World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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Voice Post

*The message consists of a little boy's voice, loudly singing "Mary Had a Little Lamb", off-key*

Current Mood: bouncy bouncy
Angela Petrelli [userpic]

I certainly hope no one expects me to buy that load of tripe that I was just fed as an explanation as to why I am suddenly not where I'm supposed to be.

Does anyone care to explain exactly what is going on here, and why someone felt it was necessary to so rudely interrupt my lunch in order to play a hilariously unfunny practical joke?

voice post

I tant fine Tuddwes!

I seem to have a problem.....seems someone dropped off a belated birthday present fer me and I can't keep but one part of it. I sure hope some can help me find a place for the other parts.

Cuteness behind the cut )

Voice Post

I wanssa puppeh!

This is nothing short of unacceptable and I'll not be treated in this manner.  Someone must - and indeed, will - pay for this, mark that. 

Voice Post with image attachment.


Elle Bishop [userpic]

Karma sucks.

Voice post

*sound of a little boy crying*

'Essy? Mah tummeh no feew goods . . .

Mummy? Missah Awfuh say he mah daddy now . . . Is he mah daddy?


bonnie deville [userpic]

Be it known that today, the Fifth of October 2008, was the first day when I couldn't get my jeans to fit no matter how flat on my back on the bed I was, or the amount of sucking in I did.

I have pregnancy limbo, too small for maternity wear and too pudgy for my jeans.

Au revoir, size 2.

Hello elastic waistbands.

I gotta go cry now.

bonnie deville [userpic]

Oooh Shawnie, gettin' a vision. . it's. . *gasp* Lassy! And. . .travel plans?

Strange, so strange. Huh.

What? I am resting. And communicating. . .

This is the part where my box gets taken, no pun intended.

They're awesome by the way, Rodney, thanks again, doll.

ETA: Logan. )

ETA2: Sev. )

Elle Bishop (age 2) [userpic]

I hef cookie naw.

Current Mood: hungry hungry
Elle Bishop (age 2) [userpic]

I wake someone pway wif meh

Pffffffffffffft. No sweepy.



You boys better get back here with my mouse and mousepad, or you get no ice cream after dinner tonight!

Phone post

*The sound of sniffling can be heard over the playback, followed by a little timid voice*

Addee Oode? Es scawaded. . .

Current Mood: scared scared
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