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War Is Coming Communications.



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November 14th, 2012

Filtered against evil/psycho vamps/Crowley

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Going out into the public four days after the movie about my life hits DVD? Not the best idea I've ever had. I was at the store and got kind of mini-mobbed. And I jdon't mean a small mob of people, I mean...there was this whole group of kids wanting pictures and signatures and stuff. So...because I didn't have it in me to say no to a bunch of 7-10 year olds who don't realize I'm not the actor, but the actual guy they're all hyped up over, I did that for like half an hour until I found a way to slip out.

Still not used to the being recognized thing. Don't think I'll ever get used to that.

November 13th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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Oi, Andrew. I see how you spend your free time. Never knew you and Vi were so...musical together.

November 11th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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I'm still getting used to this laptop thingy. Computers were always Willow's thing. I've somehow managed to get my cell phone to work most of the time though. Yay progress?

I really need to do something with myself other than patrolling. If anyone knows of any paying gigs that a college drop out could do, shoot me a message! I swear I'm a dedicated and hard worker.

November 7th, 2012

Filtered to Xander

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Your dates have to have a chaperone? What did you do to make the girl implement that rule?

November 3rd, 2012

No baddies!

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Hey Clark? I was texting with Lois and she said she was slow texting right now cause she's got a hangnail and said she didn't want to pluck it herself cause ow. But it's gotta be snagged, you know?

So aside from my doofy sister, what is everyone else up to tonight?

Do you like videogamey things? You seem like someone that would like videogamey things. And if you do like them, I'm thinking we should go see Wreck It Ralph cause it came out already and it looks hilarious. Let me know if you like this plan.

November 1st, 2012

Filtered against evil & crazy vamps x2

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I may have competition in the future.... What do you think?
Read more... )

October 29th, 2012

Filtered Against Baddies

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I really hate Joss Whedon. And Tom Lenk. They both need to just stop it.

October 28th, 2012

Filtered Against the Usuals!

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So. Party last night was pretty much made of win. I'm sure there's a lot of people that agree with me on that front, right? Rose, feel free to throw a party every month. Also, yes. I still have your Cinderella waffle iron. Let me know when you need it back, because until then I'm probably going to keep on making the princess waffles.

And because if I ever make a post that isn't at least partly random I'll start having people think I'm a pod person or something, here's some random! I was reading on the internet a few minutes ago (OMG big shocker there, right?) and apparently blue eyed people see better in the dark than people with other eye colors. Guess that explains all the blue eyes hiding behind masks in Gotham!

October 24th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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I saw a couple of people were concerned about what happened last year, when everyone turned into their costumes at the Halloween party. It won't happen this year. At least, it shouldn't - Gabriel was the one who caused it, last time, and he's gone not here.

So unless the seal decides to copy him for some reason, you don't have anything to worry about.

And if it does happen, you can't blame him, this ti

Just thought I should point that out.

Filtered Against Evil, they're not invited to the party!

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Since clearly word has not spread enough! SATURDAY NIGHT! There's a party. A great big party of Halloween filled amazingness. Yes, you should dress up. ...let's not let what happened last year get to us, okay? We're going to have music and dancing and tons of food and it's going to be amazing. I'm holding it at the Youth Center, mostly because the gymnasium there can hold everyone with no problem and it isn't as weird getting a DJ in the complex.

NOW! I know not everyone is rolling in money and some of you are new to this time period. You are not exempt. I raided a few costume shops as well as the antique store I used to work at. There's now a huge pile of costumes and pieces that can be made into costumes sitting in the front office at the Center. Neutral location, see how I work? Let's all be friends, dammit If you don't have a costume yet, come on by and take a look, see if you can find something you like.

I expect to see everyone there. No exceptions, or I will stern-face at you. I'm looking at you, Moody Gisborne.


You left in the middle of the night again. Start leaving a note, would you?
I know you're not big on crowds. I don't blame you. But would you come by? At least for a little while? I'd love for you to see what all I've gotten done.

Also, Toby should come to the party.

[Peter and Andrew]

Sure would be nice if you two could have a date to the party. How long are you going to keep this up? I'm like, legit afraid to talk to you guys in public in case someone catches on

October 21st, 2012

Filtered Against Baddies

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Dear I'm Sexy And I Know It,

Please get out of my head. You are a fun song and all, but not when you're stuck in my head. Then you're just made of annoying.

No Love,

Hey, so any chance you still wanna do that movie thing soon? You're totally allowed to say no if you don't want to, especially since it's been like forever since we talked about it.

October 20th, 2012

Filtered to Xander

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Hey, there's a Star Trek convention in London that a few of us are going to this weekend. And I'm going in the TARDIS. Do you want to go? You'll have to get a pass and a hotel and stuff, cause we're getting dropped off later today and picked up on Sunday, but yes. This is an option.

[ooc: Pretend this was posted just after when we're pretending Handy's post was. Because I was at work all day. UGH.]

October 19th, 2012

Filtered against Evil

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So who all is coming along for this trip to London? I want to make sure we don't leave anyone behind by mistake.

Also I've got the morning shift in the medbay on Saturday, so I'll probably have to drop you all off this afternoon for you to make it to your big convention in time. I'll be back over there by Saturday evening, London time, I should think, and be able to take everyone back to Lawrence on Sunday. This would be much easier if the old girl could still move through time as well as space.

[ooc: meant to post this earlier, but I've not felt well all day. So, please pretend this was all up this morning? also I feel like I've forgotten something in regards to this post, but I can't figure out what. please feel free to yell at me about it!]

October 20th, 2012

Filtered against evil and Tara

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All right, so here's thing. Some of you know me, be it from that damn tv show or from previous versions of me that have been here before, but fact is? You don't know me. Not this specific version of me. So, you know, whatever you know? Keep it mind, sure, it is part of who I used to be, who I still have the potential to be under the right certain circumstances, but who I have no intention of being again in the foreseeable future. Except the things other me's have done here. You should forget those things. Don't judge me on what I haven't done, yeah? Keep that stuff in mind, but don't pull bullshit snap judgement calls because "ooh vampire" or "I know your past" because that's just fuckin' annoying.

October 18th, 2012

filtered from evil

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Know what’s not a fun late night experience to have happen?

Watching TV and seeing your face twin skipping off into a lake topless while having smaller breasts than you do. How is that even possible? I have nice sized breasts and those ones were small. This place just likes to screw with me. First my mom is me and my grandma is me and my great grandma is me and now this?

Also, apparently when you’re pregnant, your breasts will increase a cup size or two. Who knew?

October 17th, 2012

Filtered against all the usuals

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The mini-mini Tripod cleaner/butler robot needs a name. Who wants to help me name him?!

Filtered against evil

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Gonna be over here, downing booze til I forget what I learned tonight. Don't feel bad for being the bearer of bad news, mate, I asked for it. Doesn't make it any easier to hear, though.

October 11th, 2012

Evil filter

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Talk about rude, seal. Send me home to go through one last apocolypse and then steal me right back after we lost so much? I have no words. No, I take that back. I have a lot of words, but if I said them all to you I'd be a crazy person because I'd be talking to an inanimate object.

Who's still here? Dawn?

October 12th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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Hey, Powers That Be, just so you know, I really don't appreciate all the unplanned universal travel today, all right? Bringing me back takes the point out of the whole "sacrificing myself for the world" bit, don't you think?

Anyway, I've got the basic rundown. Alternate universe, Lucifer, Apocalypse, Demons... basically the same scene I just toasted myself for. Bloody cycle never fucking ends, does it?

Oh yeah, and if anyone's got a solution to fix being a bloody ghost when that's not your normal state of being, let's have it, yeah?

October 8th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer.

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Since a lot of us are new here to the great and wonderful state that is Kansas, I thought I would take it upon myself to share some of their more delightful laws with you. You know, so you crazy kids don't get into any trouble with those pesky lawmen and all.

(1) If two trains meet on the same track, neither shall proceed until the other has passed.

(2) No one may sing the alphabet on the streets at night.

(3) It is illegal to hunt whales.

(4) It is illegal to put ice cream on cherry pie.

(5) It is illegal to throw knives at men wearing striped suits.

Annnnd a few laws specific to Lawrence are:

(1) No one may wear a bee in their hat. (There goes my wardrobe idea for tomorrow.)

(2) All cars entering the city limits must first sound their horn to warn the horses of their arrival. (It's the polite thing to do, you see.)
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