May 19th, 2018



[Network Post]

Well, my rosa mundi are completely destroyed, drowned in that abrupt storm. You owe me roses, Thor!

Anyone else have an interesting night?



[multiple texts]

[Text to Steve]

> Hi! Bet you're up. What's the protocol for angry Norse gods?
> Because I'm guessing we got one. 🌩️
> I don't think Point Break's in a texting mood. Or a gaming mood, either.
> Want me to fly over with an offering of beer and lamb chops?

[text to Fury]

> We're trying to figure out what's going on.
> Universe is leaking at the seams again.
> I'll share any odd hits Friday picks up over the emergency channels.
> Wow. I could really use some kitten.gifs right about now. #rando

[group science text to Hope, Jane, Bruce, Shuri, and Strange]

> If you got any sensor arrays or scanners up and running, I hope you're pointing them at our...everything.
> Cos right now would be a great time.
> And Strange, you better tell the rest of the science class what's going on.



[Network Post]

I don't feel so good. Does anyone else not feel so good?