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Black Dawn: In Character Community

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Posts Tagged: 'arden+liu'

Dec. 18th, 2023



Who: Arden & Jinhae
What: Jinhae is a sad panda right now
When: 18th December
Where: The Looking Glass
Rating Low
Warnings: N/A

But I get the feeling there's more to your mood than simply what's happening around you so what is it? )

Nov. 16th, 2023



To: Kage
From: Arden
Date: Early, 1st November

You have (3) unread text message(s) )

Nov. 15th, 2023



Who: Arden & Dominic
What: Two strangers meet, one convinces the other to brush off old skills
When: Days before Halloween Party
Where: EDGE
Rating Medium
Warnings: Sexy dancing & kissing

The shifter returned the polite smile with a grin of his own, resisting the very strong urge to reach out and touch the other’s hair )

Oct. 24th, 2023



I never thought I would see the day but I think I have finally reached my "I'm gay but not that gay" moment.

Planning a wedding. It's so goddamn annoying. Clothes I was all for and got that settled right away. But everything else? I don't care about flowers and I can't tell you what the hell baby's breath is and why is so freaking important?! Bunting is just a fancy word for a sheet hung up nicely. And it's cake. people will eat it. Who gives a damn!

Anyone want to do all this for me?

[Private Message to Arden Liu]

Mr. Liu,

I'm sorry to bother you and this is probably one hell of a longshot but you're kind of my only lead here.

Do you still keep in contact with my parents in any form? Or would know how to get ahold of them?

Oct. 12th, 2023



Who: Arden and Kage
What: Kage spots Arden with someone and is jealous
When: Historic - many many many moons ago.
Where: Their home
Rating: low

What I want )

Sep. 15th, 2023



Secure message to Arden Liu

You have (1) new message )

Sep. 1st, 2023



Who: Arden & Kage
What: Another snippet of history
When: Ages ago
Where: Denmark
Rating/Warning: N/A

Here, out in the world, Kage was everything he could have been if not for his dire circumstances when they’d first met )

Aug. 20th, 2023



Who: Arden & Jake
What: Checking in & sorting a doctor
When: 19th August
Where: Rift near Territory 1/Territory 2
Rating/Warning: Low

Are you suffering from rift sickness? )

Aug. 2nd, 2023



Who: Kage and Jinhae [open to Arden is he wants to join his two favourite childer ;) ]
What: Kage checks in on family
When: A few days after the shifter attack
Where: Arden and Jinhae's place
Rating: low

Lying low )

Jul. 20th, 2023



Who: Arden and Aron
What: Aron first meets Arden
When: ~1830s
Where: Iceland
Rating: low, vampiric biting

Doomed to die )

Jul. 15th, 2023



Who: Arden and Hikaru
What: Remember me?
When: 7/15, evening
Where: Streets of NYC
Rating/Warning: Low/tbd

I bet you don't even remember me )

Jul. 1st, 2023



Who: Aidan and Arden
What: Arden is back home; catching up
When: Early June
Where: Arden’s
Rating: low

Thanks for the food )

Jun. 30th, 2023



To: Aidan
From: Arden
Date: 30th June

You have (3) unread text message(s) )

Jun. 20th, 2023



Who: Arden Liu & Nox
What: Old friends meeting up
When: 18th June
Where: The Looking Glass
Rating: TBC
Warnings: TBC

He wasn't the first and he certainly wouldn't be the last )

May. 25th, 2023



Who: Arden Liu & Jinhae Jeong
What: The vampires are heading home
When: 25th May
Where: Across territories
Rating: Low
Warnings: N/A

Rest? Okay, yes, Arden could do that. Or try. That was good enough, right? )

May. 10th, 2023



Who: Arden Liu & Dio Jones
What: A vampire and a human meet in an alley...
When: 10th May
Where: Territory 4
Rating: Low
Warnings: N/A

Getting his hands dirty was not unusual for him though hopefully it wouldn’t come to that. )

Apr. 25th, 2023



Who: Arden Liu, Jinhae Jeong & Ren Saito
What: Childe and Sire are finally reunited
When: 21st April
Where: Yeetsville
Rating: Low
Warnings: N/A

Ren rolled his eyes and muttered something about children having no respect for their elders. )

Apr. 5th, 2023



Who: Malik, Salem and Arden
What: Meeting a vampire
When: April 3, 2023
Where: Territory 2
Rating: low

More blankets )



Who: Haru and Arden
What: A run in with an aqquaintance from the past.
When: 4/5
Where: T2, Rebel Yell Territory
Rating: low?med?

You only held me in your mind
Just a longing gone without a trace )

Apr. 3rd, 2023



Who: Arden Liu & Jacob Miller
What: A hungry Arden is a moody Arden
When: Pre the big-burp
Where: Territory 1
Rating: Low
Warnings: Mentions of vampire feeding

Jake looked up at that and his brow quirked slightly. He definitely wasn’t smiling, because he had a feeling if he did that, Arden might snap at him )