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Posts Tagged: 'fidelis+hunter+king'

Oct. 31st, 2023



Who: Fidelis & Taeyoung
What: Talk about going home
When: 31st October
Where: Their borrowed home
Rating Low
Warnings: N/A

The sooner they put this into motion the better )

Oct. 24th, 2023



Read more... )

Oct. 16th, 2023



Who: Fidelis & Myles
What: Collecting strays as he does
When: Before Boone's attack
Where: Territory 3
Rating Low
Warnings: N/A

He wasn’t lost, just temporarily… confused )

Sep. 7th, 2023



Who: Fidelis and Rain
What: A first meeting
When: mid-July (backdated)
Where: Legend Main House
Rating/Warning: low/sickness

being sick together )

Sep. 4th, 2023



Who: Fidelis & Taeyoung
What: Taeyoung's shadows rumble him and Fidelis finds out what he's been keeping from him
When: After this
Where: Their apartment
Rating Low
Warnings: N/A

Though his shadows were not technically sentient in the way everyone understood it, they still seemed to retreat when Taeyoung’s back stiffened and he realised that they’d betrayed him )

Sep. 1st, 2023



Who: Fidelis & Taeyoung
What: Fidelis is beginning to feel better, but Taeyoung is still keeping secrets
When: 30th August
Where: Territory 3
Rating/Warning: N/A

He’d managed so far to keep the visuals from Fidelis, it helped (ironically) that his coven leader had been too sick to do anything but worry about himself and it gave Taeyoung the space to squirrel away his own injuries, turn to someone else for some help )

Aug. 3rd, 2023



Who: Fidelis & Taeyoung
What: The shadow warlock makes his way back and takes Fidelis home
When: Few days after the attack on Boone
Where: Legend grounds & shared home
Rating: Low
Warnings: N/A, mostly just cute stuff

Bullshit, you look like you done Mardis Gras for a month wit’ no sleep )

Jul. 27th, 2023



Who: Fidelis and Mo
What: Chatting and weaving protections
When: Early July
Where: Territory 3
Rating: low

Read more... )

Jul. 10th, 2023



Who: Fidelis Hunter King
What: Just sick, nothing to see here
When: 10th July
Where: Territory 3
Rating: Low'ish
Warnings: Mentions of sickness and blood magic

Sleep, he needed... sleep. That would help )

Jul. 1st, 2023



Who: Fidelis and Hemlock
What: A catch up
When: Mid- June
Where: Out and about in Yeetsville
Rating: low

Hey stranger! )

Jun. 30th, 2023



Who: Fidelis Hunter King
What: Doing what he can with what he has
When: After Seth reaches out
Where: Territory 3
Rating: Low'ish
Warnings: N/A

Regardless, it didn't matter in the end, because what really mattered was what happened next )

Jun. 8th, 2023



Text to Fidelis. )



[Network PMs]

Hey--I got teleported in the middle of the night and I don't have my phone. I was in my pyjamas! What the actual fuck. Are you still in the same place? Can you come get me? :(

Stupid fucking magic did the stupid fucking thing again. I'm okay, don't worry. I'll make my way back; you need to rest.

Jun. 2nd, 2023



Who: Fidelis Hunter King & Taeyoung Lee
What: It's late at night and Fidelis can't sleep
When: 2nd June
Where: Territory 3
Rating: Low
Warnings: N/A

He just wished he could shake the feeling that something wicked this way came )

May. 2nd, 2023



Who: Alasdair and Fidelis
What: Meeting a coven leader
When: After this/ Mid April
Where: Legend House
Rating: low


Apr. 29th, 2023



Who: Seth, Fidelis, Alasdair, Jack
What: Saving Private Jack
When: 4/23 - backdated
Where: streets of Newark, Yeetsville
Rating/Warning: low/tbd

Read more... )

Apr. 26th, 2023



Who: Mo and Fidelis
What: meeting a fellow magic user
When: early April
Where: Territory 3
Rating: low

Read more... )

Apr. 18th, 2023



Who: Fidelis Hunter King, Fenrir Foxglove & Seth Legend
What: Bringing a lost wolf home
When: 18th April
Where: Rebel territory
Rating: TBC
Warnings: TBC

Taeyoung had proposed an interesting and possible solution, one that involved his coven leader, the very same coven leader that rocked up looking every bit what Seth might imagine a witch doctor from the swamps of Louisana might look like, but maybe that was the point? )

Apr. 17th, 2023



Who: Fidelis Hunter King & Grace Rayne
What: Fidelis checks in on Grace
When: 15th April
Where: The Wilds
Rating: Low

Still, he’d learned the value of checking in with people a long time ago so that was exactly what he was doing. )



Who: Fidelis Hunter King & Giles St Laurent
What: Fidelis is looking for the source
When: 17th April
Where: The Wilds
Rating: TBC
Warnings: Mentions of blood magic

Every quake had an epicentre and if he could just find that then maybe just maybe he could get a better understanding about what happened and what if anything could be done to fix this gigantic mess )