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Black Dawn: In Character Community

June 2024



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Posts Tagged: 'stone+kwon'

Jul. 20th, 2022



Who: Alice & Stone
What: Catching up on basically everything
When: Early July
Where: Stone's shiny new place
Rating: low (probably)

Read more... )

Jul. 1st, 2022



Text to Hikaru )

Text to Less than 3 )

Jun. 23rd, 2022




Who: Atem, Giles, Michael, Mags, Wally, Robin, Bastian, Stone, Luke, Liam, Rain
What: A KIDNAPPING!?? Those kidnapped find themselves suddenly in their cells and can call to each other and talk through their barred doors.
When: Thurs, 6/23 - around 9pm
Where: Three different locked rooms of cells across NYC
Rating/Warning: med/talk of kidnapping...?


Jun. 13th, 2022



Who: Everyone's invited!
What: Audrik and Stone's Reception!
When: June 13, starting at 8pm
Where: Glytterbomb
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD (anything with just Audrik and Stone could wind up Mature, so beware (?) XD)

Welcome to the reception! )

Jun. 8th, 2022



What: Pride Event
When: June 7th
Where: Glytterbomb
Rating: TDB

Read more... )

May. 22nd, 2022



Who: Ehren, Mercy, Michael (+Enzi), Myles, Parker, Rook, and Teddy, Open to anyone else who gets invited!
What: Taco Night and The Haunting of Hill House
When: 05/22, around 10pm
Where: Parker's Apartment
Ratings/Warnings: TBD, probably low?
Posting Order: Please use threadlets! Label your posts. <3

Va va voom! )

May. 3rd, 2022



Who: Aesir and friends and really, anyone else
- (Aesir would have explicitly invited anyone in the city who he knew was a supernatural and fought on that side during the war)
What: A Party!
When: Saturday, May 7th, 9pm to dawn
Where: The Plaza Ballroom
Rating: various

So you can throw me to the wolves
Tomorrow I will come back
Leader of the whole pack
Beat me black and blue
Every wound will shape me
Every scar will build my
throne )

May. 2nd, 2022



Who: Stone, Audrik, Akseli, Quinn (AU)
What: Quinn finds himself in a bit of trouble, Akseli's place happens to be nearby.
When: 5/1, evening
Where: Akseli's house
Rating/Warning: low-med/probably descriptions of a fight, Akseli's mouth :D

Quinn had to hurry! )

Apr. 29th, 2022



Text to Stone, Ehren and Hikaru )

Apr. 28th, 2022



Who: Mags and Stone
What: Meetings and Music
When: Tuesday, April 26th, evening
Where: Random NYC Bar
Rating: Low
Warnings: None

Read more... )

Apr. 11th, 2022



Who: Open thread!
What: <3 performs!
When: April 11, doors open at 7, <3 hits the stage at 9
Where: Vivid
Rating: low

Just look me in the eyes/ and tell me your sweet lies )

Apr. 6th, 2022



Who: Ehren, Rook, Mikah, Stone
What: Introducing Rook to the guys
When: Monday, April 4th
Where: Ehren and Mikah's apartment

I ain't in it for the chase
Not living for the thrill of the moment
Knowing that my head's too strong
and my heart's
too stubborn to quit )

Mar. 10th, 2022



Who: Malachi and Stone
Where: NYC
What: Reunited and it feels so good!
When: 3/10 evening, after work

I am an extreme person. The only middle I know is a finger. )

Mar. 1st, 2022



Text to Stone )

Feb. 17th, 2022



Who: Stone, Mercy, Addison
What: Drawing lessons!
When: Feb. 19th, late afternoon
Where: Addison's apartment
Rating/Warning: Low/tbd

Organized )

Feb. 11th, 2022



Who: Mason and Stone
What: Rock Climbing
Where: Central Rock Gym
When: Thursday, February 10
Rating/Warning: TBD

they had helpers and trainers )

Jan. 28th, 2022



Who: Ehren, Mikah and Stone
What: A meeting of a potential union
When: January 31, 2022, evening
Where: Mikah/ Ehren's apartment
Rating: low

*music noises* )

Jan. 15th, 2022



Hello. I'm Audrik, and I find myself and my host of antique weapons finally fully settled in at the townhouse I rented sight unseen. I didn't realize how ridiculous that proposition was until I got here and discovered the neighborhood (and the place itself) is an absolute nightmare. Thank goodness I have the cache of weapons to fall back on if need be. Speaking of, if anyone is in the market for antique weapons, my shop can be found on the web at battleaurae.com

One more thing, if anyone has seen a sixteenth century German blade floating around, even if it's in a particular warlock's someone's possession, let me know, would you? I am looking for a certain one, but I'll chase any others I can find, as well. As for the particular blade I'm after, I've followed the trail this far, but it seems to have stopped in the general vicinity. Any help would be very welcome.

Jan. 14th, 2022



Who: Stone and Mikah
What: A random musical meet
When: January 14, evening
Where: Subway station
Rating: low

Music of the night )

Jan. 11th, 2022



The problem with New York City is that it's too large.

Do you think I bought property in Woodstock fucking Vermont because I have a predilection for maple syrup? No! It's because there are 2900 people who live there! Because everyone is always in everyone else's business and no one has any privacy. It's full of people who peaked in high school and can't stand the fact that deep down inside they've realized that.

At home, they have to deal with me because I've been there forever and I'll always be there because I'm never going to die. Here, in the city, y'all just walk away!

If you're not a rebel, what are you doing with your lives? Going to work? Getting coffee? Taking walks? Getting together and having drinks? Going clubbing? Is that what you're going to do until you turn gray, shrivel up and die? I mean, come on is that really what you're about?

I'm genuinely curious, doing a deep dive into trying to figure out why what's supposed to be the greatest city in the United States is filled with so many basic, boring, glassy-eyed dregs. I feel like I'm visiting a zoo most of the time except instead of wild, exotic animals it's just one sad, pathetic creature with so much wasted potential after another, not a one of them cognizant of the fact that at one time they ruled the land they walked on.

There aren't even any good souvenirs here.

...But seriously, though --

where u at?