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Jun. 15th, 2011


Who: Archie and Athena
What: Even mad scientists need a little stitching up
When: Backdated: Early last week
Where: Athena's Clinic
Warnings: Just Archie being creepy!

You look like you got on the wrong side of a rabid animal )

May. 28th, 2011


Who: Sophie & Benedict
What: A chance meeting
When: Backdated to before the dreams? - Des if you want to change this let me know
Where: Streets of Seattle, Bathos
Warnings: None

'I'm sorry, aren't you the bookkeeper? Forgive me, I get far too excited about new books.' )

Apr. 30th, 2011


Who: Athena & Callie
What: Admiring the foliage
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: UW Botanical Gardens
Warnings: Droopy roses and an equally droopy doctor

A rose, by any other name would smell as sweet... )
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Apr. 15th, 2011


Who: Athena and Shiloh
What: Helping a man pack
When: Friday, 7pm; After [this]
Where: Shiloh's Apartment
Warnings: Cuteness

Of course I need help packing. I'm a man. My idea of packing is shoving everything in a duffel and calling it good. )

Apr. 1st, 2011


Who: Isobel & Athena
What: A visit to the doctor
Where: Athena's office
When: Thursday afternoon
Warnings: None expected

She had found the address on the forum, and hoped the doctor wouldn't ask too many questions. She didn't have a lot of answers. )

Mar. 30th, 2011


Who: Adam and Athena
What: Feelings Fallout
When: As soon as physically possible after this conversation
Where: Athena's office
Warnings: I honestly have no idea. I'll keep it updated as needed.

She calls and you come running. You should probably be angry but you can't find the fuel. )
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Mar. 28th, 2011


Who: Athena
What: Feelings Plot
Where: Her office
Warnings: TBD

It was a slow day at the office, and for that Athena was thankful.  She needed time to digest her meal with Adam and her friendship with Shiloh.  She cared immensely for both of them, but she had trouble defining and explaining her feelings.  Shiloh made her feel safe and secure, and she felt like she could do a lot of emotional growing with him.  With Adam though, it was much different.  His temper had always come between them, but less so as the centuries passed.  She had come to love him, and leaving had been the single hardest thing she had ever done in her life.  She sighed and settled into mindless clerical work.  Something to ease her swirling emotions.


Who: Adam and Athena
What: Dinner!
When: Wednesday (after the blackout) at 6 PM
Where: Bathos 801 (AKA Athena’s apartment)
Warnings: Uh. Possibly yelling and general irritability, but there just as easily might not be.

He was still rough around the edges, and that only softened her heart further )
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Mar. 16th, 2011


Who: Athena and Shiloh
What: She’s afraid of the dark, and hasn’t seen her friend in a while
When: During the blackout; just a few hours after sunset
Where: Shiloh’s Apartment
Warnings: Cuteness? Cuddles? Some kissing, and innocent touches.

If something were to happen between he and Athena, it would be with thought, with good intentions and a lasting dedication )

Mar. 14th, 2011


Who: Drake and Athena
What: A precautionary checkup.
Where: Athena's office.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Warnings: None.

Just as she was finishing up with Andrew, Jenny poked her head in saying Drake had arrived. )

Mar. 9th, 2011


Who: Athena and Adam (and an NPC secretary)
What: Adam's picking up his prescription, and Athena is hiding
When: Evening, 3/9
Where: Athena's Office
Warning: Aggressiveness in both the actual and passive sort of way

I didn't mean any harm )
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Feb. 21st, 2011


Who: Shiloh and Athena
What: Unpacking and drinking wine.
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Shiloh’s Apartment, Bathos 106
Warnings: Mild flirting

They ended up talking most of the afternoon away )

Feb. 19th, 2011


Who: Gwen and Athena
What: Gwen Goes to the Doctor
When: Post-Quinnapping, Pre-Carnival
Where: Athena’s office, afternoon-ish
Warnings: None!

There were the classic signs of stress, lack of sleep, and very slight indications of a poor diet.  )
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Jan. 31st, 2011


Who: Athena and Mika
What: Fixing
When: After [this] around 3am
Where: Rooftop of Hamartia
Warnings: None!

I'm over a thousand years old, if you'll believe it. )