Nov. 29th, 2007


Bad manners

Characters: 1x2
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Bad habit

As Duo reached for the noodles again, with his personal chopsticks, Wufei frowned, and laid down his own.
At home later, with Duo leaning against his chest, Heero asked, “You know its bad manners to use your own chopsticks in the shared dishes, don’t you?”
He got a mouthful of hair as Duo twisted around, “What?” he asked, wide eyed.
“It’s unsanitary...”
“Shit! Why didn’t you tell me? You know I don’t know that stuff,” then wistfully, “On L2 we were lucky if we got to pass round a chicken leg...”
“It doesn’t matter.” And suddenly, to Heero, it didn’t.

Nov. 27th, 2007


Duo’s Secret Stash

Title: Duo’s Secret
Character : Heero and Duo
Challenge: Bad Habit
Team: Gundam pilots
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100

“What were you doing?”

Duo looked to Heero. “Whaddya mean?”

“Over in the corner, the dark one, you were doing something…”

“Heh, I don’t know what your mind is coming up with, but please share!”

Heero rolled his eyes. “You could at least do it in your quarters.”

“It’s monitored,” Duo said. “I don’t want anyone seeing me. It’s bad enough I smuggled it in here.”


“Wanna share?”

“You can share them?”

“I’ve got a bunch! I don’t mind.” He reached in his jacket and frowned. “Aw man, they melted!”

Duo pulled out some chocolate and licked his fingers.

Nov. 26th, 2007


Prompt #24

It seems that the Gundams and Oz experienced catastrophic power failures last week.  They tied with 10 points each.  Preventer and White Fang must have stolen all the back up batteries.

This week's prompt is #24 - Bad Habit

We all have a bad habit or two.  This week, give the characters a bad habit.

Does Duo twirl his hair?  Is Heero a thumb-sucker?  Would Quatre chew his nails?  Wufei throw his clothing on the floor? Is Treize guilty of gossiping? Has Zechs been around the barracks so long that he chews with his mouth open?  Would Relena spit?

So give them a bad habit, but write it in just 100 words.

January 2010





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