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Black Dawn: In Character Community

June 2024



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Posts Tagged: 'christian+richard'

Dec. 28th, 2023



Who: Salem, Malik, Bruce, Flint, Zain, Rye, Luke and Hobo hair, and anyone who would be invited by the grooms
What: Salem and Malik's wedding!
When: December 31, 2023
Where: A small park in the city

Congratulations! )

Dec. 20th, 2023



Text to Christian )

Dec. 19th, 2023



Who: Kei & Open to volunteers or anyone who's not got a family to be with on Christmas Day
What: The annual Christmas Day feast
When: December 25th [forward dated]
Where: Kei's Delights
Rating: Low/individual comments to have a rating if above this

OOC note: the event officially runs from about 10am to 4pm, but any of the volunteers who wanted to come early to help set up or who wanted to stay late to help clean up are welcome to have done that! It's a bit like a soup kitchen set up where the volunteers will be behind the counter serving meals and then helping clean up afterwards. Everyone who volunteers also gets a free meal (and a little gift from under the tree that they'll be drawn to which is ~magically something they might have needed #guardianspiritpowers) And anyone is welcome to visit! It's usually pretty busy with random NPCs, old people, homeless teens/young adults etc.

❄️When the snowman brings the snow
Well he just might like to know
He's put a great big smile on somebody's face ❄️ )

Nov. 21st, 2023



Who: Turners and Turner Adjacents
Where: Territory 1, The Den
What: A relaxed TFT
When: 11/23 -> 11/24 am

Some people are so poor all they have is money. )

Nov. 15th, 2023



I'm making a sad mood playlist.
I have no idea why other than I want to.

So my music question of the day is: what is your go-to sad song? What do you listen to when you want to just embrace the melancholy? Or what song do you skip because it's too sad?

Also to my scary friend from Halloween, thank you.
How do I get in touch with you to prepay your kindness?

OOC: Let's pretend this was posted on November 11th, okay? :D

Sep. 24th, 2023


Who: Boone, Hemlock, Kage, Christian, Legend Pack, Alasdair, and open
Where: The Legend compound
When: September 25
What: Attack

War does not determine who is right, only who is left. )



Who: Boone and Christian
Where: La Casa De Boone
What: Giving Christian a chance to make up for his shortcomings
When: September 20, evening

No one's sure how all of this got started but we're gonna make 'em god-damn certain how it's gonna end. )

Sep. 5th, 2023



Who: Turner family and friends!
What: Herrick's birthday party!
When: September 6th
Warnings: Add your character tags. Anyone who would reasonably be expected to be invited would have been invited.

Happy Birthday, Herrick! )



Who: Hemlock and Logan
What: Logan has been arrested
When: End of August
Where: A cell
Rating: low (Logan self harms to get some wood out of his back…but that’s not unusual for him…)

Deals )

Jul. 7th, 2023



Who: Logan
What: Freddie
When: July 2nd
Where: the House on Riverside Drive
Rating/Warnings: None

What am I supposed to do now?
It seemed like it all depended on you
Can’t seem to work this one out
So until I do
I breathe in, breathe out
And I keep going. )

Jun. 27th, 2023



Who: Felix and Logan
Where: around Vivid
When: early June
What: A date.

If you must die, I'll envy even the earth that wraps your body. )

Jun. 17th, 2023



If anyone has seen this frustratingly handsome man, please do let me know. I seem to have... lost him. And my magic is barely responding these days, so finding him myse

And no, this isn't an invitation for someone to kidnap him. If someone already has, they can be sure they will be found and thoroughly thrashed.

Jun. 4th, 2023



Who: Logan and Colin
What: Checking In
When: May 26th
Where: Colin’s House of Sin
Ratings/Warnings: Low

But every morning when I wake I tell myself
Don't be fooled by your emptiness
There's so much more room for happiness )

May. 1st, 2023



Who: Colin and Christian (Logan)
What: All the clues lead to …
When: End of April/ Early May? Whenever the party bus arrives to 5
Where: Colin’s Party House
Rating/Warnings: >_>;;

Gold light upon my face
Encased by grace and chemicals
Won't lie, it's been a while since I was honest
45 and the sunsets slow
You climb upon my collarbone
False fires and compromise with no
direction. )

Apr. 15th, 2023



Who: Logan (Christian) and Myles
What: Logan meets a doggo
Where: Truck Stop somewhere along the Pennsylvanian highway
When: Early April
Rating/Warnings: Low

Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen. )

Apr. 1st, 2023



Who: Hemlock and Crow
What: Partners who haven't seen each other in months!
When: 3/31, late afternoon
Where: T4 Yeetsville
Rating/Warning: low/tbd

Excite! )

Mar. 26th, 2023



Who: Gulliver and open to Christian's Party Bus
Where: 3 on the way to Territory 4
What: Trying to cross the border
When: March 20th, evening

There's only one place I want to go and it's to all the places I've never been. )

Mar. 18th, 2023



Who: Luci and Christian, possibly Crow
What: Collecting pieces for a new pet.
Where: The Wilds
When: Saturday, March 18th, Night
Rating: HIGH AF- Injured animal, bloodletting, gore, death, verbal abuse, organ stealing, intense descriptions of pain/torture (AKA Christian makes a 'friend')

Hold still. I just need a piece, my dear. )

Mar. 5th, 2023



Text to Christian. )



Call to Christian )