Jan. 27th, 2008


At the pound

Characters: 1&2
Challenge: Allergies
Team: Gundams
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

“I can’t” he whined - a tone I’d never thought to hear from Heero. He sneezed again.
“Just look at this cute little grey one...” I picked the little fellow up and tried to transfer it to him, but he backed off.
“What’s with you, Heero?” Then I realized, “... Are you allergic to cats?”
“No. I don’t know,” Another sneeze, “Yes, actually.” He blinked, hand over mouth.
I sighed, “Babe, why are we at the pound if you’re allergic...”
“If it makes you happy,” he smiled, “I can live with sneezing.”
That was when I decided to keep Heero instead.

Jan. 21st, 2008


Training in the Spring

Title: Training in the Spring
Characters : Wufei and Duo
Challenge: Allergies
Team: Oz
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

It took the utmost focus and concentration-


- to channel the chi through his muscles-


-with discipline of the mind, body, spirit…


“Why are you out here if your allergies are bothering you so much?”

Duo sniffled and looked to Wufei. “Because I like watching you.”

“Everything is blooming,” Wufei said, continuing with his movements. “You know it bothers your sinuses.”

“I don’t care,” Duo said stubbornly. “Besides, I’m helping you to train.”


“I’m a distraction,” Duo said. He removed his sticky shirt. “By learning to ignore, yet be aware of distractions – it helps you train.”


Prompt #32

Well, it seems that Preventer has the weirdest days at work!  Their team pulled in 10 points for the win last week!  

This week's prompt is #32 - Allergies

In space, if you have an allergy attack, does anyone hear you sneeze?

Is Heero allergic to Relena's new perfume?  Does Duo sneeze every time he is confronted with roses?  How would Lady Une handle those unsightly hives if she were allergic to the cosmetics?  Is Wufei deathly allergic to bee stings?  Would Trowa die if he was given penicillin at the hospital?  Does Treize stay away from the peanuts?

Whatever the allergy, write about it in just 100 words!

January 2010





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