World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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What the hell...?

Enterprise? Come in. Scotty, where the hell did you beam me?!

I don't think the pigeons like me all that much.

And, I'm pretty positive pigeons don't cohabit the Auror department.

And I think they want Dad's sandwich. Um.

Cripes, Mum's gonna kill me if she's around here.. There won't be anything left of me. Lils better write me a nice eulogy, because there is no way I'm going to be able to go home and come out of that lecture alive.

Um. . .

Iowa again.

But even less interesting.

I must have died. This is hell.

Communicator's dead, no sign of any kind of intelligent life.

I'll take the horrific ice planet again, at least it was interesting.

OOC: James is no longer going to be tagging back, due to his reunion with his father. Thanks for all the threadage! Anyone who wants to log their date, plz e-mail the mun.

Uhura to Enterprise... Scotty, something went wrong with the transporter. I'm not-


Computer, what is the current stardate? Computer?

Well this is definitely un-airshippy.  It's neat, though; I can see a desert just like the Sanubia. Maybe I'll go check that out later, see if I can find Home.

I wonder where everyone else is ..

msauce [userpic]

I have a new nickname...


I think it's to make fun of me.

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