World In Her Hands
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Waited fourteen years for this?

... wait, what IS this? Hello?

I'm... bored. How could *I* be bored?!

Um. . .

Iowa again.

But even less interesting.

I must have died. This is hell.

Communicator's dead, no sign of any kind of intelligent life.

I'll take the horrific ice planet again, at least it was interesting.

OOC: James is no longer going to be tagging back, due to his reunion with his father. Thanks for all the threadage! Anyone who wants to log their date, plz e-mail the mun.

What... what just happened? Doctor... er... John? Are you here?

I found my TARDIS!

This... isn't where I parked my ship.

I- oh, Belgium, not again. It's like pandimensional pong with you people, isn't it?

Raven, Tosh, Sarah Jane? Kids? Role call, folks, it'd take me too long to check in one-by-one.

Feeling restless already. What is there to do in this place? Or why hasn't one of you Doctor's come to take me to some planet already?

Rose Marion Tyler [userpic]

This place again?

Oh this here is beautiful! I can write all my thoughts out in cool ways here!


Well... what is this? And where is my TARDIS?

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