August 8th, 2007

[info]rininwonderland in [info]07refugees

Hate to spam..

Hate to spam, but..

Are there any asylums on here that allow for people to request layouts.. and have been updated in the past, oh.. year? >_> Or is there anyone on here that is good with S2 layouts?

I don't even mind if its on livejournal. I just really need an Alice in Wonderland S2 layout. :)


[info]jupluna in [info]07refugees

Looking for a Sorting Comm?

HP sorting comm anyone? [info]club_hogwarts brought over from LJ is here and will be adding a RP community as soon as we get everything moved over.

[info]ami_neko in [info]07refugees

Oh my god, I just spent five minutes trying to figure out why the hell I couldn't post here before I realized that I had only friended the comm and hadn't actually joined it.

Sadly, that sets the tone for this post. I'm not a total noob, I swear, but I have two kind of silly questions.

1.) What exactly is Semagic? Is it something I download to my own computer, rather than signing in on an actual website? I have googled, but apparently my google-fu is weak, because I can't figure out exactly how it works. I know it's a method to post to multiple journals, I'm just unclear about how that actually works.

2.) Layouts only effect how your own journal looks, correct? Doing a new layout code thingie won't change the way I view the entire site? Because that would be nice if it did. I'm sorry for the dumb question, but I just used a standard LJ layout and I have no idea what the heck S2 or anything like that means.

I'd be grateful for any responses, because I'm feeling like a massive idiot.

[info]das_dingsi in [info]07refugees

On Tags Features and Permission Levels

When I noticed that I couldn't add tags to asylum posts (unless they had been previously created by a moderator), I did some research and the official IJ FAQ didn't have the information I was looking for. So I wrote a quick tutorial on tag permission levels for asylums, and how to change them using the admin console. (english and german)

Asylums and Tags / Kategorien in Communities


[info]drkcherry in [info]07refugees

Looking for a community

Anyone know if a rare pair community has been set up?

I'm looking for some Riddick (Pitch Black)/Cam (SG-1) fic.

EDIT: [info]rare_pairs

[info]sagami in [info]07refugees

Petition against new bill

I thought this was interesting to read.

In this post, it suggests that there's a new bill in coming, which could put fictional characters under the same laws as real life persons currently. In other words, writing fiction or doing art depicting children in sexual activities would also be considered illegal.

Note: posts from fandom_flies are being mirrored at both [info]fandom_flies and [info]fandom_fliesot, with [info]fandom_flies being predominantly related to information of fandom exodus (planning and such), but [info]fandom_fliesot mirroring all other posts posted at fandom_flies @ LJ but not related to fandom exodus. Join any if interested, or none at all if not.

[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees

Der Spiegel article

In case no one's come across this yet - an article from Der Spiegel which I'm informed is sort of like Time Magazine. And for those of us who don't speak German, napiers_bones on GJ translated it.

[info]guiltyred in [info]07refugees

Navigation strip

For all displaced LJ users who might just miss the handy navigation strip at the top of the journals and not remember where to find it -- 

There you'll also find a number of intriguing viewing schemes -- I picked Insanime, and it cracks me up in the best way! Don't know if I'll keep it (things are a little scrunched on the page), but for now, it amuses me no end.  ^___^

It's the little things that really make a house a home, and I have to admit, I was missing the navigation strip pretty badly. I think it was probably the only thing LJ had gotten right in a very long time...

[info]ex_damien542 in [info]07refugees

Better Business Bureau?

Why don't we complain?

Quite frankly, it didn't occur to me to complain to an American organization (I live outside America) but if we can do it online, then I suppose it's easier.

The problem is that right now, I don't think I have anything I could actually register as a complaint. LJ finally gave us guidelines -- which it's refusing to add to the TOS -- but it did give us guidelines. Complain for unreliable service and delays in answering valid concerns?

At any rate, I think that it comes a little too late but if we end up having to deal with a third round of Strikethrough '07 (has anyone seen an explanation yet for the bold, btw?), then maybe it'll be useful.

[info]shusu in [info]07refugees

the skunkworks of migration

(Originally for LiveJournal, then I thought better of it. All user-links are to LJ!)

EDITED: 16 August 2:00pm CT.

I am going to update this when I can, but please do not consider me the expert here. I have not checked all these links and the list is definitely incomplete. This is in many ways repeated in [info]elke_tanzer's fantastic link post, just grabbing the tech links in one place!

So please comment! I hope that you can all help me mine the flists for technology links, make corrections, and generally put it all in one place. Because honestly, even with a slow connection and multiple journals? Moving it all shouldn't take more than three days. Download the tools, clean up where you are, spread out where you'll be.

First off, be very awake when you do any of this!!

Frequently Forgotten checklist )

How to Pack Up & Leave LiveJournal (A Tutorial) Overview and links!
Entries, userpics, memories, voice posts, comments the-hard-way, scrapbook.

The Tools )

Still needed: tools for Macs, and the forwarding services and sites.

[info]randacello in [info]07refugees

That was fast!

Comments to LJ's latest post in lj_biz maxed out in roughly 16 hours and 9 minutes. I've never seen comments max out on an entry so quickly during my three and a half years on LJ!

Of course I've never seen an entry so full of lies, hypocrisy, idiotic and obvious misinterpretation of the law, weasel words, double-speak, ass-covering, and seething disdain and contempt for paying customers during my three and a half years on LJ either.

*shakes head in exasperation, disgust, disappointment, and sadness*

[info]anniemoon in [info]07refugees


Just wanted to promote the asylums I run, since IJ has gotten a ton of new members recently. :)

[info]crime_tv_fans - For fans of crime tv/procedurals, like CSI, Law & Order, etc.

[info]hpicons - Harry Potter icons

[info]numb3rs_icons - Numb3rs Icons

[info]reality_tv_fans - For fans of reality TV

[info]retail_therapy - For when buying stuff is the only thing that makes you feel better (this one is only semi-ready, but please feel free to join and post now)

[crossposted to [info]asylum_promo. Sorry if you see this twice.]

[info]babydraco in [info]07refugees

Do any of these journal migration tools also preserve posts from your LJ Memories that are from *other people's* journals?

Because I realized that makes up about half the stuff in my Memories.

[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees

There's nothing up here specifically about the pro-ana comment threads yet, so

My post about it, if you can wade through the emotive language enough to get the gist of it. ;)

ETA: No point making a new post for this. On LJ, aura218 is doing a list of links to the threads on the latest lj_biz post in which staffers comment. It's sort of depressing clicking through them and watching them dance around questions and then completely stop talking without ever giving a straight answer.

[info]redscorner in [info]07refugees

*this close from pulling her hair out*

Hi there everyone. I'm yet another LJ refugee. There's an article about how to jump ship from LJ and in it, it mentions using LJ Archive to archive your whole journal. What I can't seem to figure out is how to take that archive and load it into my nifty new InsaneJournal account. I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I've had a hell of a day and stressing about this is kicking my ass. Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

[info]ardath_rekha in [info]07refugees

More bad publicity for SixApart...

Another fun article talking about the mania.

[info]aristoboule in [info]07refugees

Yay InsaneJournal!

In the last 24 hours, IJ gained more than a thousand new journals! And because I couldn't stop at HercuTweak and in honor of the awesomeness of IJ and Tweak, I give you Tweakonidas...

Tonight we dine in insanity! )

[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees


Since [info]das_dingsi pointed out the tag management things I went and added a few tags and I'm working back through the entries adding them to posts. I sincerely doubt I'll manage to get right back to the start, but still. :P

Current tags:
asylums, helpful, icons, lj update, newbie, outside link, question, retaliate, and I'll put in mod post just now as well. :)

Both add and edit have been set to friends, so as long as you're a member of the community you can add new tags, and edit/remove existing ones.

Have a happy elephant sign.

[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees

new article

Firefox news: Livejournal Draws a Line in the Sand.

Includes a hypothetical that is actually making me ponder now - a vampire that has the body of a 14 year old, while being 1400 years old, doing naughty things. Since the objection to underage sexual activity is that their brains aren't developed enough to give informed consent, and theoretically the vampire would be old enough to, presumably... But personally, a 14 year's old body, still creepy. I think to me that's the sort of thing that's okay, but I wouldn't do it myself, and I'd possibly be casting a wary eye on the people who'd jump at the chance (depending on their age, circumstances, etc, obviously). :P