Nov. 17th, 2007


Night visit

Title: Night visit
Team: White Fang (heheh)
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Sense of smell
AN: I can SO see this happening.

The smell of blood was strongest by Trowa’s room. I’d heard him stumbling about last night, returning from a mission.... stumbling? Trowa NEVER stumbled!
Inside, the smell was overwhelming, and there was something... earthy as well. I punched the light switch to see him spread bonelessly across the bed, the front of his top black with blood.
He was breathing, thank God. I tugged the shirt up to reveal three deep, parallel gashes,
“MEDKIT!” I yelled, waking him. He blinked sleepily.
“What the hell is this, Trowa?!”
“Stopped to see the lions at the zoo,” he frowned vaguely, “They’re unhappy.”

Nov. 12th, 2007


Prompt #22

Both the Gundams and Oz had their favorite weapons cleaned, primed, and ready to be used last week - they tied with 10 points each.

This week's prompt is #22 - Sense of Smell

Write a drabble using the sense of smell.  There are so many things that waft through the air and up to our nose.  Some are pleasant and can cause a flashback of memories.  Some are not so pleasant and downright foul.  Some are distinct and you know what it is right when you smell it.  Others are vague in that you know what it is but just can't quite place it.  And some really strong smells you can almost taste.

Can Duo smell lunch cooking a mile off?  Does Quatre like the smell of hot sand?  Is Wufei smelling trouble brewing?  Is Treize a wine connoisseur, smelling the wine before the taste? Will the smell of roses bring Lady Une back to herself? Is a cold inhibiting Heero's sense of smell?

No matter what the smell, sense it in just 100 words.

January 2010




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