Mar. 2nd, 2008


My Closest Thing To Yaoi/Slash

Title: My Closest Thing To Yaoi/Slash
Character: Duo
Team: White Fang
Rating: PG for the word "hell"
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: This is a crossover with Sandman, which is about all I know of the other fandom: its name. It came from a chat with [info]cozzybob who talked of writing her crossover with Sandman for the challenge but was having problems keeping it at 100 words. I showed her just how easy it could be, so thanks for [info]cozzybob for the character's name.

My Closest Thing To Yaoi/Slash
by Arabian Princess

"Hey who are you?"

"I'm Morpheus. Who are you?"

"I'm Duo. Where are you from?"

"Sandman. You?"

"Gundam Wing."

"Never heard of it."

"Well, what the hell is Sandman?"

"I think it's a comic."

"Well I'm in an anime."

"You mean cartoon."

"No, anime. There's a difference."

"Only to American teens who want to defend their infantile obsession to their parents."

"Shut up. At least I'm not a comic figure. Only nerds read you."

"At least my audience's all-American. You have unpopular high schoolers who wish they were Japanese."

"Maybe we're not so different after all."

"I love you, Duo."

Dec. 31st, 2007


Purple Defeat / Waiting / Just Like Zechs

Title: Purple Defeat
Author: Arabian Princess
Characters: Zechs and Noin
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Disclaimer: Standard

It's not defeat, Zechs )

Title: Waiting
Author: Arabian Princess
Characters: Zechs, Noin, Sally
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Disclaimer: Standard

Sally watched from behind glass )

Title: Just Like Zechs
Author: Arabian Princess
Characters: Sally, Zechs, Noin
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Notes: Character Death
Disclaimer: Standard

God bless you )

Sep. 5th, 2007


The List

Title: The List
Characters: Treize, mention of Zechs
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Disclaimer: Standard

It was a special list )

Aug. 19th, 2007


We'll Do It In The Barn

Title: We'll Do It In The Barn
Pairing: little!Zorothy (or Zoro)
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Note: They are children.
Disclaimer: Standard

Nothing wrong with that )


The Child

Title: The Child
Pairing: Zorothy (or Zoro)
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Note: Think of this as a continuation. E started it, Cozzy continued, and now here's my part.
Disclaimer: Standard

her bulging belly between them )


The Meeting

Title: The Meeting
Characters: Treize, Noin, Sylvia
Word Count: 100
Warning: crack...silliness
Team: White Fang
Disclaimer: Standard

You, me, and Dorothy )


Where's Wufei?

Title: Where's Wufei?
Characters: Wufei, nameless Preventers
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Disclaimer: Standard

Where's Wufei? )


I Have A Secret

Title: I Have A Secret
Characters: Dorothy, Zechs
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Disclaimer: Standard

That's wonderful )


Taken to the Grave

Title: Taken to the Grave
Characters: Duo, Catherine
Word Count: 100
Warnings: bit of angst, a character's dead
Team: White Fang
Disclaimer: Standard

A funeral was by its very nature sad )

Aug. 16th, 2007


Death of Heero Yuy

Title: Death of Heero Yuy
Character: Real Heero Yuy
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Disclaimer: Standard

greatly regarded as a tragedy )


A Plan

Title: A Plan
Characters: Duo, Hilde
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Disclaimer: Standard

Come on, Duo )


My Mother / Rumors

Title: Book of Secrets: ...My Mother
Author: Arabian Princess
Character: Quatre
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Notes: Full title (which is a basic summary of the drabble) is at the end of each drabble and not counted toward word count
Disclaimer: Standard

Mother's Day )

Title: Book of Secrets: ...Rumors
Author: Arabian Princess
Character: Relena
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Notes: Full title (which is a basic summary of the drabble) is at the end of each drabble and not counted toward word count
Disclaimer: Standard

It was wrong to gossip )


My Child's Father / My Name / I Read

Title: Book of Secrets: ...My Child's Father
Author: Arabian Princess
Characters: Leia Barton, Dekim Barton
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Note: Full title (which is a basic summary of the drabble) is at the end of each drabble and not counted toward word count
Disclaimer: Standard

Who's the father? )

Title: Book of Secrets: ...My Name
Author: Arabian Princess
Characters: Midii Une, Lady Une
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Note: Full title (which is a basic summary of the drabble) is at the end of each drabble and not counted toward word count
Disclaimer: Standard

Name? )

Title: Book of Secrets: I Read...
Author: Arabian Princess
Character: Duke Dermail
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Note: Full title (which is a basic summary of the drabble) is at the end of each drabble and not counted toward word count
Disclaimer: Standard

He read the newspaper every day )

Aug. 13th, 2007



Title: Touching
Author: Arabian Princess
Characters: Quatre, surprise
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Disclaimer: Standard

Stop it! )

Aug. 9th, 2007



Title: Shampoo
Characters: Female Character (Mostly Likely Relena)
Word Count: 100
Notes: I wanted a happier one than the one before.
Disclaimer: Standard

Which one to buy? )

January 2010





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