January 11th, 2019



[Network Post]

I am Gamora. Is this the reference board where I inquire about how to fit in on this miserable little planet?

private message to loki )



Email to Tony

To: t.stark@starkindustries.com
From: p.quill@starkindustries.com

Subject: Time off?

Sup boss.

So my not-dead girlfriend is back from not being dead which is awesome. Can I have some time off? She doesn't know anything about Terra and I will literally kill the first person that shows her what Chinese food is before me. Seriously.

I mean. Your not-dead serious fiancee has come back so I think you get it.

Plus, not to be a jackass or anything but work without booze is boring. I vote we get some vape pens and look like douches. Well. You more than me.

<3 you


[Network Post]

I've just come from the end of the world. I'm not in entirely presentable condition. Maybe try not to bombard me with information.

But I figured I should - say hi, or something. If only so Dr. Strange doesn't have to lie to anyone about finding me in Central Park yesterday.