World In Her Hands
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. . . Huh.

elle bishop doesn't want to just be damaged [userpic]

For Ethan )

For Gabriel )

It's not fair.

Current Mood: devastated devastated
bonnie deville [userpic]

Private to Lynn, Aaron, Dick, Veronica, Lilly, Duncan, Meg, Charlie, Keke,Brooke, Ethan, his spouses and children,Sam, Jess, John, all other spouses and children of the above listed people. )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Random nights I just miss being a kid like I was last summer. I don't regret what I have. I just miss that lack of routine.

A year and two days ago six tests spelled it out for me.

Six months ago people yelled 'harpoon the whale' whenever I was on the beach.

Tomorrow, my son will be four months old. Eight months away from celebrating his first birthday.

Where has the time gone? A year and three days ago the craziest thing I had going for me was that stupid wedding and those stupid drinks and that stupid arrest thanks to Lassie.

bonnie deville [userpic]

Inglorious Basterds wasn't bad. It's Tarantino, so death scenes had a tendency to be retch-inducing, but it was really interesting and Brad Pitt was actually pretty good. So if anyone's thinking of going to see it, you have my opinion on it.

Ace is gonna be four months old in just a couple of weeks. He's getting pretty good at holding himself up a little on his arms when he's on his belly, but it doesn't last long. Pretty soon he's gonna be crawling and stuff. The time flies.

bonnie deville [userpic]

Stomach virus FTL.

bonnie deville [userpic]

Kind of interesting, to wonder where you'd be if you'd made different choices a year ago.

God, a year.

Gabriel )

Current Mood: mischievous mischievous
bonnie deville [userpic]
Blocked from Aaron and anyone else that might make her mood worse.

You know what? I give up.

I cannot handle this. I've been handling shit like this for a year and it slowed down and I thought oh good I passed the test and WHAT DO YOU KNOW? MORE SHIT.

You all stop picking fights that affect my baby's life or I'll Godbox to knock the shit out of you. Cancer or no cancer.

And for God's sakes STOP SHUTTING ME OUT.

Hey Ethan. You okay?

I should be in bed. But I'm not.

I think I'm getting too old for this.

Current Mood: just a little loopy just a little loopy

Mom )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Uh. Babe.

Care to explain? )

Um. . .

Iowa again.

But even less interesting.

I must have died. This is hell.

Communicator's dead, no sign of any kind of intelligent life.

I'll take the horrific ice planet again, at least it was interesting.

OOC: James is no longer going to be tagging back, due to his reunion with his father. Thanks for all the threadage! Anyone who wants to log their date, plz e-mail the mun.

It's taken me a week to process the end of that awful show.

I just want to say one thing. Elle, Ethan? If it hadn't been for you two, I wouldn't be who I am today. So thank you for allowing me to be the naturally evil bastard I am without all the crazy insanity that guy obviously has.

I'm an uncle, to the most amazing kid on the planet.

Current Mood: ecstatic ecstatic
bonnie deville [userpic]

We'd like for you all to meet...: )

[OOC: This post isn't blocked from anyone, just cut for pic and large text. Guys, pretend this was posted at around 11:30 AM PST. I couldn't wait any longer XD]

bonnie deville [userpic]

Well guys, we're due today and nothing so far. Duncan's invited us to visit in Neptune, see if we can't smoke him out. Not holding out a ton of hope, but some.

Ethan, Mom, you guys know we'll call the minute anything changes so you can box out to be here for the big event.

For now? Momma wants food.

Angela Petrelli [userpic]

I certainly hope no one expects me to buy that load of tripe that I was just fed as an explanation as to why I am suddenly not where I'm supposed to be.

Does anyone care to explain exactly what is going on here, and why someone felt it was necessary to so rudely interrupt my lunch in order to play a hilariously unfunny practical joke?

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