Feb. 4th, 2008


Title: Reality
Characters: Quatre
Challenge: Nightmare
Team: Gundams
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Note: Also done for [info]prompt_100, propmt believe.

The world was coming a part at the seams. The Gundams were no longer supported by the colonies, and the Earth was allowing the colonies to arm themselves. His father was dead and Quatre was sure all of his sisters now hated him.

He didn’t know even if he could believe in any of the other pilots, let alone himself. There was nothing left to believe in. Only that society was a nightmare, and only he knew it..

So he would show them all, the nightmare by becoming one himself.

He looked to Wing Zero.

They should show them all.



Characters: 3&4
Challenge: Nightmare
Team: Gundams
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

I woke, screaming.
As a child, I’d learned to wake from nightmares without crying out, but now, this dream of drifting in space always breaks through that conditioning - probably because it’s based on reality. I’d really expected to die when I lost sight of Quatre - just drift out there forever, slowly starving to death.
But the part that always wakes me yelling in horror is when he floats back into sight, outside his Gundam, grinning insanely. That’s when he smashes my facemask with a miniature shotel.
“Trowa?” he mumbles beside me, “Nightmare?”
“It’s nothing. Go back to sleep.”

Feb. 1st, 2008


So Clearly

Title: So Clearly
Characters/Pairings: 2x5
Prompt: Nightmare
Team: Preventers
Rating: G
Word Count: 100


Duo stood at the window, staring up at the starry sky.

“What are you doing up?” a quiet voice asked.

“Don’t want to sleep, Wu-bear.” Duo answered without turning to his lover.

Ignoring the irritating pet name, Wufei walked to the window. “Nightmares again?”

Violet eyes slid shut as they tried to ignore the painful thoughts in the back of his head. “I can see them so clearly when I sleep. Father Maxwell, Sister Helen, Solo, everyone who died that I could have saved.”

A touch on the shoulder brought him out of his thoughts. “I’ll stay up with you.”

Jan. 28th, 2008


Prompt #33

Achoo!  When it comes to the itching, sneezing and watery eyes associated with allergies, the Gundams and OZ make a run for their antihistamines.  They tied last week at 10 points each.

This week's prompt is #33 - Nightmare

Nightmares can be just a simple annoyance of a freaky dream or can be a full blown screaming, well...nightmare.

Is Wu Fei having dreams that make him sweat heavily in his sleep?  Is Duo having these dreams about a guy in a striped sweater sporting a hand of knives?  Does Treize flail or talk in his nightmarish dreaming state? Would Heero admit to having a nightmare even if others woke him up from one?  Does Zechs dream about a fiery palace and wake vowing revenge? Does Noin look to the battlefield and see a nightmare in progress?

Whatever the nightmare, write it in just 100 words.

January 2010





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