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War Is Coming Communications.



February 23rd, 2013

Fuck off Evil

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So, what's a crabby old princess supposed to do when she doesn't have two annoying teenagers pining over one another and worrying all the time to look after? Y'know other than getting drunk and finding hunts


I miss them
I can't
I need another dri

You still here?

December 6th, 2012


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I fucking hate demons.

Scale of tame to batshit

You don't think I'm a hag, right? Lame Joke

Jesus, this has all been a mess. You and Peeta, you two'll be all right, right?


So, I lied to the demon. I really care. And you've got a home here no matter what.

Hey, don't take shit that thing said to heart. Nothing he said was anything you can't fix. Nobody is going to hold that shit against you.

December 5th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Katniss, Cindy, and Prim

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I want the tattoo.

And I'm sorry. For anything I said...or did.

I remember the things yours said to mine...does that mean you remember the things mine said to yours...? ...and if so, can we both agree to keep those things to ourselves...? Please?

Thank you. I...really can't say it enough.

The stuff that thing said
I don't
I can't


December 4th, 2012

Filtered to Cindy/Katniss/Prim

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Demon's gone. Peeta's...he's not okay. He won't be, not for awhile. But he's not hurt. He's at my place for now.

December 2nd, 2012

against evil

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[[After this
NOTE: since thread is incomplete, Katniss is...pretty seriously injured. DemonPeeta was not messing around. So if Cindy could come collect her from by the salt lines that would be swell]]

prim sty inside. peetas possssesd cindy or tom dnt let them hurthim

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Oh where, oh where has your Mockingjay gone?

Oh where, oh where can she be...?

[Other Demons]

Think she'll light up like the Girl On Fire they think she is? Because I might just go back for round two, if so...that was kinda fun.

[edited in after talking to 'Darcy']

[Sam Winchester]
Hey there, buddy ol' pal. How's that blood addiction going...? Bet you're really jonesin' right about now, huh...? I can help with that. I'm happy to share.

Filtered against evil/possessed people/anyone under 20

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You know how most big ideas go around here? Somebody suggests something. Somebody else disagrees. Fights start. Hurt egos get in the way of sorting shit out and, mostly, the big ideas get lost in the mix until nobody even remembers what the fuck people were fighting about in the first place. I've been here long enough to have seen it happen again, and again, and again. Mostly I stay out of it, because if grown adults want to act like whiny preteens, that's their business. This one time I'm speaking up because whether you believe he worded some of those replies badly or not (which is an argument I'm not getting involved in either way) the basic principle's a damn good idea, and the only people that stand to lose out if all we do is bicker until it gets forgotten is the kids.

That'd be a damn shame, wouldn't it? So let's just cut the shit out and for once, try to work together like rational, civil people. We don't have to sing campfire songs or any of that bullshit, but can we stow the bruised egos and try to work on it? Can we do that? Maybe?

I must be fucking crazy. Tell me I'm fucking crazy.

December 1st, 2012

Filtered Against evil, Jerry, Katherine, possessed people, and minors

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So during this discussion with Hermione, she's brought up some fairly good points. Kids are more likely to lose things, so depending on the amulets may not be enough. I don't like the idea of allowing kids that young to get a permanent tattoo, but getting some temps made up might not be a bad idea. Or, if we ever get this power inhibition sorted out, perhaps looking into some way to create an imprint on the skin using magic so that it is painless.

Though, like I said to Hermione there, even if you have the tattoo, somethign could happen to damage it. So, those of you with the tattoo, I'd recommend wearing the amulet as well, especially given the current situation.

That matter aside... I've been thinking. The Seal seems to like sending kids through to this shithole far too often. And I know some of them are getting old enough that they can manage on their own, and others show up and have family here that can look after them. But then we get ones like Hermione, who are far too young to be living on their own. It might be a good idea to set up some kind of foster care system for kids, say, 15 and younger, or thereabouts. We could set up a list of volunteers, stable adults who would be able to look after a child until the Seal pulls them back or sends an adult they know and trust through. Any thoughts on this?

November 26th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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For those who don't know me too well, I'm Tom Judge. I used to be a Catholic priest. I might be three different shades of excommunicated these days, but the Latin got drilled in. I've also been to the camp, and I've got way too much experience going toe-to-toe with different types of demons. If anybody gets stuck out and needs help, I'll be keeping an eye on the boards. You can also reach me at [phone number] if making a post would take too long.

November 22nd, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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Forgot how much work cooking a big meal was....

At least Peeta has the dessert covered.


[Texts to Tom Judge]

> Hey, still hanging in there?
> What are you doing?
> As in right now and today?

November 15th, 2012

Filtered from Evil

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I saw myself today. On that television thing. The day before I...

Does it ever get easier that this world knows so much of us. It had my friends, my parents, that policeman...

October 8th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer.

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Since a lot of us are new here to the great and wonderful state that is Kansas, I thought I would take it upon myself to share some of their more delightful laws with you. You know, so you crazy kids don't get into any trouble with those pesky lawmen and all.

(1) If two trains meet on the same track, neither shall proceed until the other has passed.

(2) No one may sing the alphabet on the streets at night.

(3) It is illegal to hunt whales.

(4) It is illegal to put ice cream on cherry pie.

(5) It is illegal to throw knives at men wearing striped suits.

Annnnd a few laws specific to Lawrence are:

(1) No one may wear a bee in their hat. (There goes my wardrobe idea for tomorrow.)

(2) All cars entering the city limits must first sound their horn to warn the horses of their arrival. (It's the polite thing to do, you see.)

October 6th, 2012

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[Filtered AWAY from: Evil/Lucifer, Jerry, Katherine, Storybrooke (plus Disney!Belle) and anyone under 21]

I need to be very very drunk right now. Who can recommend anywhere to go for that?

Filtered Against Evil

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Fuck filters

So, I'm watching myself being portrayed by a popstar named Brandy. Best way to spend a Friday night? Probably not.

How many versions of me-based movies are there again? Anyone got any favorites? Might as well torture myself

[Peeta and Katniss]

Figured I should let you two know this, just in case.

But if anything happens to me and I get eaten by the damn seal the house, the cars, the money...all of it is your's. I had the papers drawn up forever ago that it'd all go to you two. The paperwork with the account numbers and everything else with all of the information is in my bedroom taped to the underside of the nightstand drawer. It's all legitimate too.

I'm staying at my other place tonight too.


One of my
My friend got eaten by the god damned seal.


My friend was eaten by the seal. What's up with you?

September 29th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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Centuries old and I still get restless and bored
And I still don't feel like the most social person
Apparently old habits and skills never go completely away. Cleaned and fixed my house up pretty easily.


Just got everything fully fixed up at my place after that bitch wrecked everything.

[Sam Winchester]

Got any lists of hunts going on right now?

[Peeta and Katniss]

Sorry about the house, guys. It's all fixed and repaired now.

How you both doing now that it's all said and done?



Now that the ghosts are gone how you fairing? Haven't gotten any more calls to pick you up, so I've assumed not too awful?

Think we can forget about how blubbery a drunk I was

September 21st, 2012

Nooo Evil Fuck offfff Alsooo go aWAY if you disapprove

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Dorothyy Gale is a bitchbuuuut she gets funny when i'm driking.


Why didnt i grab her slippres could have psissed her off.

[Katniss and Peeta]

Won''t be baack tonihgt. I'm fiiine though.

[Tom Judge]


Havent' gotten yourself arrestd again?

September 16th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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First time I've broken a rib without even leaving my apartment. He dropped a bookshelf on me in the middle of the night since he couldn't get past the salt line.

Filtered Against Baddies, Jerry, and Warren even the filter doesn't work on him

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Get headphones for computer: Check.
Stock up on rock salt: Check.
Get an iron fire poker: Check.
Get snacks that you don't need to leave a salt circle to prepare: Check.
Download movies for computer so that you can stay within the circle and drown out EVIL ghosts: In progress.

This is my gameplan until I can figure something else out.

September 14th, 2012

Stay Out Kids (Especially Peeta)

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Who else got ghosts that are annoying as fuck?

'Cause I killed this bitch twice already. I'm getting sick of her face.

filtered against evil, Katherine, Jerry

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How exactly do you send a spirit back to hell?
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