Jan. 13th, 2008


Full Moon Rising

Title: Full Moon Rising

Challenge: The Moon

Characters: Treize, Zechs, and…

Team: OZ

Word count: 100




“Did you see that?”


Zechs cleared his throat and looked away from the monitor. “Yes, sir, I believe I did.”


Treize checked to verify that the other officers in the surveillance terminal were otherwise occupied. He had enough trouble keeping order lately without this sort of distraction. “So, which one is that?”


“02, I think, sir.”


“I see.” Treize risked a look back at the monitor: nope, still there. He blinked and focused on his fingernails. “If nothing else, he’s creative.”


Zechs regarded the pale buns squished against the viewport of the Gundam Deathscythe. “That’s one way to put it.”

Jan. 12th, 2008


Face the Moon

Title: Face the Moon
Characters : Zechs and a soldier
Challenge: The Moon
Team: Oz
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

Even the full moon has its dark side, though it lights the way for those beneath its rank – it is still subject to changes.

It does not stay in one place, not for very long.

It waxes and wanes.

“Sir, what’s that card in your hand?”

“A relic,” Zechs replied.

“I’ve read up on those,” the soldier said. “The Moon is tricky and dangerous. Facing the moon is only half the battle, the completion is to come away from it safely-”

A bomb exploded beside them and the Moon fell – consumed by the fire of battle.

Zechs drew his weapon.

Jan. 13th, 2008


The Moon Base

Characters: 5 & 2
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
Challenge: The Moon

I used ancient techniques to still my body, breathing, even slow my heartbeat, and drifted in blackness.

Suddenly though, I felt hands at my waist. I bolted upright, to the sight of him settling over my thighs, sans pants. To his credit, he flinched, but stayed where he was, those ridiculous eyes on mine. “Wu, I don’t wanna die a virgin. Do you?” He wheedled.

“I’m not.”

He blinked, but bulled ahead... “Well OK stud, help me out here...”

“I’m not gay.”

“Jesus Wu, It won’t kill ya! Have a heart!”

I sighed, and reached to untie my own pants.

Jan. 7th, 2008


Prompt #30

White Fang blew away the competition last week - quite literally - to earn themselves the 30 point win.  Downtime struck the rest of our teams - or maybe they were the ones being killed off! *scream*

This week's prompt is #30 - The Moon

The moon is one of those mysterious things that has baffled scientists a time or two.  And yet, that is why dreamers and poets love it - it's mystery.

This week, write the moon into your drabble.

Duo is amazed at how pretty it looks from earth, but how to the others feel about it?  Does Heero even care that it is lighting his way on a mission? Would Quatre watch it glimmer on the sand? Is Howard using it for navigation, much like the stars? Does Zechs remember seeing it out of a palace window as a child?

However the moon inspires you, write it in just 100 words.

January 2010





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