Dec. 22nd, 2007


01's journal

Title: 01's Journal
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
A/N: Not entirely sure of the timeline, but hopefully its roughly right!

AC192, June 7, 9.55pm: Optimal achievements in all tests today. J satisfied. Negative result on assault course. Punishment: 200 pull-ups. Peak efficiency ESSENTIAL.

AC195, June 16, 10.47pm: School successfully infiltrated. Mission requires collaboration with 02. Pilot seems lacking in dedication. Will monitor.

AC195, September 2, 10.00pm: Reacquired Maxwell from OZ facility. He has proved stronger and more loyal than expected. He has

AC195, December 30: Duo suggested giving up our Gundams. I’m not sure its a good idea.

AC197, February 14: I finally said ‘I love you’, to Duo. He blinked away tears, smiled, and kissed me...

Dec. 18th, 2007


Hidden Within

Title: Hidden Within
Characters : Zechs and Treize
Challenge: diary
Team: Oz
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

He found it after Treize died, hidden beneath the folds of a velvet cushion – placed between cracks of wood, inside of a fire proof box.

It was leather bound, a rare quality for a book, but perhaps not so rare for a man of his breeding.

It held his inner most thoughts, private conversations, his fears, his loves – all that he withheld from his subordinates and those closest to him.

When Zechs flipped through the journal, a dried rose fell to the floor.

He swallowed the lump in his throat and wrote a final entry to the pages with tears.

Dec. 17th, 2007


Prompt #27

It seems that the Gundams and OZ are equally superstitious.  They tied last week for 10 points each.  Preventer doesn't belive in such things and White Fang walks under enough ladders not to care anymore.

This week's prompt is #27 - Diary

Whether you call it a diary or a journal, it is relatively the same thing - private thoughts committed to paper as a testament that you lived. Even online journals are a form of diary.  Yes, the whole world can read them (within reason), but they can still contain your deepest darkest thoughts.  

This week, give a character a diary.

Would Heero's journal consist of "Duo must die"? Does Relena jazz up her diary with little hearts and flowers? Would Wufei resort to sneaking a peak at someone's private journal?  Does Treize blog online and would he resort to making money off of it?  What would Zechs write in his journal?

Personal and private?  Not anymore!  Write it in just 100 words.

January 2010





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