July 1st, 2019


[Network Post]

[ Private message to Hope and Scott ]

Are either of you available to have a chat with Shuri? I never remember who knows who here, but she is T'Challa's younger sister, he mentioned she might have some ideas about how to make the quantum healing particles a more permanent thing.

That way I don't have to worry about when this good streak is going to wear off and the pain comes back



Text to Stephen

(1) Okay. I'm as proud and child free as you, one thing that we never had to argue about but Stephen. Really. I mean, REALLY.

(2) Calling a pregnancy a 'demonic possession'? Sure, there's the throwing up and the weird sleeping and bad dreams and yes, TECHNICALLY, a foetus is a parasite. But goddamnit, don't freak me out about demons when it's just what happens when people have sex.

(3) I even called my MOTHER and asked her to casually pray for me, just to be on the safe side. She cried tears of happiness, made my dad get on the phone with her and I had to listen to a 3 way blessing. By the way, I'm dragging your ass over there for Thanksgiving this year.

(4) So. Long story short. No demons, just a baby that will one day projectile vomit. And projectile crap. Sometimes at the same time.