Sep. 3rd, 2008


Done deal

Title: Done deal
Characters/Pairings: Duo
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: This starts with the first line from "Choose Life," Ewan McGregor's brilliant opening monologue in the film Trainspotting.

"Choose a fucking big television!"

Duo's music blared. Deathscythe danced, surrounded by buzzing flies.

"You assholes chose this! You signed up. You believed lies." The Gundam shuddered from nearby explosions.

"You could have had a normal job... kids... a fucking dog..." Duo yelled, slashing suits into shards.

"Health care! Hahahahaha. Too late; you're Shinigami's now." The great scythe swept remnants away.

"Family... That's you, 'Scythe, and a few Gundam freaks."

Shaking in the adrenaline aftermath, Duo changed the music. "We'll keep flying as long as we can. Right, 'Scythe?"

Choose what you have, right here, right now. And treasure it.



Challenge: Choose life
Team: Gundams
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

Heero wasn’t shivering any more. The stabbing pain in his chest seemed fainter too.

Last time he’d tried to lift his communicator in front of his eyes to see if the signal was working, he hadn’t had the strength. How long ago was that? No idea. He drifted, letting falling snow form a barrier from the wind.

He must have slept because it was suddenly dark. Okay, one last try... gritting his teeth, he fumbled for the communicator.

As he rubbed snow off the screen, the glowing words put a fire back in his heart.
“Don’t die. ETA 20m. Duo”

Sep. 1st, 2008


Prompt #63

No points were awarded last week.

This week's prompt is #63 - Choose life

Sometimes the question of live or die happens upon the characters of Gundam Wing - probably more often then they would wish it did. Do I save a friend or save myself? How do I live when so many I cherish are gone?

No matter who you write about (Zechs, Treize, Heero, Duo, Lady Une, etc.), have them choose to live in only 100 words.

January 2010





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