World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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Bloody hell I don't have a gift fer him yet.

What is this? Richard? Zedd? RICHARD?!

Current Mood: shocked shocked

What the hell jus' happened?

Been bloody busy at the pub lately.....bout time for a vacation.

Voice Post

*the sound of something crashing....much giggling then another crash*


Hee. Crazy straws? What else will you mortals come up with?

Voice Post

Mamma.....Daddy.... *sniffling*

Hello to the new arrivals welcome to Gigi's world.

If anyone needs a drink please don't mind stoppin' by the Wanderin' Rocks Pub most of the folks around here have a tab at my place. As long as ya pay it we're good.

If any of you family types of mine have seen the younger of the Peter's tell him to check in with me please I'm worried about him.

I have Cat...that's what matters. Still I can't help missing her today.

Godboxed to Tesa and Logan's home

Dad )

For the newest little fan )

For the new Mum )

Uncles and cousin to follow,



Angela Petrelli [userpic]

I certainly hope no one expects me to buy that load of tripe that I was just fed as an explanation as to why I am suddenly not where I'm supposed to be.

Does anyone care to explain exactly what is going on here, and why someone felt it was necessary to so rudely interrupt my lunch in order to play a hilariously unfunny practical joke?

Mia Jesbar [userpic]

That show Heroes is over for the season, right? Thank the Force. I'm tired of seeing the boards flooded with whining or emo posts every Monday night.

If a show is making you that emo or upset about your life or your family's or whatever? Don't watch it! It's real simple. You have a chance to forget about all that and start over new here, but instead you keep churning up the past and keeping up the drama. It's gotten real old. Find another hobby.

[OOC: It's not my intent to discourage posts from anyone. I do NOT feel this way OOC. This is how *Mia feels IC* and she's just in a pissy mood. Feel free to keep posting about whatever/whenever you want, feel free to have your pup -- whoever they may be, Heroes or not -- reply and tell her off for her post if they want to. It's just IC here. ♥]

I.. give up.

I need to go. Can't I just go?

Nate )

There I said it's up to him.

. . . huh. Haven't done THAT in years.

Whoa. That was kinda . . . yeah. Mom and Dad are gonna throw a fit if they find out I ditched Secret Service again.

Voice post

*giggling, before a little girl's voice starts saying her newly learned word*

Shit! Heeeeee! Shitshitshit!


[ooc: Heroes spoilers in comments]

Alright fess up you little pixies, which one of ya hid my phone, Uncle Kane/Da can't seem to find it.

Voice Post



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