Oct. 6th, 2007


Cancelled appointments

Job Perks
Title: Job Perks
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Job Perks
Author note: A happier reply to Lady of Shadow's entry!

“Miss Janssen, please send in my next appointment” sounded through the secretary’s deskspeaker.

She nervously gulped, and gestured over the man sitting opposite “He’s ready to see you now Mr Barton. Will you need me to look after your er... pets?”

He turned back, just in front of the ornate doors leading to Quatre’s office “No, they’ll be okay here... Sit,” he ordered, then let himself in.

Quatre’s bright smile lit the room “Trowa!! How long can you stay?” he asked, glancing at his watch. “I can cancel some appointments...”

“No need.” Trowa smiled, holding up two empty lion leashes.

Oct. 1st, 2007



Title: Leo
Character : Trowa
Challenge: Job Perks
Team: Oz
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: I had this drabble in my head (Trowa petting the constellation Leo actually) and had to get some form of it out. No idea where it would be in the Gundam Wing timeline, but I figure that 'leaving' the circus can mean a mental departure as well as physical.

Trowa looked over his shoulder before he snuck over to the lion’s cage.

“Hello friend, how are you today?”

The lion nuzzled against the bars and purred.

Trowa smiled and pet the lion’s mane. His fingers smoothed the rough hair, finding the softer bits of fur beneath the chin. “We’ll both get out of here soon. Performing is just a job, you know. One day we’ll make a difference.”

When the lion was killed for breaking free, Trowa left the circus forever.

His only perk, his friend - was gone.

It was time to carve the lion’s memory into the stars.


Prompt #16

The Gundams held onto their photographic memories last week for 20 points.  Oz likes to take pictures for 10 points.  White Fang and Preventer are quite shy about having any pictures taken at all.

This week's prompt is #16 - Job Perks

Oh yeah, a nice cockpit, some real space food, access to secret documents, rose-scented bubble baths...  

The perks of the job -  you know, we all want them.  What kind would our characters have, if any?  Military leave, paid vacactions, health insurance, Christmas bonuses?

But remember, you must give them their job perks in only 100 words.

January 2010





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