Oct. 29th, 2007


Degenerate Elite

Title: Degenerate Elite

Challenge: Insanity

Character: Treize Kushrenada

Team: OZ

Word count: 100

A/N: Inspired by the Oingo Boingo song “Insanity”.






Look at them, the people of Earth. So eager to follow, so desperate to be led.


Can it be their sole destiny to suffer an endless cycle of warfare? Unthinkable.


War must end, even if it destroys humanity to see it done.


As the only man willing to make these difficult decisions, to take up a unified Earth banner no matter the cost, I shall remember the names of the dead, martyrs who fell to rid mankind of the plague of war. There will be many; I shall likely be among them in the end.


But the madness will stop.

Oct. 23rd, 2007


The cure

Title: The cure
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Insanity

They peered through the tiny window in the metal door.
“What’s he doing?”
The doctor paused, cleared his throat. “It seems he is repeatedly acting out stressful situations from his past. He doesn’t react to present events at all.”
“What’s with the straps?”
“I’m afraid he’s rather violent - we couldn’t give him his medication unless...”
“I’m going in”
“Mr Maxwell, please wait for the orderly - it’s not safe...”
The doctor’s jaw dropped as Maxwell pushed into the room, and glazed blue eyes focused suddenly, intently, “Duo. What’s going on? Where am I?”
“I’m gettin’ you out of here.”

Oct. 22nd, 2007


Prompt #19

According to the results of last week's prompt, Oz new how to crash a party.  These uninvited guests garnered 20 points.  The GUndams managed to have some people drop in unexpectedly for 10 points.  Lucky for Preventer and White Fang, they don't have their addresses listed.

This week's prompt is #19 - Insanity

Oh, come on!  You've always wanted to do it.  You know, drive a character insane?  It's so tempting to just push them over the edge.  Give them a little nudge and watch them descend into madness.

Well, now is your chance!  Sure, Duo can be a little crazy, but is he one step closer to the edge of madness than we think?  Heero - now there's one that is probably insane already!  Maybe it's just the quiet ones.  Speaking of quiet, Trowa certainly has some issues that might push him over that cliff.  But Quatre, hmm...he could be really scary especially after his father's self-destruction for good.  It's the laugh.

Lady Une walks that fine line between reality and insanity.  Zechs has identity issues.  Wufei, well, his whole colony exploded!

Whoever the character, whatever the situation, whatever the madness, make them insane in just 100 words. MWAHAhahahaa! *ahem*

January 2010





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