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Black Dawn: In Character Community

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Posts Tagged: 'rye+redwood'

Jan. 31st, 2024



Who: Gage, Rain, Aidan (with a side of Rye)
What: Putting Gwydion back where he belongs
When: mid December
Where: Gage’s Brownstone.
Rating: low
Warnings: ambush!

Read more... )

Dec. 18th, 2022



Who: Zain and Rye
What: Rye brings his boyfriend home for Christmas for the first time.
When: 12/23, early evening
Where: Lansing, Michigan
Rating/Warning: low-medium/homophobia, family drama

which will inevitably upset someone else )

Dec. 16th, 2022



Who: Zain and Aidan (open to Rye if he's around?)
What: Aidan needs a stronger kind of magic
When: Mid December
Where: Gage's brownstone
Rating: low
Warnings: magic stealing

I need this more than you )

Nov. 21st, 2022



Who: Gage, Keita, Rye, Zain and anyone friends with any of those 4
What: Friendsgiving
When: Thursday, November 24th, 1pm until dawn
Where: Gage's brownstone
Rating: PG-13 likely
Warnings: this could get rowdy

Friendsgiving )

Oct. 6th, 2022



Who: Salem, Malik, Bruce, Flint, Christian, Zain, Rye and anyone else who wants to pop by for Thanksgiving who is friends with Salem
What: Thanksgiving!
When: October 9th, evening Yes, I know Thanksgiving is the 10th, but no one wants a big social gathering and then go to work the next day. You need a day to relax!
Where: Salem's
Rating: low
Warnings: Add your tags or Malik will eat you.

Gobble gobble )

Apr. 30th, 2022



Who: Zain and Rye
What: Zain’s crew is after another power player in the Starlight Order, with another Power Stone. He runs into a complication.
When: 4/13
Where: Embassy Suits Hotel, NY, Manhattan
Rating: low-medium
Warnings: swears will turn into a magic fight

”The )



Who: Rye and Salem
What: Salem needs an outside opinion.
When: April 1, afternoon
Where: Rye/Zain's apartment
Rating/Warning: low/sarcasm?

I need your honest opinion )

Mar. 20th, 2022



Who: Felix, Fidelis, and OPEN
Where: Cafe Grumpy
When: March 20th
What: Evening

Growing up with cats and dogs, I got used to the sounds of scratching at my door while I slept. Now that I live alone, it is much more unsettling. )

Feb. 23rd, 2022



Now that I can see for the first time in my life, I'm wondering about the types of magic I haven't been able to do before. Illusions and glamours have always been beyond me for obvious reasons, but I would love to see them in action for once.

Witches and warlocks, have you used glamours? Mind teaching me a little?

Jan. 29th, 2022



Who: Zain & Rye
What: Rye can see again. Zain's not so fortunate
When: Early morning (like 2 am)
Where: Rye & Zain's floor, the Brownstone
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: depictions of mental illness

What are you DOING?! )

Jan. 22nd, 2022



Who: Rye and Zain - Narrative
What: Rye feels guilt but will take care of Zain if it's the last thing he does.
When: Monday 1/17, afternoon
Where: Rye and Zain's apartment
Rating/Warning: low/guilt probably not deserved as much as Rye thinks

I’m so sorry, Zain. )

Jan. 15th, 2022



Who: Salem and Rye
What: Salem teaches Rye about colors in his own way....
When: Jan. 14th, afternoon
Where: Rye's apartment
Rating/Warning: low/none

Is THAT what you look like!? )

Jan. 3rd, 2022



Who: Rye and Zain have invited Gage, Tahn, Liebe, and Rain to help
What: A rather Christian de-cursing! Will Rye be able to see?
When: Friday night, Jan. 7th
Where: Gage's Brownstone, 1st floor for Liebe accessbility
Rating/Warning: low to med/the curse WILL lash back

Tag in if your character is joining! )

Dec. 28th, 2021



It is really hard to not get my hopes up over maybe getting permanent sight for the first time in my life. This is the closest I've ever been to untangling the problem and it's pretty exciting... as you can imagine. All thanks to Zain, of course. He's the only reason it's gotten this far.

Thanks, Zed.

So tell me: what's your favorite sight-based activity to do? What would you recommend to someone just getting sight for the first time? Keep in mind, it will probably be quite a while before I can read anything quite right other than braille, and some activities may even hurt my eyes until I get used to sight... damn, I hope not.

Also: what's your favorite color? What does it look like??

Nov. 22nd, 2021



Who: Gage, Keita, Rye, Zain and anyone friends with any of those 4
What: Friendsgiving
When: Thursday, November 25th, 1pm until dawn
Where: Gage's brownstone
Rating: PG-13 likely
Warnings: this could get rowdy

Read more... )

Nov. 14th, 2021



Who: Rye, Zain and Salem
What: Salem needs to talk
When: October 29th
Where: Rye's place
Rating: low
Warnings: angst, talk of sexuality

Broken )

Oct. 23rd, 2021



Who: Zain and Rye
What: A breakthrough
When: Mid-late October
Where: The Brownstone
Rating: PG
Warnings: Dorks

I've been looking at this entirely the wrong way. )

Oct. 5th, 2021



Who: Mat and Rye
What: A random run in provides insight.
When: Monday, Oct 4, late afternoon
Where: Ruppert Park, Manhattan
Rating/Warning: Low/tbd

He needed more grounding )

Oct. 4th, 2021



Text to Rain Jordan )

Text to Rye Redwood )

Sep. 30th, 2021



Who: Luke and friends/family!
What: Luke's birthday party is probably more like a 'get to know the new Luke' meeting.
When: Saturday 10/2, late evening
Where: McCarren Park
Rating/Warning: low-med/TBD?

Read more... )