27 March 2012 at 10:28 am
[hey, it's Flynn! and it's time for Flynn's I miss my dog hour]

[he's already had breakfast, done his jogging, gone through his practice forms, and now he's ended up in the pet cafe, again, playing with one of the puppies. it has been kind of a depressing day so far, so he came here to cheer himself up, but wouldn't you know it? it's just got him thinking about different melancholy things]

[and he just can't help himself but turn on the communicator]

It feels like a lot of people here have adopted animals. I see them out and about all the time. ...How many of you have pets back home?

((ooc: If you want to have caught him earlier in his routine, that's fine too!))
video | open
20 March 2012 at 01:22 am
[Hey sup Marina.

Today, Snowman is looking over all these raincoats and umbrellas that have been so helpfully laid out by their warden, or the warden's robots, or whatever. That's not important.

What is important is that all the raincoats.

She has gathered a bundle of coats in her hands and stands there for a minute looking at them one by one before tossing them aside with a disapproving scowl, or what can probably be surmised is a disapproving scowl by how furiously her eyes are slanted. Life with aliens that have weird faces made of carapace: an adventure in speculation by body language.

After spending another few seconds glaring angrily at this rude pile of coats, she finally looks back at the feed.]

I don't suppose there's a tailor around, is there? I don't want to get my coat wet and none of these others will do in the meantime.
[video | open | action closed to the Doctor's household]
15 March 2012 at 05:15 pm
[The vision cast on the surface of the water filling the kitchen sink isn't something anyone else was supposed to see, but it so happens that the Doctor was making a transmission when Puck's little prank hit him. With many of his abilities still muddled, there is no way the Doctor could have foreseen this possibility or blocked the access to his mind required to create the vision.

The Doctor had wanted to show off the dishes, and the fact that he was doing them. Instead, he grants anyone in Marina who happens across the transmission a brief view of Gallifrey as it was before the Time War ... or would have been after, had the Time Lords not fallen so far and the Doctor had not been forced to use the Moment to destroy his own people.

Once the vision is gone, the Doctor doesn't say a word for a full minute, practically an eternity given his current incarnation's gift of gab.]

Well. That was unexpected.
[video/action → MINGLE] yeah, that's right
10 March 2012 at 01:16 pm
[The shelter is clearly equipped for a celebration to mark the changing of wardens. Everything is neat and tidy, with decorations and a generous food spread laid over the tables for the taking. There’s also the usual entertainment in the common areas – TVs, video games, movies. Maybe you can talk someone into an impromptu karaoke party. Why not? Sentience doesn’t mind.

There’s a party to be had, so get down with your bad self.

Need an invite? Aren’t quite sure what’s going on? Well, here’s a friendly neighbourhood Judith to explain it to you. The camera feed pans over a glammed up corner of the shelter’s common area before going back to her face. It’s clear she’s pleased by the set-up.

If I had known this was planned, I would have made some special cupcakes.

[Are you wondering what goes into Judith’s special cupcakes? Keep wondering.]

I suppose after all the excitement from last night, it’s nice to have some fun and relax. I’m not sure it’s fair to have one party directly following another – but maybe I’ll get to make up for missed opportunities. [She wanted to kick a robot’s face in, okay.]

((OOC: Mingle post for Sentience’s party in the shelter! The shelter is decorated with streamers and there’s a feast spread! But only three types of ice cream, though. Create threads and tag amongst yourselves! It’s a celebration, anything goes. Backdated slightly to the early evening.

If you want to respond to Judith via video, feel free! There will be a thread for that right here! Notifs are turned off otherwise.))
[oo1 | video]
06 March 2012 at 08:34 am
[A video post engages showing a boy who looks more than a little irritated, but mostly tired - immensely so, with smudges under dark blue eyes and stringy hair hanging in his face. He's breathing a little heavy, and lifts a hand to rub at his mouth almost absently.]

Okay. Okay, I get it. Prison, list of crimes, under the ocean or something. I got the brochure and the welcome basket, so no one has to do the orientation thing. Please.

[He pauses, and rubs at his face again, irritation fading and exhaustion lining the space between his eyebrows.]

The ball and chain is a little much. I just want different clothes. I'm already pretty sick of wearing the suit I was gonna be buried in. And...

[A long pause, and his expression shifts to something more pained.]

...this list of crimes. Some of it makes sense, but some of it...no.
video | open
05 March 2012 at 10:25 pm
[Alright, well. Snowman had spent long enough flipping out and breaking things and trying to get this dumb chain off her ankle. What the hell. Like she was a common criminal, really.

She flips her communicator on and wow hey Marina I hope you like your weird shiny black alien faces, because here's another one. She appears to be in the hospital, if the background is any indication.

There might be something on fire behind her. It's hard to tell because her big glaring face is taking up most of the view.

Gee, she looks mad.]

From what I can surmise, we've all been imprisoned in some kind of idiotic penitentiary. This much is clear. [She sees you all whining about it ...]

But I am meant to be dead. What is the point of imprisoning me if I were nearly dead anyway? I need to speak to whoever is in charge here, it's just ridiculous --

[Vague destructive noises as she kicks something off-camera. Grrr!! She spends a minute fuming in silence after that, pointed fingers tapping rhythmically against her upper arms.]

Additionally. I need cigarettes.
[ Event Mingle: ROUND TWO ]
03 March 2012 at 01:47 pm
[[Open to participants at the end of Round One!]]

[You wake up suddenly, and you're not where you were. But looking around, you find you're in... your own room. Your own bed. It's dark and quiet, late at night, and any friends and roommates you might have are there with you, still sleeping, or just waking up.]

[But something is wrong.]

((OOC: This mingle will function the same as the last mingle. Sentience will make a "prompt" comment for each new development, and then you respond to them and thread amongst each other. In this mingle you start out separated, so you are also welcome to use your communicators to video or voice chat with each other in response to each prompt comment. But you are only capable of speaking to other people who are in this mingle; you cannot hear, speak to, or communicate with anyone who isn't taking part in the event. So don't tag any other action or network posts on the community if you're in the event!))
[ Event Mingle: ROUND ONE ]
29 February 2012 at 05:52 pm
[Late afternoon in Sector 3, a slightly-built robot, different from the many that wander the facility, has gathered with a few of the inmates in front of the movie theater.]

[They're planning a party, or so they say.]

[...Within an hour they break away and head to an unremarkable, sealed building towards the dome wall of Sector 3. And then Sentience's party disappears inside it and they are not seen or heard from again for the rest of the day.]

((OOC: The first event mingle. Do not respond to the post itself! Sentience will make several comments over the next few hours. Each comment is a separate prompt, describing the action that's just happened and which is happening. Comment to a "prompt" comment to set your character in the mingle, so that other characters can tag you there! If you want to tag Sentience, Sentience will be making comments just like every other character so that you can interact with it directly.))
28 February 2012 at 11:05 am
[Stitch has borrowed one of the shelter rooms to stay in over the last few days. Now he turns his communicator on to show it off. At first all you'll see is the ceiling, then a big alien eye before Stitch grins and tilts the communicator to show off one of the walls]


[Said wall has a bunch of photos tacked to it, mostly of different areas in the dome. There's also a sketch of him carefully pinned up that was given to him by Reki a few days ago]

Lilo had photo wall at home. So Stitch make photo wall here! [It kind of reminds him of home, but not as full] Stitch needs to take photos of people. [He sets the communicator down and crawls up onto said wall, going around the photos] Take lots of photos!

[He has the plans.

Later on he can be found all around the dome with his newly acquired camera, taking pictures of everything and everyone who comes across his path. Smile for the camera?]
[video | action]
13 February 2012 at 06:20 pm
[ Miwako is up bright and early today~! As the video feed clicks on, you can see her sitting in a rather loud and chaotic bedroom - this, sir, is her new apartment, and she's here to tell you all about it. ]

Good morning~! Miwako has been super busy-busy lately. I moved into a new apartment in Sector 4~! It's my first time living on my own, and I'm really excited. And look-

[ The video shifts to the walls, past a Sex Pistols poster, and to a collection of photographs pinned to the wall. There are photos of Ribbons Almark, Setsuna and his robot statue made of dominoes, photos of Miwako and Nill, photos of Miwako's white kitten Dorian, of koi fish in the pond, and photos of Miwako and Sanji - including an awkward and unflattering picture of the cook, which you're welcome to laugh at. Sorry, Sanji. ]

I got all my photos from the dinner party printed out~ A few days ago, The King and I [ she still doesn't know Tamaki's name... ] were talking about having a photo shoot with cool-looking people - people with killer style. Would any of you guys be interested~? I'm also thinking of throwing a housewarming party soon, too. I'll send out invitations~

If any of you want to drop by sometime, just let me know! Miwako is all moved in and ready to party! [ And with that, she gives a big grin and a peace sign, and shuts off the feed. To those who know her well, this cheerfulness might have seemed kind of... forced; but to others, this is just an especially enthusiastic girl, it seems.]

[ While out and about, Miwako can be found one of two ways today: with a huge (and heavy!) sewing machine box, and without. Acu has delivered her sewing machine, and she's out to retrieve it! Find her taking the scenic route through the park, or elsewhere in the Dome on her way to the kiosk! She's been kind of blue and keeping to herself lately, so she'll be happy to see anyone she knows - or doesn't know! Pucker up, Miwako~ ]
[mingle] Mistletoe Bots
13 February 2012 at 04:14 pm
[Lovely day for being in any open, common area of the dome, isn't it? Of course there is a chance of kissing bot, but it's always something in the underwater prison.]

(OOC: Check out the OOC post for details. Pucker up! Edit: Links for those with loading problems!)
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07 February 2012 at 09:43 pm
[Static crackles over the network for a moment as the new arrival tampers with her communicator, trying to figure out how this wacky future technology works. It doesn’t take too long before a clear, confident voice rings out.]

Hello, am I addressing the other prisoners here? My name is Lenalee, and I’m searching for some answers.
The 153rd Day
06 February 2012 at 06:18 pm
Good morning, inmates. It is the 153rd day of the third generation. More inmates will be integrated into the facility today, so please be aware of this disruption as you go about your day.

The weather today will continue to be cool but mild.

Inmate Claire Bennet, the construction of the bakery is now complete. You may begin to use its facilities.
[voice; open]
03 February 2012 at 01:05 pm
I'm bored of just sitting around and picking at my feet. I want to do something exciting.

There's a Defense Force around here, right? Sign me up!
[open video]
03 February 2012 at 10:56 am
[ Sarah Jane might have made a bad impression with all her shouting in her first post, but this time she's determined to attract positive attention. She's smiling, bright and enthusiastic. ]

Do you know what we need here? A newspaper. The network doesn't have everything, after all. Wouldn't it be nice to know the news? We could do classifieds and advertising too! Whatever people are interested in. It could be like a club or a class.

Is anyone interested? Don't worry if you've never written for a paper before, I can teach you. I used to work for a newsmagazine at home. Journalism is my calling.

Oh, and we'd want photographers and copy editors and the like, too. If you want to help, we'll find you a place. So don't hesitate to get involved!

[ With another bright smile, she turns the recording off. ]
☠ video/action
11 January 2012 at 05:49 pm
[While some people are able to go enjoy themselves out in the snow, other inmates are still restrained and have to do chores.

It's lunch time in the cafeteria, and Sougo is sitting at one of the tables, eating a banana suggestively. He's bored and he wants to sleep, and he also would love to mess with people, buuuuuut he is trying to get out of his restraint and all.]

I don't know what you all complain about. It's not so bad here.


I think cigarettes and mayonnaise should be banned. They're not good for us, you know.

Oh yeah, what's the longest you were restrained for?

[He was curious. Very curious.]
[MINGLE / Open to ALL] Snowball Fight in Sector 4!
11 January 2012 at 07:35 pm
[ Wandering around the snowy park? There are two things to look out for: (1) don't trip over the bright orange ropes that close off a large open area, (2) take cover and watch for a stray snowball, and (3) ... you know, you might want to join in for this is a Snowball Fight.

Only guidelines: no weapons, no head shots, no stuffing snow down someone's mouth, collar or anywhere else uncomfortable. Play to your heart's content! Spoiler: there's no winner.

Warm drinks and snacks are served in a nearby tent (ah, thank goodness for space heaters!), while towels and blankets are also available. You might want to take advantage of the snow as well -- make snowmen, snow angels, your own sculpture as you wind down~ ]

--- OOC Guidelines; PLEASE READ --- )
[Action | Closed | Rose and the Doctor]
08 January 2012 at 07:47 pm
[Sleep wasn't something of which Time Lords had much need, and the Doctor, according to some of his companions, seemed almost never to sleep at all. Whether that was a natural part of being Time Lord, or a peculiarity specific to the Doctor, he never said.

Somehow, he'd let himself be talked into sharing a room with Rose, although he still insisted on kipping on the floor. He had a rather generous nest of blankets and a pillow, but he rarely used them as anything more than a place to lie down while he waited for Rose to fall asleep. Most nights, he eventually got up to wander around the house or Marina. Tonight, however, was one of the nights he actually fell asleep while watching Rose.

It wasn't long, once he started dreaming, before the Doctor started tossing and turning. He would occasionally mutter something--always in Gallifreyan--and his expression was anything but peaceful.]
04 January 2012 at 03:21 pm
[ The camera shows a young woman in her early twenties with a frustrated, almost pouting expression. ] Doctor! Doctor, where have you gone? This pamphlet says I've been arrested. I've got a gift basket! It's completely ridiculous. [ She holds it up and then drops it unceremoniously. ]

This isn't funny. [ She scowls. ] If you can hear me on this thing, you'd better come pick me up.

[ And with that final statement (just missing the heavily implied "or else"), she turns the camera off. ]
[Video/Action] - Open
04 January 2012 at 02:05 pm
[Jack opens his communicator, turns it to video, and stares into the thing without even the slightest problem. He's dealt with communicators before. Many types. There were only so many different ways you could build a communicator before only needed the slightest hints to work one.

The handsome man that appears before you is looking rather calm, for being a newcomer, and if you know him at all, for being Jack. He turns the communicator a couple times, then offers a smile.]

What kind of planet is this? A prison planet? Can't say I haven't been to a few in my time, but... this was pretty abrupt. I didn't even get to see who captured me! [He might have been able to "persuade" them to let him go, after all.]

Well, down to business. I don't suppose any of you fine ladies and fine gentlemen could give me a few pointers here? I wouldn't want to get lost on my first day.

[Sounding rather like he has just arrived at his first day of school, his eyes trail to a bot beside him. He flashes it a charming enough grin, muttering to it for a second, then returns his attention to the camera.]

These guys don't seem quite as fun as flesh and blood people anyway.