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War Is Coming Communications.



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March 10th, 2014

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Mère, père

Où sont s'il vous plaît ils ?

Mother, papa

Where please are they?

March 4th, 2014

Filtered from evil

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I still feel like there's people in this town I don't know, new ones arrive every once in a while and it kind of makes me sad that we fight more than we talk.

I'm Eponine. I run an inn for displaced that maybe aren't used to the world yet, how it works, how this time works, cause believe me it took some getting used to. I'm always here if people need someone to listen. I'm not book smart or anything but I know things, and maybe I can help.


I saw a dress. Its an amazing dress. But spending that much money on something I will only use once. I don't know that I can do that when there are still people hungry and in need of a home.

How do the rest of you do it?


Soup kitchens later? I always feel like I don't do enough.

I thought the hungry people would end after...I didn't know it was everywhere

February 7th, 2014

Mass Texts to Robin's Friends

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[Specifically those 'in the know'. Anyone else she'll let him worry about telling when he's up to it]

>> Robin's in hospital
>> Internal bleeding from an injury
>> The doctor said he's stable, but I don't know how much that means right now

[Texts to Eponine]

>> If I confide in you something, can you keep it a secret?
>> I need someone on my side, here

January 21st, 2014

Texts to Rose

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>> Rose?
>> Can I tell you something?
>> I mean if you're alright to...
>> I have news
>> But if you're not ready

January 20th, 2014

Texts to Eponine

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>> Shouldn't have even bothered with work today
>> Everyone is staying home from the snow and the holiday
>> I hate to bring it up like this
>> But...are we telling anyone?

January 18th, 2014

No lingering loyalists

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So, on Thursday I was bored and decided to play with my new King of Hell powers and was accidentally blasphemous.

It might have made the news

I regret nothing.

January 13th, 2014


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I want to help. Can you tell me how to help? Because I need you to be well. I've prayed and prayed for you, for all of you but

December 25th, 2013

Filtered from Lucifer loyalists

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I'm going to be the one to do it, to ask.

Who...who isn't here? Who did we lose?

What happens now?

December 19th, 2013

Filtered Against Lucifer

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The answers in war are never simple. I believe we can all agree, however, that it is time. We move. Now.

Detroit, Michigan is 801 miles away. Do we have a way to transport an army to this point? As many as are willing to fight with us. The front lines will, of course, take on Lucifer himself. He will be surrounded by supporters attempting to stop what we intend to do, and that is where the others will come in. Exorcise if you can, if there is time, but we may no longer have a choice. When under attack, quick thinking and intelligent decisions need to be made. Self-sacrifice is not an option unless it becomes a requirement.

You all have a part to play in this, and I would prefer to not deal with any bickering or in fighting. We stand together or we do not stand at all. You may choose to trust me or you may hate me, but you will follow or we will lose. And losing is not something I do well.

If you are all ready and willing to stand together to end this once and for all, we leave in forty-eight hours. Find transport and soon. Further strategy information will come, and suggestions will be looked at. I am not unreasonable and any help will be welcomed.

[Sam Winchester]

You, however, tie up your loose ends and go ahead of us. Do what it is you need to do. We will be there as your backup if needed. Jacen will accompany you and distract Lucifer to give you your edge on him.


Stay in touch. Do what needs to be done and let me know how it's going. If we don't have to move this weak and somewhat pathetic army at all, even better.

December 13th, 2013

Filtered from Lucifer

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He's not downstairs is he

....he'll ruin everything

Its the nightmares isn't it.

December 2nd, 2013

No Evil / Lydia M. / Lydia's Friends

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I think I am not going to enjoy this holiday season. I have no family here and few friends, and now I am alone. Is it bad I wish for the seal to take me back now? At least home I would have Marguerite and Percy with me. I miss them terribly.


Do you perhaps have time for tea and chatting today? Or soon, if not today? I want to know if I did something wrong for Lydia to do what she did. I am very confused right now and I do not like it.


Thank you for making sure I did not get sick, and for not forcing me to talk about things. Depending on how my day goes I may go out for more drinks. If I do, would you like to accompany me again? I do not think I will drink as much, and I might be a better drinking partner in that I am not trying to actively drown my sorrows.


Treat her well. That's all I ask.

[ETA: Allison]

I suppose you know by now, as you are Lydia's best friend. I hope this does not affect our friendship, as you are one of my favorite people here.

November 30th, 2013

No Evil

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Okay, I really hate this term, but can I play devil's advocate for a second? I know a lot of us have really crappy futures to return to, but what if we don't? What if going home will reunite us with friends and family we really miss here? I mean, I have a good life here. I have great friends I love who I wouldn't have met otherwise. But the only person here from my world hates my guts and every day I miss my friends and my crew and my ship. Eventually I want to go home. I know I can't be the only one. So what are we supposed to do? Leave Lucifer free so everyone else can stay and start praying the seal takes us back? Put him back in his cage and hope those that want to stay can stay and those that want to go home can leave? I don't want to start a fight but I'm just curious.

November 27th, 2013

no evil

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ive not celebrated thanksgiving before since it is american. but apparently its a time to help those less fortunate. there are five homeless shelters in lawrence. i think maybe i want to bring them all food somehow. like we used to. only different now. maybe use the kitchen at the inn and try to prepare a turkey though ive not cooked one of those before either.

or open the inn to people who need a meal. ill cook it. i can pay for it. i think. maybe there is a way to get to those not at the shelters either.

enjolras? eponine? can I use the kitchen for it?

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[Filtered to Friends and Inn Residents-But Not Eponine!]

Is there anyone who'd be willing to take charge of the Inn for a couple of days? Two nights at most. All we'd really need is someone willing to check on guests if there are any present (which at the moment, it's only the displaced, but things come up) and prepare meals.

I'm looking to steal my girl away for a weekend.


Don't make any plans for this weekend.

November 26th, 2013

No Evil Here, Please!

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Apparently, my due date is July 5th.

No, you are not using my baby as your beacon of American hope and pride.

And he or she will also not be the antipatriot, either.

We're just going to have a nice, normal baby who wears colours other than red, white, and blue.

November 18th, 2013

Filtered Against Evil and Children

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I don't want to alarm anyone...

No, that's a lie. I do. We should be alarmed.

I'm pretty sure he has John. Thats who he's talking about. I went to check on bring him tea this morning. There's no sign of him. And now Moriarty is saying... Well. Bit obvious.

I'm sorry. I should have done more to

November 10th, 2013

current inn residents.

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Nevermind the noise, broke a lamp. Carry on. I'll replace it later.

November 9th, 2013

Filtered Against Evil

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We have furniture! And most of it is moved in and some of it has to be delivered but we have actual furniture! And I bought paint and a border for the bath and we will truly have no savings left once we're done but I don't care because it is so beautiful! Call it stupid, call it old-fashioned (which perhaps I am, a bit, 12th century and all), but I feel like a proper wife doing all of this. Settling into a house and all.

It's perfect. A little too perfect, something is bound to No. Not dwelling on that right now

[Filtered to Females-but you know, non evil ones?]

Robin bought me a baby bib.

I mean, not for me to wear. That's just silly. And it's a ridiculous, Robin's Ego Needs Inflating Sometimes one.

But it's still a baby bib. And I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. And if I should tell him I think I might

November 6th, 2013

No Evil

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I have been thinking for a time that it might be best if I had access to a pistol of some sort. These are dangerous and uncertain times, and I would feel safer if I had something to protect myself and those I care about. Is there a way to obtain one legally, and if so, what would I need? And if not, could someone help me obtain one anyway?

[Lydia M.]

Has your new roommate driven you to distraction yet? I'm curious. And if you are free, perhaps we could go out on a date. I will let you decide when and where and what we do, if you would like.

[Enjolras & Eponine]

Thank you both for your hospitality. I still feel the need to repay your kindness, though. Is there anything you need, any help I can provide? I have too much free time right now and need to do something.

October 29th, 2013

No Evil, GTFO Harry Yorke

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YOU GUYS! I totes just watched this whole documentary type thingie on what would happen if the Earth legit stopped spinning. Guess what? Kansas would so be the center of the Earth. Like, there would be one major continent and Kansas would be the one place running things because we'd be by the ocean and everything. I am so not even making this up.

You can't tell me this is a coincidence considering hi, Apocalypse, meet Lawrence, Kansas. Whaaat?? For reals.

BTdubs, the great Lydia Bennet has no Halloween costume yet. FIX IT. Suggestions, begin making them!
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