maybe he meant it and that's something I can get behind. Would I absolutely pin him down to the ground and make a bloody mess out of him? I mean, at least once. Mostly because I think he'd cry and am also about 80% sure it would be a lasting traumatic experience for him that might give him a little bit more depth than he has now.

Believe me you, his butterface, gross body, and complete lack of charisma aside, there are a few other issues you should be aware of. Being something of a bully myself, it's pretty easy for me to sniff out my own kind and Parker Greyson is a bully. Oh sure, he'll tell you he wants to find common ground and compromise but he doesn't really, he's the same petty name-calling, undermining, nasty antagonizer as all the rest of them but has managed to convince himself that it's alright because as Super Gay you can be as mean as you want as long as you're being mean to someone who disagrees with you. You know. Because the rest of us villains are only mean to the people who think just like us ;)

I tried to get to know him. I tried to have a serious conversation about why someone his age is still whining on the internet about how big bad and scary their daddy is. I tried to give him advice, that running from your problems isn't going to make them go away and waiting to confront them is only going to make them bigger in your stupid head but he didn't want to hear it. Because Parker Greyson really wasn't out to meet someone and have a real conversation about anyone. He was only there to browbeat you into seeing things his way because we all know name calling and ridicule is the best way to change some else's mind. He isn't interested in getting to know you because he already has you figured out and compartmentalized into a little box of stereotypes since his entire being is one incredibly shallow stereotype and if you do anything to confront it his entire strategy shifts to running away as quickly as possible with his tail tucked between his legs.

In summation if I had to boil Parker Greyson down into three words they would be: Boring, vapid, Barbie.

But you don't have to take my word for it.

Oct. 16th, 2021



This little pet dragon is the best thing. Gotta keep those wings clean. It's apparently harder to fly when they are wet... seeing as he got stuck in the kitchen sink the other day.
#blackdragon #cute #cutenessoverload #dragon #tinydragon #petsofinsta #needsdollclothing #sendhelp
23 8

Oct. 10th, 2021



Do you ever wish you had a power? Or a power different to the one you have? If it was up to me, and if it were even possible, I'd want to be a time traveller. Imagine what you could actually learn for yourself! You could go back to a specific point in time and know a secret that has mystified the world! See the pyramids being built for yourself (alien-free, I bet!), stand on a particular grassy knoll, find out where the Roanake people ended up (that one seems solved), watch Harold Holt go for a swim, see what Anne Boleyn was really up to (smart money is on NOT witchcraft!), stand in a basement (with a splash guard) and find out if any princesses escaped, all of that!

But what if you could only go ONCE? One place, and then you stay there forever?

What time period would you CHOOSE to live in forever, if you could?

Oct. 6th, 2021



Who: Haru and OPEN
Where: Manhattan
When: October 6th, nighttime
What: Haru finds that he has a new talent

Read more... )



(ooc: Warnings for very frank sexual comments & NSFW links.)

Mental shit in town. Fucking human just shadowshifted on my arse.

Not to demean anyone else's problems, I know people got bigger issues. But now I just feel so violated.

#justsayin #dontstealmythunder #copycatbastard #GTFOctober