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Posts Tagged: 'margot+hall'

Sep. 27th, 2021



Who: Zack & Margot
What: Doing business.
When: Sunday 26th Sept, 8pm sharp.
Where: Red Queen
Warnings: Possibly mentions of prostitution etc.

Caviar and cigarettes, well versed in etiquette, extraordinarily nice. )

Sep. 24th, 2021



Text to Margot )

Sep. 14th, 2021



Who: Margot and Addison
What: Starting a new job nerves! Addison learns about Margot and her new job.
When: Backdated: Monday, 7/19, late afternoon
Where: Margot's penthouse home
Rating/Warning: Low/maybe talk of slavery

Here goes nothing. )

Sep. 4th, 2021



Who: Callum, Robin, and Margot
Where: Bite
What: Making business connections
When: September 4th

I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious. )

Aug. 28th, 2021



Congratulations to all the winners in tonight's auction! There were definitely some nail biting moments. Before you leave for the evening, please pay your donation and collect the contact information for your win.

Thank you all to all the volunteers and I hope everyone enjoys themselves.

Sarah Atherton - Gage Drake - $200
Mikah Cohen - TJ De Luca and Gage Drake - $10,000
Isaac Davenport - Herrick Turner - $2,025
TJ De Luca - Aidan Niven - $4,500
Gage Drake - Harlowe Turner - $600
Aisaak Gvrienne - Magnus Blackthorn - $5,000
Charlie Kirkbride and Haru Itachi - Kaycee Konner - $17,000
Kaycee Konner - Charlie Kirkbride - $5,000
Aedan Lynch - [mystery bidder] - $35,000
Liam Lynch - Sunni Astor - $10,500
Gulliver Mills - Isaac Davenport - $8,000
Aileen Moon - Christian Richard - $3,100
Liora Morena - Gage Drake - $1,800
Devin Prestley- Gage Drake - $100
Montgomery Priest - Devin Prestley - $10,000
Mercer Rayne - Gage Drake - $5,000
Colin Reiner - Christian Richard - $40,000
Herrick Turner - Tahn Wentworth - $25,000
Alison Winston - Mason Kendrick - $555

Aug. 25th, 2021



WHO: Mercy and Margot
WHAT: Friendly talk
WHEN: Friday 20 August, around 1am
WHERE: The Red Room
WARNINGS: low/ none

Lovely Mercy )

Aug. 23rd, 2021



Welcome to the first annual charity auction. The Council would like to thank everyone who has volunteered to be auctioned tonight. Just a reminder that this is a voluntary auction so the auctionee’s hard limits must be respected.

Bids commence at $100.00 and each subsequent bid must be at least $25.00. The auctionee and the winner may meet after the auction to discuss. The winner is winning 24 hours of the auctionee’s time and is set at a date that is convenient for all parties.

We wish everyone the best of luck and thank you for donating.

OOC Notes: )

Aug. 21st, 2021



Who: Aisaak and Margot
What: Sneaking in.
When: August 21st, evening/night
Where: The Red Queen
Rating/Warnings: Bad language.| Description/discussion of prostitution.

To Do list: )

Apr. 16th, 2021



Who: Margot, Aileen, TJ, Aesir and Aidan [open if anyone else wants to join]
What: A gathering of sorts, checking out local businesses
When: April 17th
Where: The Red Queen
Rating: medium
Warnings: anticipated violence

There is a new queen in town )

Apr. 13th, 2021



Who: Aidan and Margot
What: *SOLD*
When: August 14, 2021
Where: Auction house then on the way to Margot’s
Rating: low

Whatever happened to Aidan... )

Mar. 21st, 2021



WHO: Margot and John, npc
WHAT: A new life (narrative)
WHEN: March 21, 1975
WHERE: East London
WARNINGS: A fate worse than death - violence +

You had to go swimming in her eyes. Dancing in her hair. You had to slip into her mouth, slide over her tongue. Fall down her throat, deep down into her belly. Right into her blood. You had to fall asleep wrapped around her beautiful, beating heart.” )

Feb. 25th, 2021



Who: Christian, Felix, Margot and company
Where: Christian's place
When: Feb 8th
What: Inappropriate drainage

A certain butterfly is already on the wing. )

Feb. 23rd, 2021



WHO: Margot and Salem (and NPCs Fiona and Peter)
WHAT: Unfinished business at the Half-Moon Hotel
WHEN: February 23, evening
WHERE: The Half-Moon Hotel
WARNINGS: low/none

Gone )

Jan. 4th, 2021



Who: Herrick and Margot
Where: Bathory
When: January 4, evening
What: Stikin' up the joint

I ain't kinda hot, I'm sauna
I sweat money and the bank is my shower )

Dec. 21st, 2020



Who: Mercy and Margot
What: Mean girls being mean
When: December 21st, night
Where: Bite and then out on the town
Rating/Warnings: Mean girls being mean, cursing

That is so fetch! )

Dec. 16th, 2020



Who: Open Thread
What: The Relentless concert
When: December 21 - New York City
Where: A club
Rating: low
Warnings: Add your tags. Or else.

Heart is racing, pounding faster/ God above is not your master )

Dec. 5th, 2020



Who: Margot and Salem
What:Salem investigates a new job
When: December 12, 2020, evening
Where: Queens, outside Margot’s newest acquisition
Rating: low

Just give me a moment )

Nov. 8th, 2020



Who: Mercy and Margot
What: A chance meeting
When: November 8th
Where: Bite
Warnings: Language?

All the right friends, in all the right places... )

Oct. 19th, 2020



Who: Margot, the returned vampires, and those who've come with them
What: Celebrating the returned
When: Thursday 22 October, 11pm, and into the morning of the 23rd.
Where: The Red Queen
Rating/Warning: Language

Bookings must be made in advance. )

Oct. 18th, 2020



Recently returned? Welcome home. )