World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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Between the five year old version of our son Xander and the six month old version of me, I'm afraid that my husband is going to get baby fever. Or already has it.

I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Current Mood: indescribable indescribable


Whoooa. What the hell?

Filtered Message to Sylar (Five Years Gone) )

Filtered Message to Matt Parkman )

Gabriel "Sylar" Gray [userpic]

Filtered to Simon Petrelli )

Nathan (mine) )

Sylar (the former president) )

Um. . .

Iowa again.

But even less interesting.

I must have died. This is hell.

Communicator's dead, no sign of any kind of intelligent life.

I'll take the horrific ice planet again, at least it was interesting.

OOC: James is no longer going to be tagging back, due to his reunion with his father. Thanks for all the threadage! Anyone who wants to log their date, plz e-mail the mun.

Uhura to Enterprise... Scotty, something went wrong with the transporter. I'm not-


Computer, what is the current stardate? Computer?

This is decidedly inconvenient.

I was in the middle of something.

Well, if this isn't the most interesting little gadget I've seen in a long time. I'm not even quite sure that I'm using it properly but I guess there's only one way to find out, isn't there?

Hmm. Where to start. Let's see. Oh! First of all, Noah dear, if you were planning a trip to New York you might have thought to tell me first. My mother is going to be beside herself when I'm not around to take her to the doctor tomorrow and you know how she can be. At least, I hope you're somehow behind this.

Also, could someone please explain why the calendar says it's 2009? That's a little far-out to be believable, even for me.

Okay...I'm a little confused right now. First off, I went to sleep in Pennsylvania and now I'm in New York City. And Mark is an idiot, but he's not that much of an idiot. I have an exam on Monday. Not to mention Sandy would kill him. Which begs the question of what happened. There's also the calendar...which says it's 2009. And that's just ridiculous. Anyone with a brain knows it's 1984.

Has anyone seen a girl named Sandra Lewis around? I'm hoping she's not caught up in this nonsense, but you never know.

Logan Echolls [userpic]
Filtered to You Father Types

Help me out here.

Is it okay for a guy, a real man's man here, to really get a kick outta baby toes? And the way they yawn? And the way they're kinda smelly but in a good way? Okay, stopping now...

*Cough* How about them Lakers?

So how to balance out the ick cuteness factor with being so fucking in love with the little bugger you can't see straight?

Current Mood: giddy giddy

What the hell did you do, Nakamura? We're supposed to be looking for Peter and my kids! Not teleporting exactly where we were!

Current Mood: annoyed annoyed
voice post

I tant fine Tuddwes!

I have a headache.

Current Mood: fuming fuming

. . . huh. Haven't done THAT in years.

Whoa. That was kinda . . . yeah. Mom and Dad are gonna throw a fit if they find out I ditched Secret Service again.

Mr. Petrelli? I don't feel too well . . .

Lyle Bennet [userpic]

Spoilers )

[OOC: Heroes spoilers for Season Three episode "Invisible Thread" in post and comments.]

Voice post

*giggling, before a little girl's voice starts saying her newly learned word*

Shit! Heeeeee! Shitshitshit!

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