Sep. 2nd, 2007


Private space

Sigh - not so happy with this one :(

Title: Private space
Characters/Pairings: Wufei
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Space
Author's Note: Wufei has feelings too!

The field of flowers had been destroyed by huge earthmovers. Refugees had to be housed somewhere, of course – this was close to town, with the highway nearby. Wufei’s regret at the loss of such beauty was accompanied by an urge to see what lay beyond that small rise, facing west - he’d never climbed it.
He dodged construction machinery and the muddy mess it left, soon approaching the brow of the hill. The setting sun highlighted two teenagers wrapped around each other, under a tree, oblivious to him.
Somehow it made his heart lighter that they had found their own space.

Aug. 27th, 2007


Prompt #11 and a vote

Since there seems to be some dissention in factioning in the ranks, *cough*[info]ederyn*cough*, I am opening a vote in screened comments to decide what teams we will be playing for in the future.

Speak up and chime in; the flavors are yours to decide, but there shall be only three. (five is right out)

The most obvious choices are the following (but feel free to vote for anything else, just be aware that yours may be the only vote for them).  Vote for the three you most want to see played for. In the event of a tie, the mods will throw down for it.

The potential teams:

1. OZ
2. White Fang
3. Gundams
4. Romefeller
5. Preventer
6. Treize Faction
7. Alliance

For this week, please play for the Gundams, OZ, or White Fang. We will reveal the new team round up next week.

Now, for the winners from last week - Technically, the Gundams won by 20 points followed by OZ at 10 points. However, the Preventers received 30 points so I guess they pirated their way through that prompt challenge. (But for future reference, we will no longer be counting rogue teams for the team challenge.)

The prompt for this week is #11 - Space

The vastness of outer space, the space in your room, the space between your ears, the spaces betwen us - it's all about space.  

Fill a space in the challenge with just 100 words.

January 2010





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