Posts Tagged: 'matt+murdock'

Mar. 25th, 2018




To Peter Parker

>Hey kid. How you doing?
>Just checking in.
>Be good.

To Matt Murdock

>Hey, Red.
>I dunno if you can get these things. I guess you can.
>It's Frank, by the way.

Mar. 16th, 2018



several private filtered things


Private filters to Matt Murdock, Darcy Lewis, Shuri, and Bruce Banner )

Mar. 9th, 2018



[Network Post]

So what is this thing? How does this work?

Also, turns out my former lawyer actually does know how to do his job. So.

I'm Frank.



[Network Post]

[Text to Jessica Jones]
> So, how is the superheroing going?
> You know, we had lunch the other day.
> I hate him.

[Text to Matt Murdock]
> Congratulations on overturning the Sokovia Accords!
> I don't 'fangirl' but if I did I would be doing so right now, which would be incredibly nerdy of me.
> Thought you might wanna know Kilgrave roped me into lunch a few days ago and managed to keep the mind control to a minimum so that's a plus.
> He will lord it over you but since he's deluded into thinking she'll love him of her own volition if he becomes a hero that might keep him on the narrow for a while.

Mar. 8th, 2018



[Network Post]


This is all due to Matt Murdock, super lawyer and sexy devil. Everyone give him a round of applause, and never mention anything about him to the general populace. Because what happens on the network, stays on the network. Like Fight Club with better costume design.

First, let's have a sing-a-long to Freedom. It's the first thing that I listened to this morning. Sang out loud with it too. Sorry not sorry, roomies? Lucky for you, my singing voice is made of great.

Second? Honey, I'm coming home. ✌️ I have to talk to some people first though. So you don't get to be sick of me until after this weekend. Sorry really sorry.

Third, a FYI. Pep and I will work out a more permanent housing situation, so none of you are stuck worrying about where to go next or getting super cooties. All of the sorries.

Last: I know it's exciting that another of my great mistakes is taken care of, but don't blow up anything to celebrate. Ok? Ok. Glad we had this chat.

Belated P.S. - WHIH can pucker up and kiss my still perky ass.

Mar. 6th, 2018



[Network Post]

This is my first time to New York, and I am unsure what to think. I did not picture it smelling like this.

I am Shuri, of Wakanda.

Mar. 4th, 2018



Email to Tony Stark

Hey Tony,

So I've been pouring myself over the Accords in my spare time (which I have a lot of at the moment - don't get declared dead it's a pain for business) and I think I've figured out a way to get them rescinded. Actually I'm confident I've found a way to get them rescinded. So confident, I actually went right ahead and filed the paperwork with the Supreme Court, as well as passing it out to a few choice news outlets.

Hopefully that isn't going to ruin any plans you have, because they're going to have to act on it pretty quickly after how publicly they're going to be recognised as unconstitutional. It won't stretch to the other countries in the UN until they debate it themselves, but unless Congress want to openly defy the constitutional rights of Americans I think you might be off the hook soon...


Matt Murdock

Mar. 2nd, 2018



[Network Post]

So not sure how to do this but for all those who don't know me and those that do I'm Bruce Banner and by extension the Incredible Hulk. You can't have one without the other though I'm sure he would agree he'd rather be the one in charge but hey can't have everything you want in life

I know that better than most

But yeah, hi

If anybody wants or needs me I'll be over there trying to talk Tony out of whatever harebrained plan he has up his sleeve

Feb. 27th, 2018



[Network Post]

Obtaining weapons here on Midgard is easier than I thought it would be, but all the better

Serves my purpose so I will not quibble

Feb. 24th, 2018




Hey. Listen. I know we're all kinda waiting for something to top the Sharknado incident or for someone to get arrested or whatever BUT, hear me out. I got a gig being a DJ at Retro Club NYC this week on Friday night. All of you who are of age to go to a Terran club should come and dance and drink and have fun so they might actually hire me.

I'm looking at you Asgardians especially since I know you all can party.

Feb. 23rd, 2018



[Network Post]

At the risk of sounding completely out of my element, I thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Christine Palmer, and I'm a surgeon in the ER at Metro-General. I'm a friend of Doctor Stephen Strange, and he mentioned that my skills as a doctor might help some of you from time to time. So I just want to put out there that I can be a medical resource, completely confidential of course. What I mean is, I don't have to know you to help you. Just reach out, and I'll do what I can. Within reason.

So, with all that said? Hi.

Feb. 22nd, 2018



[Network Post]

I woke up and Frank was just.. gone. So I guess, just be prepared that even if you want to keep people around, sometimes they don't.

Feb. 21st, 2018



[Network Post]

Good morning, shady network app/server I got in a card from a stranger's users. Explain please, thank you.

Feb. 20th, 2018



[Network Post]

Never thought I'd be on any sort of social media, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised how quickly technology changes these days.

I'm Matt Murdock, and apparently I'm in whatever this is with you.

I'm an attorney so if anyone needs legal advice or representation, I can guarantee great rates. And well I suppose secrets stay secret on here so I might as well confess to being the Devil of Hell's Kitchen while I'm at it.