Dec. 13th, 2007


In the Locker Room

Title: In the Locker Room
Character : Heero and Duo
Challenge: Superstition
Team: Oz
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

“How long have you been wearing those?”

“Three weeks,” Duo responded.

Heero gagged. “Why?”

“They’re my lucky socks!”

“Lucky socks?”

“Oh yeah! I was wearing them on that mission when my Gundam short-circuited and I spiraled into that free fall-

“You call that lucky?”

Luckily I crashed into that ship, which knocked the circuits back together!”


“On the next THREE missions, everything went great! And I realized that I was wearing the same socks – didn’t have a chance to shower. So, from then on…”

Heero held his breath and jumped him. Duo needed a shower. Lucky socks be damned.

Dec. 11th, 2007


Creating Superstitions

Team: Gundams
Characters: 1 & 2
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Superstition
A/N: Ooops totally missed last week, so I'm getting in first :)

“If he stirs it ten times, he’s angry with me,” thought Heero, surreptitiously watching Duo’s coffee. He stirred it ten times.

“If he puts the spoon in the sink, he thinks I’m an idiot,” he decided, just before Duo tossed it in there. Heero sighed.

“If he goes straight into the bathroom, he’s leaving me,” his heart hitched as Duo passed behind him, and he dropped his head down onto his arms.

But the bathroom door made no sound. Instead, he felt a soft kiss on the back of his neck, and heard “Love ya, Babe.”

So much for superstitions.

Dec. 10th, 2007


Prompt #26

Last week proved that the Gundams were up to more mischief late at night than anyone else!  They bombed and blamed at 2 a.m. for 20 points!  Oz had some minor insomnia for 10 points while White Fang and Preventer slept like babies.

This week's prompt is #26 - Superstition

There are several definitions for the word superstition:

-  "the irrational belief that future events are influenced by specific behaviors, without having a causal relationship."
-  "a belief in the ominous significance of certain symbols or occurences"
-  "a belief in something not justified by reason or evidence"

Does Duo pick up pennies for luck? Does Trowa have a luck item that he keeps inside his gundam? As for WuFei, does he baulk at superstition with the thinking that you make your own destiny? Does Treize have a fear of the number thirteen? 

For a little help, there is a list of general superstitions and old wives' tales listed here.

Are the characters superstitious?  Tell us about it, in only 100 words.

Mod note:

Welcome all new members!  We look forward to reading your drabbles!  Happy writing and reading!

January 2010





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