[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees

There's nothing up here specifically about the pro-ana comment threads yet, so

My post about it, if you can wade through the emotive language enough to get the gist of it. ;)

ETA: No point making a new post for this. On LJ, aura218 is doing a list of links to the threads on the latest lj_biz post in which staffers comment. It's sort of depressing clicking through them and watching them dance around questions and then completely stop talking without ever giving a straight answer.


Thanks for the post. I was bothered by the exact same thing and just put a post up in my journal as well.
As did I. It's appalling.

And I actually have joined and lurked and read the pro-ana comms in the past and came away feeling like I needed a hot shower with a brillo pad and bleach. Yeah, they're supportive all right. They support each other's efforts to starve themselves into society's standards of beauty.
So have I. I was a gymnast for five years when I was younger. You can probably guess the rest of that story. :P
Perhaps it's only me... but I did not like the tone of that whole post, I do not enjoy when people talk to me as if I was mentally retarded and they are smiling through their teeth *thinking for a bit* then again, partially that would be our own fault.

*cringing nose and shrugging* oh well. Yay for censure, we haven't had it on intarwebs for too long!